The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 935: If you are offended, you are offended.

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

So the dragon and the dragon-shard core fragments generated induction between them again. After 10 seconds, the dragon-shard core fragments disappeared in front of them. It appeared in Chu You's backpack space and occupied 6 squares.

After reviewing it, Chu You was very satisfied. The Dragon God kernel fragment itself has the power of 100,000 Dragon Language, and it does not need to be taken out to absorb.

After the full dragon swept away here, it continued to fly deep.

Sometimes the black hole here does not appear on the land, it is completely an abstract irregular existence, sometimes it will appear in mid-air, if viewed from the side, the space there is hollowed out in an abstract form, Immediately afterwards, a huge force of suction will come in, sucking everything around.

In this way, relying on the magical early warning of his heart, this giant dragon has escaped the crises again and again. For the dragon resentment Chu You can run, then run. In his opinion, if he encounters the core fragment of the Dragon God, he encountered it. Dragon blame, then it will kill, otherwise they will choose to escape, although killing the dragon blame can get a huge experience value, but the dragon god's curse value will increase significantly.

For Chu You, this place is full of wealth and treasure, and the experience value simply cannot attract him.

In fact, after staying here for so long, Chu You has thought that there must be a core location here, but the map is too large, the environment is too dark and dangerous, and the effect of the Eye of the Demon is greatly limited, so this time I came in mainly to explore and develop the map , And collect the amount of aragonite needed.

The core fragments of the Dragon God are obviously very rare. Until now, Chu You has not found this magical thing again.

However, the number of aragonite has been increasing, collecting nearly 100 aragonite.

At this moment, the dragon found that the outline of a minaret could be seen vaguely in the distance!

The minaret looks very huge, I am afraid that it is not less than a thousand meters high, but it is still dim and unreal.

With curiosity and vigilance, the dragon flew in that direction.

As they approached, an inexplicable horror breath appeared quietly. The source of this breath was the black-looking minaret in the distance.

It seems that there is some strong presence in that minaret? !

The inner vigilance became stronger. Chu You continued to approach slowly. If a dragon crystal was found on the way, the dragon would stop to collect. While collecting, he looked around with vigilance. Yu Guang even paid attention to the distant one. Black minaret.

In this way, the closer to the black minaret, as the minaret became clearer, a strange color appeared in the eyes.

Because the minaret looks like a dragon stone with infinite magnification!

If the guess is correct, then he is so big! !

At this moment, the blood volume disappeared inexplicably again by one fifth, and at the same time a gray meteorite appeared in the sky out of thin air.

After evading the meteorite, the dragon began to transform the vitality with the power of the dragon language, and then absorbed the power of the dragon language.

The phenomenon that blood volume disappeared out of thin air has been cleared by Chu You, that is, this phenomenon will definitely appear again in the next 8-10 minutes!

The full dragon flew away again...

Wow ha ha ha, who can think of who can think of it, he actually got a lot of wealth here like a dragon.

When not far from the thousand-meter-high minaret, Chu You really saw that it was a dragon crystal!

As for the breath of terror, there is a dragon in the minaret dragon crystal facing upwards, which is covered by the dragon crystal. This dragon cannot be seen as real, but the shape of this dragon is It is larger than its body, and it is more than 800 meters long.

Very huge!

Even if you look at it this way, you can feel shocked and feel humble and humble.

Chu You didn't feel humble. Now she is slowly approaching the past, and she is still 100 meters away from the minaret. So close, you can see the true feelings and feel the towering dragon crystal.

After a few seconds, Chu You can lock the pinnacle dragon crystal in the horizon, and the other party also revealed its message.

Awakening Dragon God Arrogant Dragon Crystal!

That is to say, this thousand-meter-huge spire minaret is actually: the awakened dragon **** arrogant dragon crystal!


Such a large raw material, unheard of in previous life!

It's just that the real dragon inside the dragon crystal is going on? !

This is not Dragon Mound, how could there be living creatures? !

Could this huge dragon stone be its'source'? !

Just like the ancient powerful existence of the outside world, a kind of ban on the body itself in order to continue life? !

The dragon can only lock the dragon crystal in front of it, but cannot lock the dragon inside. This makes it impossible to view the basic information of the other party, and even the life or death, Chu You can't be sure.

No matter, try it first to see if there will be any accidents during the absorption process.

While maintaining a vigilant heart, the dragon's breath showed a collection of breath, and the part of the dragon stone in front of the minaret felt, and a breath was born, and the two finally merged together.

System: You have obtained the awakened Dragon God Pride Dragon Crystal × 6!

System: You have obtained the awakened Dragon God Arrogant Dragon Crystal × 4!

System: You have obtained the awakened Dragon God Pride Dragon Crystal × 5!

