The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 890: The thirteenth Seraph!

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Chu You knew that if the Holy Archangel absorbed the Holy Angel City, the nature would be the same as that of Heralda, and the Holy Angel could no longer be recruited in the future, because this arms nest would be transformed into energy and inhaled by San Lahtia. Then awakened in the body.

Only this time, the situation is more perverted than Heralah. The City of Holy Angel is originally a T10-level arm. It is itself an invisible sacred light angel. This is also an ancient existence of super-order. The body is more important than the big devil. Trier is much more advanced.

Therefore, once absorbed, a super-super existence that is much stronger than Heralah will be born, and the current Archangel Archer is even stronger than Heralah.

Seems to face a choice?

You have to know that this soldier nest, but he spent too much too much heaven and earth energy stone evolution formed, once let the Holy Archangel absorb it, this... Is it really difficult to choose? !

"What you will look like after awakening."

"I will be your **** of battle!" San Lahtia spoke amazingly, "and you will be my core source!"

System: Whether to authorize the Holy Archangel San Lahtia to absorb the Holy Angel City, once absorbed the arms nest will no longer exist, but will produce amazing changes, this change is extremely beneficial to you.

Okay, I want to see how you will become.

No longer hesitating, Chu You immediately determined the option and authorized the other party to absorb the Holy Angel City, the seed of the ancient invisible angel.

St. Lahtia bowed slightly to herself, then turned around and walked towards the Holy Angel City.

When she came to the soldiers' nest, she stretched out her hands and spread her palms, and suddenly the light appeared, and the pillar of energy formed by the bright breath shot at the gate of the Holy Angel City.

I saw that the Holy Angel City opened the door, and the pillar of bright energy shot into the endless brilliance.

At this moment, the energy column of breath has changed. It can be seen that one end inside the energy column of breath is flushed out of the endless brilliance by a kind of physical radiant energy, and the entire column of energy of light breath is filled up in an instant. Lahtia's palms are connected.

Then the whole person of San Lahtia was wrapped in this physical light.

System: San Lahtia is absorbing Holy Angel City.

Chu You looked calmly awaiting the result.

After a few seconds, the expression moved slightly, the system prompt came again, and the scene also changed.

System: The holy archangel scepter in your body is divinely sensed.

A ray of the same entity is connected to himself.

System: The sacred archangel attribute in your body is undergoing evolution.

The trough is more powerful. Is it the sacred archangel scepter that is already a quasi-artifact? Will this time evolve into a real artifact?

Now you can see that the Holy Angel City has begun to transform into the original form of the Holy Seed form, which also means that the volume of the soldier nest is getting smaller.

The frequency of system prompts has also increased at this moment.

System: The holy archangel St. Lahtia inherited the characteristics of the arms nest of the holy angel city...

System: Your fortress’ research on arms is playing a role...

System: The attribute of your sacred archangel scepter is working...

System: St. Lahtia can give birth to 10 holy angels every week, and you can get 10 holy angels for free from the holy archangel St. Lahtia every week.

System: The attribute of your sacred archangel scepter changes qualitatively and becomes a true artifact.

System: Holy Archangel San Lahtia fully absorbs all the power of the ancient Seed of Holy Angel.

System: Success in awakening the ranks of sacred angels, rank level: Seraph (God)!

System: San Lahtia becomes the thirteenth Seraph in the angel sequence!

System: St. Lahtia is fully integrated with your soul and inherits your soul mark.

At this time a sound of dull thunder sounded, the Holy Angel City has completely disappeared, and its own light has gradually disappeared.

‘Kats Katz’

I saw the embrittlement of the radiant matter encapsulating San Lahtia.

The next moment, ‘Boom! ’

The extremely dazzling light radiated from the bursting light material, Chu You vaguely saw a beautiful figure in the endless light.

Soon the dazzling light was absorbed by the figure inside until it was restored to the original environment.

At this moment, both Chu You and San Lahtia were completely in their true state.

San Lahtia is a little different, and Chu You is a little different.

System: San Lahtia has been transformed into a true divine form.

I saw this holy archangel who absorbed the holy angel city, whose appearance could not be described by beauty, because the change of temperament made her more sacred and incomprehensible.

Behind her is not the holy six-mantle wings, but the holy six-man light wings, and the wandering trajectory of the light wings creates airflow fluctuations in the surrounding space. This airflow fluctuations form a huge and spectacular angel wings.

Chu You checked it.

Name: God Seraph.

Name: St. Lahtia.

Attribution: You Ye.

Species: Seraph Rank, Divine Archangel (transformed from soldiers into NPCs with spirits).

Star position: 200-level 12-star initial perfection.

Status: The humanoid form manifested by the gods, female, and the property of the soldier's nest (10 holy angels are recruited for you every week)

Divine energy: 70 million!

Skills: Consume your own sacred energy and transform into the power of possessing gods!

Note: Since the energy environment between heaven and earth does not match the holy energy of St. Lahtia, when St. Lahtia appears to be alive, it will automatically consume her sacred energy. This is the same as its own dragon body, but the dragon There are only 5 million dragon words, and this...

70 million divine power!

Looking at the details of San Lahtia's attributes, Chu You has an unexpected and reasonable look on her face.

Surprisingly, he seems to be confused to get a powerful **** in the top battle sequence, which is even more powerful than the 12-star archangel of the artifact! Still more powerful!

In the previous life, Chu You never saw the presence of the holy archangel, including the later period, so I really don’t know that this change will occur.

In the sense, the Holy Angel is already a very powerful T10 class. If there is no fortress bonus, if there is no Divine Archangel Scepter bonus, then the Holy Angel City can only recruit 1 per week! One!

Only one can be recruited in a week, and 10 weeks can be merged with the scepter of the holy archangel to form a holy archangel.

Only 10 divine archangels can be combined into a divine archangel.

It is equal to 100 weeks before a holy archangel appears!

How many days is 100 weeks?

700 days?

Infinitely close to 2 years?

And how difficult is this training process? ! Unimaginable.

Therefore, when San Lahtia revealed that she was an NPC with a soul and fully possessed her, and her combat power was a perverted attribute of the 200-level 12-star initial consummation, Chu You did not feel surprised...

The holy angel seed is as rare as an artifact, not to mention the need to spend gold coins to upgrade it, and the 700-day cultivation process just shown will only appear after reaching the full level!

Under this contemplation, there is an inevitable feeling of contemplation.

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