“Then you didn’t know when the ‘blessing of God’ happened in the Empire? Nobody reported to you even after such big event?” The cardinal asked in distaste.

As the atmosphere changed to interrogation, Ridrian quickly cut it off.

“That’s none of your business,” he declared firmly.

The cardinals gasped in surprise.

“Your Majesty!” they protested.

“What happens in the Empire is my business,” Ridrian continued. “You shouldn’t care, as you rejected my request for purification.”

“That’s because His Holiness thought the purification had already happened…” one of the cardinals started to explain, but Ridrian cut him off.

“That’s why I said to show evidence. I still haven’t received anything,” he finished.

The room fell silent, as the tension between the two sides hung heavily in the air.

“T, that’s.”

As Cardinal Rampard looked troubled, Ridrian changed the subject.

“Let’s hear what business you came here on.”

It was the emperor and me who was in the driver seat. They seemed to be aware of this as they looked displeased, yet they still lowered their stance.

“Hm, well a saintess is someone who came to this world with the will of Theres and to fulfill it. So it’s only right for the group who existed to serve Theres to serve the Saintess as well.”

This time, he said this while he was looking at me, so I answered.

“Did you read the letter I sent?”

“Of course. We were able to know the duty of the saintess that we weren’t aware of.”

“Then you should understand why I have to stay in the palace and serve the emperor.”

“We were also very surprised that Theres chose His Majesty Lebrooks as the savior of this continent. He was saving this continent in a manner that we couldn’t possibly imagine as we serve the God of life.”

Of course, it was news to them. He was going to become a savior in the future.

“That’s also exactly what I mentioned in the letter as well. The damnation of this continent was too much, and His Majesty took his precious army on three wars to save this continent. As you know, the war can be very dangerous. What do you think his reasoning was for taking on such risk even in the middle of such prosperous Empire?”

Of course, he had his real reason, but I just smiled at them.

“As I mentioned in the letter, in order for recovery to happen, destruction may have to come first.”

“We also acknowledge that. But you, the Saintess, can’t control the divine power too well and have yet to learn the moral of the Theres group. So to fulfill your duty, why don’t you just stay in the center temple for just one year?”

“Where did you hear such thing? It is true that I don’t know the Theres group’s moral as it hasn’t been long since I received my duty as a Saintess. But, I can control my divine power pretty well. From energizing small flower to healing the entire territory. Is there more healing that I need to learn?”

Ravis recently told her that she no longer needs teaching regarding healing. The group didn’t even hesitate the moment they heard that and smiled. They acted as if they already knew.

“Then how about divine magic? From what we heard from Sir Fortis, you were still under threat of demons. