The Typhoon's Wife
"Neil Long was sitting in his office working on the acquisition and forced takeover papers of Hu industries.No proper heir and the ties with the underworld revealed,nobody wanted to touch the mess that was Hu Industries except Ryu Long.It was late in the evening and Neil was reluctant to work more.. It had been a month since this complicated procedure had started after the ball but it wasn't coming to an end.He wished to take some time off.He wanted Neil.She could only beg for his forgiveness.Her continuously flowing tears,which she did not wipe,combined with her pitiful sobs and kneeling posture,made her look like a delicate doll.Neil was unable to hold hos cold gaze much longer,but when he sasuddenly a small weird noise was heard.She tried to look around to check the source of noise but to no avail.But soon the whole office was filled with the sounds of birds chirping.Mi Rae was now clueless about what to do and could only sit and look around,a bot scared.She was about to shout for help when two little blue birds appeared on the wall near the door.She sat back in shock when one bird said,"Hello are you doing?I am tweedy and this one is tweedo.We are here to see you!"Mi rae now say back on her chair with a thump.She studied the birds carefully and realized that this was Neil's doing.She looked closely at the projected 3d images which looked like real birds.Suddenky the bird named tweed chirped,"Won't you say hi to us?We are here to become friends with you."
Mi Rae blinked confusedly and muttered a hi.How was she expected to talk to birds and that too animated ones?Mi Rae then rolled her eyes at that.As if she could talk to real birds.Since she was lost in her own thoughts she almost missed the next words of the birds."Sunshine!Your fairy godmother is here waiting for you.Younneed to get ready and race towards the ball dance to meet your prince!",,chirped tweedy.The next second tweed pushed away tweedy and said,"Sunshine tweedy is a bit dumb so he doesn't know how to clear confusions.See you have to go for an important event just now and you need to be ready. We have already brought a stylist aka fairy godmother for you.So please get ready so that we can take you to prince charming."Tweedo then snapped her animated wings and soon both the little birds disappeared leaving behind a dazed Mi Rae.
The first thought in Mi Rae's mind was weirdly,"Just how much had Neil spent to crete such realistic looking birds.Her next was why and finally her curiosity compelled her to wonder,just what was Neil upto.Not once had she thought that he was about to propose to her...Looking diwn at her file,Mi Rae decided to go meet her 'fairy godmother' and went out of the office.Standing there was the top stylist of country C.She was even known to have dressed Hollywood celebrities..Of course Mi Rae did not know this and was informed in awe struck tones by her assistant.Mi Rae smiled and greeted the stylist a little embarrassedly for not having recognized her but the stylist smiled professionally and soon put her at ease.Due to 'lack of a proper space',Mi Rae was kidnapped to a studio setup in a nearby building.There she was given a pretty white silver knee length dress to chage into.Now Mi Rae was confused even more.If she was not mistaked,Neil had prepared something to go along for the cinderella theme.Then she should have a ball gown right?But there was something awfully familiar with the dress that she could not put her finger on.After donning the dress,did she realize why it felt familiar,this was very similar to her mother's wedding dress!After this,Mi Rae was suddenly attacked from all sides with someone doing her hair,another doing her her nails and another her make up.Finally within a short span of 30 minutes,Cinderella Mi Rae was ready for her party.Her hair was tied up ina soft knot with little wisps of it falling around her face.Her only accessory were the long earrings that graced her ears.But Mi Rae wanted to laugh out loud suddenly.The best stylist had dressed her up but there was one flaw.They had given her the same shoesthat she wore to the office.What happened to glass slippers? Only as she admired herself in the mirror did she get a horrible thought!Horses.Cinderella rode a horse carriage to the ball.No way was she getting into a horse pulled carriage in this day and age!Lrt the prince charming wait forever if that was the case.With her fingers crossed,she went out to see her ride and breathed a sighof relief.Though the car outside was a long strech limousine which was eye catching,it was no less inconspicuous than horse drawn carriages.
She made her way to the car as the chauffeur held open the door for her.The inside of the car was dark and dimly lit.So it took her a few minutes before she realized that there was a scroll kept on the seat.Pressing a button on the side panel,she asked the driver to brighten the lights and then read the Imperial scroll."It is declared that the Prince is going to marry the woman who stole his heart.The only way to find the woman was to see if shoes in this car fit her.If the shoes fit then she was destined to be the prince's bride."
