The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 893: Indeed a demon

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Looking at the Dongying players still appearing in the teleportation, Chu You could not help narrowing her eyes slightly. These players are between 15-40 levels. Even though Dongying Channel has issued a warning, there are still a large number of players who do not know the truth. Still dare to teleport the east teleportation array, endlessly teleporting.

At this time, the eyes looked at the attacking devices next to them. These city defense devices were attacking him. He was the only one here, and a large group of Dongying players could not see them in the far street.

There are probably a few hundred players in this east teleportation corpse. There are probably hundreds of them. You have to know that the player chose to resurrect the corpses and disappeared, and now there are still hundreds of corpses falling here, which means there are Hundreds of soul players in Dongying are watching Chu You.

Looking up at the sky, most of the flying figures seen above are Dongying forces.

After thinking about it, I chose to give up here, and suddenly went up to high altitude. After killing more than ten people in a row, Chu Youfei went to the north to send the formation. As long as those players are low-level NPCs, no one can resist his one. hit.

He came here almost in 10 seconds, and suddenly a'chaotic dragon ball' appeared in his hand. He saw that there were too many too many Dongying players in the north teleportation array, and all the streets connecting the north teleportation array were also Dongying. The figure of the player.

After consuming 150 million experience points, Chu You suddenly threw a mixed compression type super-density energy ball to the north teleportation array.

'boom! ! ! ’

The damage range of 150 million Chaos Dragon Ball is centered on the explosion. The range is 1500 meters and the height is 200 meters. Whether it is a living body or an environmental building, all the damage is affected.

The attacking devices of the teleportation array in the north were all destroyed, and some low-level buildings around were also destroyed.

The players within the range, it is all seconds, no one can stand among them.

However, Chu You knew that at the moment when he launched Chaos Dragon Ball, many players below used teleportation skills or teleportation skills, but they did not know where those players appeared. If the distance of teleportation is still within the range, then They can't escape death!

System: The space of the Chaos Dragon Ball's eruption area is eroded by the power of the strong dragon language, which produces a curse effect. The damage caused by the curse is 14% of the explosion damage for 10 minutes.

The north teleportation array still stands, and there are a few unexpected accidents in the heart of Chu You. At this time, several rays were shot towards him and hit him, but the blood volume hardly dropped, and the drop could not be seen by the naked eye. .

Regardless of these attacks, Chu You flew and flew over the main building of the city, part of this building was burning at the moment, that was the skill damage caused by the fighting magic, you can see a large group of NPCs in the square below, there are Ten dozen magic cannons are being assembled.

It's just that after he left, the ground of the north teleportation array lit up the rune. You can see that the area flooded by the curse effect of the power of the dragon language has the rune patterns lit up on the ground. These patterns are emitting light, and then A large number of bubbles popped out from inside. These bubbles merged with the dragon's curse breath in the air. The purification function was activated by the north teleportation array.

Although the defense function is activated, the Dongying players who teleported to the north teleportation array are all surprised. As soon as they are sent here, an attack prompt appears, indicating that they have been poisoned!

The negative effect of this Dragon's Curse is damage once every 3 seconds for 90 seconds. Elementary and intermediate purification skills and antidote can't be resolved.

It can be seen that most people spit out a large amount of blood after being poisoned for 3 seconds and died in anger.

Those who did not die used some of their life-saving trump cards and immediately disappeared here and passed back.

It can be imagined that when they use these ‘powerful’ cards, their own combat power will also drop significantly...

But obviously they are fortunate that it is worth it. The death damage caused by a 3 level drop and a 1% attribute is terrible...

At this time, Chu You has rushed into the NPC group, and the city defense attack device has entered the attack state.

As soon as I arrived here, I used level 130 fighting **** skill: Fighting Breath Explosion!

Fighting Breath Explosion: Within 1 minute, the fighting strength of oneself produces explosive breath, and the explosion damage effect will be produced on the attack target. The explosion range takes damage to all enemies within 5 meters of the target, and the affected damage is based 20% of the damage of the second attack! Cooling: 10 minutes.

It means that after Chu You cut out a knife to the opponent, the target will fully take its own damage, and an explosion effect will also occur. The scope of the explosion will affect the surrounding enemy players by 20%.

However, Chu You, who entered the NPC group, launched a range of skills. I saw that after the skill wave spread, all the targets hit had an explosion effect. It suddenly burst like a firecracker that was ignited. A dense explosion occurred.


Chu You is not shooting skills in place, but is mobile. Every time you use range skills, you can produce the above-mentioned horrible phenomenon.

Almost in a few seconds, the NPC guards no less than 200 here were all dead, and the magic cannon was completely destroyed.

Wow ha ha ha, die to death, all to death! !

Turned his eyes and looked at the gate of the city's main palace, which looked like a city gate. Evil smiled and an object appeared in his hand.

"Pap Pap Pap"!

The body is still subject to attacks that are not even itching, these attacks are from the professional players in the sky.

It's really a fool of Nima! !

After moving at this moment, he flew up.

Seeing the terrifying night flying up, the Dongying players who attacked him fled with a frightened expression, and quickly fled.

However, a transformed Dongying Brigadier General player was horrified, because he was controlled, and then the powerful power of sucking made the Dongying player instantly pulled to Chu You.

Fighting first style: capture!

Since you want to capture the enemy, then of course choose the most valuable enemy!

This is a 50-level second-level meritorious player who turned into an archer.

Looking at Dongying players who are struggling with their legs and feet, Chu You's face is full of disdain and murderousness.

What the hell, tranny!

'puff! ’

One hand penetrated into the player's heart and squeezed hard the next moment, the player's heart was burst!

And it burst, then this **** Brigadier General Dong Ying was killed by Chu You with a single blow!

If you can't kill the opponent in the second stage of the triple combat skills, then it is impossible to penetrate and pinch the opponent's heart effect.

It can be seen that his damage can now create a one-shot spike on the transformed player!

Dongying players who saw this scene were all appalled!

As for the third type, of course, the blood return effect, but Chu You's blood volume is almost full.

At this time, the two sacred angels flew over very quickly, and their blood volume dropped by one-tenth.

Lao Yuan put a light curtain barrier on Chu You.

With this light curtain barrier, Chu You finally took out the statue artifact.

I saw that he returned to the square where the corpses were scattered again, and then activated the statue artifact. He wanted to summon the 12-star archangel Archangel.

But there must be no interference in the process of summoning this thing, so before that he called the two holy angels.

Let the storm come more violently!

After casting a light curtain barrier on themselves, the two sacred archangels fought against the enemies in the surrounding airspace, but it was not a battle, but a slaughter. When the object was a player, who would catch the second!

After 10 seconds, the space here vibrated, and a huge dark silver six-winged angel full of death appeared. Anyone who saw him had a terrible feeling that death was approaching.

"Kill the City Lord's Mansion!" Chu You raised her head slightly, the look on her face looked to others, and that was the devil's smile.

On many of the windows of the huge main palace building opposite him, there are Dongying players looking at him. These players are estimated to be government officials in reality.

It is not difficult to guess from their horrified look, Chu You's look in their eyes, it is indeed a demon!

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