The Tylingariea Epic

180 Chapter 3 Cailly the Last of the Ring Crafters creates her finial Ring

As the world was falling apart the Kingdom of Deltariea was being torn apart by corruption giant tentacles were climbing up the castle destroying it the people that lived there screamed in terror as they were either ripped to pieces by Webbeasts, turned into Blackwebbed Slaves or killed by falling into never ending voids that were caused as the world of Tylingariea was closing in on itself.

Cailly in her shop know that this would happen the balance had shifted to darkness, evil has been unleashed upon the Multiverse, Cailly heard the screams of men, woman and children as they were bring carried away in carts by The Snachmen creatures that will grab you and put you in there carts to take you to Morphazar to become one of Zargorwarths Webbeasts.

she thought to herself " I fear that Zargorwarth the Demon Lord is far stronger then anyone has ever thought possible. Even the Demon Lord, not even Jal'gar could stop him." Cailly put her head in her hands " Ak'ta'vara Please let Ralingar be safe." Cailly prayed

she remembered that in the ancient text the Warrior of Light has a true form and in this form he can weild all of the powers of the cosmos as well as the powers of the five Rings of Light but it is unstable." She then rembered something else maybe she could create a ring that would make so that Adam could control his powers when he was in his True Form.

Then she thought" if I put the right spell on this ring it might make it so that he could go beyond his True Form and into a state of pure cosmic power."

Cailly looked around and saw that Scale of the Balance and said " I think that the Scale of the Balance is the prefect metal for this Ring of Cosmic Power." The Balance was already out of order and there was a second scale in the Temple of Light and Darkness so Cailly took the Scale of the Balance and put it in a huge melting pot of molten lava the gold turned into grey silver as she melted it down into the shape of a ring as she poured it into a ring mold she heard the flapping of wings as the ring cooled Cailly thought " no not him not now if he destroys this ring then all is lost."

Cailly raised her hands and said a magical phase then a magical dome appreed over the shop and her land Zargorwarth the Demon Lord who was nearing the Kingdom of Deltariea was impressed that a Ring Crafter could have uses to such powerful protection spells Zargorwarth the Demon Lord flew down to towards the dome and pounded on the dome yelling " let me in!" inside the shop Cailly was on her knees and she was speaking in a laungue that was unknown to mortal men the ring rose up and spun around then I glowed collecting power and after a minute the ring lowered itself

Cailly tied a note to the Ring and said to the Ring of Cosmic Power " I commend to you to find Adam Jackson!" the Ring of Cosmic Power rose up and speed southward towards the Mountains of Zakgar near the Sea of the Dead Zargorwarth the Demon Lord saw that the Ring of Cosmic Power was flying southwards he was so mad that he smashed the dome to pieces and ripped her door open and grabbed her by the thoart and she smiled weakly and said " you have lost Zargorwarth the Demon Lord I have put a ancient and powerful protection spell on that ring not even your magic can destroy it!"

Zargorwarth screamed " your lying! My magic is far stronger then anything that you could conquer up!" he then ripped her head off ad throw it to the floor. Zargorwarth then deiced to follow the Ring of Cosmic Power and see if it would lead him to the Six then he had a thought " I might as well go to my Kingdom of Morphawraith but I need to kill my brother." He focused his Kai and split himself into two and the ordinal Zargorwarth turned to Zargorwarth clone two " I commend you go and kill Calingar" the ruler of Kal'orerack" Zargorwarth clone two flew to go to Kal'orerack while the Ordinal Zargorwarth the Demon Lord followed the Ring of Cosmic Powe

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