Mi Rae looked around and saw the delicate glass slippers.She now understood that this was a part of her proposal!Neil was going to ask her to marry him!She felt all sorts of butterflies in her stomach and she was could hardly wait for him to ask her.She found the glass slippers and realized that they were custom made for her!Neil was also it seems obsessed with getting her shiny footwear.Soon the car reached it's destination and Mi Rae got off in front of what looked like a castle!It actually was a castle!Neil had chosen the Hotel Castle Royal which was a new hotel of Lance Inc inspired from the old European style architecture.At the entrance stood two rows of people throwing confetti and flowers t welcome her into the palace.She was then escorted inside where a soft melodious song was playing.She looked around at the place was breathtaking.The room looked straight out of a fairytale!It was decorated in fairylights and lightblue flowers.The birds tweey and tweedo and many other like them were dancing and chirping on the walls which looked like tree branches. Thebentire hall was filled with silver balloons.It was a mixture of the elegant beauty and ethreal grace.The grand nature and opulence brought together.But there was no Neil!She looked around but saw no one.Suddenly a pair of hands wound around her waist and she felt his warm engulfing presence around her.Finally the moment she had been waiting for was here.Mi Rae felt that she was having an out of body experience as Neil slowly turned her in his arms.The hall was then flooded with more soft lights and Neil held her as they swayed to the music staring deep into each other's eyes.Finally,the music reached its crescendo and Neil finished their dance with a soft peck on her lips.He then escorted her to a partially hidden table and made her sit.
Once seated,Neil went down in his knees and sat before Mi Rae.He held her warm hands in his and said,"Sunshine, You pulled me to the present from my past and held me here.Everything inside me was dark but like the light you are you made your way into the gaps and brightened everything.And now I want you to do this in the future as well.This dress was made from your mother's wedding dress.Your parents have a happy marriage and this is their way of giving us their blessings."Neil then picked up a velvet box from the table and opening presented it to her.Inside was a big dark blue sapphire surrounded by small solitaires.Mi rae felt her breath hitch at the beautiful ring and her fingers curled.Neil whispered to her now,"This is the ring my father gifted to my mother when he was successful.She was his lucky charm always and to thank her and commemorate their anniversary,he had this made.If you like,then I want to present this ring to you as their blessing and ask you,Mi Rae will you walk with me forever and be mine forever?Marry me?"
Mi Rae was crying now.The ring had been beautiful as is but knowing that it held beautiful memories for him was something she was even more grateful for.She held her hand forward and Neil slid the ring onto her finger where it nestled perfectly fitting.Mi Rae jumped into his arms and kissed him trying to put all her love onto the kiss.
Later at night:
Neil and Mi Rae were laying in each other's arms and As Neil whispered his sweet nothings to his fiance,something occured to Mi Rae. Her eyes opened wide and she asked,"How did you convince my mother to part with her wedding dress?"
Neil shrugged and said, "I didn't. I challenged your brother to do it for me.I have yet to meet her so I cannot be so forward!He,called me sometime back and said that as long as I agreed to your mother's request,I could have my wish."
Mi Rae suddenlynhad a feeling of foreboding.Her brother and mother had colluded, something was brewing.In urgent tones,she asked Neil,"what was the request?"A sly smile graced his lips and a cunning look in his eyes,"She actually had two requests.Very easy ones at that."That smile and those words were even more disturbing. She narrowed her eyes and knocked twice on Neil's naked shoulders.For a minute she was distracted by their strength but she refocused and asked,"Tell me the requests."Innocently he answered,"She wants us to help her find a daughter in law and she wants grandchildren at the earliest.She even hinted that instead of using the dress for proposing, I should abduct the bride and get married straightaway as that would be more romantic.Tell me sunshine,should I kidnap you?."
Mi Rae rolled her eyes at that.This must be the only mother in the world who wanted her daughter to be kidnapped..
Hehehe, Mi Rae's mother had almost reminded him of Uncle Ye with the only difference being that she actually liked him.
,Neil picked up his discarded shirt from a nearby chair to open the door.He wore it without bothering to button his shirt.He had no intention of letting anyone linger and be a lightbulb!he hated lightbulbs.
However,best laid plans go awry.
"Neil Long was sitting in his office working on the acquisition and forced takeover papers of Hu industries.No proper heir and the ties with the underworld revealed,nobody wanted to touch the mess that was Hu Industries except Ryu Long.It was late in the evening and Neil was reluctant to work more.. It had been a month since this complicated procedure had started after the ball but it wasn't coming to an end.He wished to take some time off.He wanted Neil.She could only beg for his forgiveness.Her continuously flowing tears,which she did not wipe,combined with her pitiful sobs and kneeling posture,made her look like a delicate doll.Neil was unable to hold hos cold gaze much longer,but when he sasuddenly a small weird noise was heard.She tried to look around to check the source of noise but to no avail.But soon the whole office was filled with the sounds of birds chirping.Mi Rae was now clueless about what to do and could only sit and look around,a bot scared.She was about to shout for help when two little blue birds appeared on the wall near the door.She sat back in shock when one bird said,"Hello are you doing?I am tweedy and this one is tweedo.We are here to see you!"Mi rae now say back on her chair with a thump.She studied the birds carefully and realized that this was Neil's doing.She looked closely at the projected 3d images which looked like real birds.Suddenky the bird named tweed chirped,"Won't you say hi to us?We are here to become friends with you."
Mi Rae blinked confusedly and muttered a hi.How was she expected to talk to birds and that too animated ones?Mi Rae then rolled her eyes at that.As if she could talk to real birds.Since she was lost in her own thoughts she almost missed the next words of the birds."Sunshine!Your fairy godmother is here waiting for you.Younneed to get ready and race towards the ball dance to meet your prince!",,chirped tweedy.The next second tweed pushed away tweedy and said,"Sunshine tweedy is a bit dumb so he doesn't know how to clear confusions.See you have to go for an important event just now and you need to be ready. We have already brought a stylist aka fairy godmother for you.So please get ready so that we can take you to prince charming."Tweedo then snapped her animated wings and soon both the little birds disappeared leaving behind a dazed Mi Rae.
The first thought in Mi Rae's mind was weirdly,"Just how much had Neil spent to crete such realistic looking birds.Her next was why and finally her curiosity compelled her to wonder,just what was Neil upto.Not once had she thought that he was about to propose to her...Looking diwn at her file,Mi Rae decided to go meet her 'fairy godmother' and went out of the office.Standing there was the top stylist of country C.She was even known to have dressed Hollywood celebrities..Of course Mi Rae did not know this and was informed in awe struck tones by her assistant.Mi Rae smiled and greeted the stylist a little embarrassedly for not having recognized her but the stylist smiled professionally and soon put her at ease.Due to 'lack of a proper space',Mi Rae was kidnapped to a studio setup in a nearby building.There she was given a pretty white silver knee length dress to chage into.Now Mi Rae was confused even more.If she was not mistaked,Neil had prepared something to go along for the cinderella theme.Then she should have a ball gown right?But there was something awfully familiar with the dress that she could not put her finger on.After donning the dress,did she realize why it felt familiar,this was very similar to her mother's wedding dress!After this,Mi Rae was suddenly attacked from all sides with someone doing her hair,another doing her her nails and another her make up.Finally within a short span of 30 minutes,Cinderella Mi Rae was ready for her party.Her hair was tied up ina soft knot with little wisps of it falling around her face.Her only accessory were the long earrings that graced her ears.But Mi Rae wanted to laugh out loud suddenly.The best stylist had dressed her up but there was one flaw.They had given her the same shoesthat she wore to the office.What happened to glass slippers? Only as she admired herself in the mirror did she get a horrible thought!Horses.Cinderella rode a horse carriage to the ball.No way was she getting into a horse pulled carriage in this day and age!Lrt the prince charming wait forever if that was the case.With her fingers crossed,she went out to see her ride and breathed a sighof relief.Though the car outside was a long strech limousine which was eye catching,it was no less inconspicuous than horse drawn carriages.
She made her way to the car as the chauffeur held open the door for her.The inside of the car was dark and dimly lit.So it took her a few minutes before she realized that there was a scroll kept on the seat.Pressing a button on the side panel,she asked the driver to brighten the lights and then read the Imperial scroll."It is declared that the Prince is going to marry the woman who stole his heart.The only way to find the woman was to see if shoes in this car fit her.If the shoes fit then she was destined to be the prince's bride."
Mi Rae looked around and saw the delicate glass slippers.She now understood that this was a part of her proposal!Neil was going to ask her to marry him!She felt all sorts of butterflies in her stomach and she was could hardly wait for him to ask her.She found the glass slippers and realized that they were custom made for her!Neil was also it seems obsessed with getting her shiny footwear.Soon the car reached it's destination and Mi Rae got off in front of what looked like a castle!It actually was a castle!Neil had chosen the Hotel Castle Royal which was a new hotel of Lance Inc inspired from the old European style architecture.At the entrance stood two rows of people throwing confetti and flowers t welcome her into the palace.She was then escorted inside where a soft melodious song was playing.She looked around at the place was breathtaking.The room looked straight out of a fairytale!It was decorated in fairylights and lightblue flowers.The birds tweey and tweedo and many other like them were dancing and chirping on the walls which looked like tree branches. Thebentire hall was filled with silver balloons.It was a mixture of the elegant beauty and ethreal grace.The grand nature and opulence brought together.But there was no Neil!She looked around but saw no one.Suddenly a pair of hands wound around her waist and she felt his warm engulfing presence around her.Finally the moment she had been waiting for was here.Mi Rae felt that she was having an out of body experience as Neil slowly turned her in his arms.The hall was then flooded with more soft lights and Neil held her as they swayed to the music staring deep into each other's eyes.Finally,the music reached its crescendo and Neil finished their dance with a soft peck on her lips.He then escorted her to a partially hidden table and made her sit.
Once seated,Neil went down in his knees and sat before Mi Rae.He held her warm hands in his and said,"Sunshine, You pulled me to the present from my past and held me here.Everything inside me was dark but like the light you are you made your way into the gaps and brightened everything.And now I want you to do this in the future as well.This dress was made from your mother's wedding dress.Your parents have a happy marriage and this is their way of giving us their blessings."Neil then picked up a velvet box from the table and opening presented it to her.Inside was a big dark blue sapphire surrounded by small solitaires.Mi rae felt her breath hitch at the beautiful ring and her fingers curled.Neil whispered to her now,"This is the ring my father gifted to my mother when he was successful.She was his lucky charm always and to thank her and commemorate their anniversary,he had this made.If you like,then I want to present this ring to you as their blessing and ask you,Mi Rae will you walk with me forever and be mine forever?Marry me?"
Mi Rae was crying now.The ring had been beautiful as is but knowing that it held beautiful memories for him was something she was even more grateful for.She held her hand forward and Neil slid the ring onto her finger where it nestled perfectly fitting.Mi Rae jumped into his arms and kissed him trying to put all her love onto the kiss.
Later at night:
Neil and Mi Rae were laying in each other's arms and As Neil whispered his sweet nothings to his fiance,something occured to Mi Rae. Her eyes opened wide and she asked,"How did you convince my mother to part with her wedding dress?"
Neil shrugged and said, "I didn't. I challenged your brother to do it for me.I have yet to meet her so I cannot be so forward!He,called me sometime back and said that as long as I agreed to your mother's request,I could have my wish."
Mi Rae suddenlynhad a feeling of foreboding.Her brother and mother had colluded, something was brewing.In urgent tones,she asked Neil,"what was the request?"A sly smile graced his lips and a cunning look in his eyes,"She actually had two requests.Very easy ones at that."That smile and those words were even more disturbing. She narrowed her eyes and knocked twice on Neil's naked shoulders.For a minute she was distracted by their strength but she refocused and asked,"Tell me the requests."Innocently he answered,"She wants us to help her find a daughter in law and she wants grandchildren at the earliest.She even hinted that instead of using the dress for proposing, I should abduct the bride and get married straightaway as that would be more romantic.Tell me sunshine,should I kidnap you?."
Mi Rae rolled her eyes at that.This must be the only mother in the world who wanted her daughter to be kidnapped..
Hehehe, Mi Rae's mother had almost reminded him of Uncle Ye with the only difference being that she actually liked him.
,Neil picked up his discarded shirt from a nearby chair to open the door.He wore it without bothering to button his shirt.He had no intention of letting anyone linger and be a lightbulb!he hated lightbulbs.
However,best laid plans go awry.
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