Chu You found that there is no time progress bar for collecting. Before collecting dragon stone, there was a 10-second reading bar. After reading the dragon stone, the dragon stone disappeared, but this time it is different. It has been in the collection state, and each time After 10 seconds, you will get a prompt message to collect a part of dragon stone.

Lying in the trough, God knows when this huge kilometer-long aragonite body can be collected.

At the same time... Wow ha ha ha, sent, sent!

Open the backpack and focus on the new variety of dragon crystal obtained.

(Special sacred item) Awakened Dragon God Arrogant Dragon Crystal: Dragon Language Attribute: Creation!

It can be seen that the awakening aragonite is more advanced than the active aragonite, and the name color is already dark purple, which is already the color of the artifact sequence.

It should be emphasized once that the level of the aragonite grade only represents the level of the implied attribute value, not the strength between the attributes.

The backpack is closed, the collection is still ongoing, and every 10 seconds you will get a few dragon crystals.

At the same time, Chu You did not find that the minaret dragon crystal body became smaller with the continuous collection, and it was the same, and there was no abnormality!

Wow ha ha ha, when not to go all out at this time!

System: You have obtained the awakened Dragon God Pride Dragon Crystal × 5!


At this time, the meteorite in the sky suddenly appeared and smashed over very quickly. The detected Chu You immediately interrupted the collection. As soon as the body shook away from the sneak attack, the gray light mass hit the dragon crystal body, but there was no explosion. Only some mist was generated, and the mist quickly disappeared.

Then the dragon continued to collect the spar of the minaret.

You can get some aragonite in 10 seconds, then you can collect 6 times a minute, and the average number of each collection is: 5, that is, you can get 30 aragonite in 1 minute.

So after 10 minutes, when the dragon has acquired 288 awakening dragon crystals, the mutation suddenly emerges!

I saw that the surface of the dragon crystal in front suddenly produced spatial fluctuations, but Chu You didn't feel any danger in her heart.

Immediately after the space fluctuations, a huge longan appeared. The longan was cold and ruthless. The structure within the dragon's eye was more complicated than the structure of the Chu You dragon. It seemed complicated but there was absolute order everywhere!

Longan stared at the dragon in front of him.

This kind of gaze finally made Chu You feel an unknown feeling in her heart.

"Enough!" A cold drink appeared directly in my mind, while the surrounding aura of pressure was stronger.

Then, then there was no more, which made Chu You stunned slightly, he was still waiting for the other party to continue talking.

Why is there no more?

The scene was staring at each other with big eyes, staring at each other.

After a few seconds, the dragon's tail swayed slightly, and it seemed to please? !

Chu You felt very interesting.

"Who are you?" Chu You responded in her mind, her tail still shaking.

However, the other party did not speak, and the huge dragon eye in front of him was still staring at him.

"I have a task in my body, can I just walk in a few minutes?"


"If you don't speak, then I will continue to collect."

"you dare!!"

Suddenly, the cold voice sounded again, still full of coldness and ruthlessness, revealing a kind of irresistible and arrogant contempt, as if he was a ants in front of it.

"There are a few dare not!!!"

The tail has always been, Chu You was excited, and directly returned to the past, while the nose breathed again.


After the other person spit out a ‘you’ word in a rage, he stopped talking, staring at Chu You, staring at the dragon.

And the dragon stared at the eye, and the two stared at each other in this way.

After 10 seconds...

System: You have successfully collected the awakened Dragon God Pride Dragon Crystal × 6!

"I remember your taste. When I regained my freedom, I will come to you as soon as possible!" The voice was cold.

"Look for me? Do you know who my backer is? She is the Dragon Emperor, I am her forbidden, do you dare to find me?"

The other party seemed to be silent, and stopped talking.

Collecting Collecting Collecting, Chu You realized that only collecting is the right way at this moment.

When 30 minutes passed and nearly 900 awakened dragon crystals were collected, the system's prompt came.

System: You are contaminated with too much dragon tomb gas, and the curse effect of the dragon **** on your body reaches level 3! caveat! You are exposed to an unknown and severe danger at any time.

Not only that, another system prompt came immediately.

System: The fourth dragon Emperor Meslantis is forcibly recovering.

Lying trough, good fellow!

The other party is actually a Dragon Emperor, that is the real Dragon Emperor!

I thought about it, this trip is here, and it is not good to force it again. The other party is the Dragon Emperor. It is estimated that it is not something that you can contend to restore a layer of strength, and the curse of the Level 3 Dragon God will also bring Give yourself a lot of trouble!

The level 3 dragon god's curse made Chu You feel restless.

Thinking of this, Chu You decisively interrupted the collection and used the return city directly here.

The rules when you first came in disappeared an hour after you came in, so you can choose to return to the city at any time.

Usually it takes 3 seconds to return to the city, but here it is only 10 seconds before the real return to the city.

In any case, Chu You has made a big trip this time, and Chu You has made a lot of money!

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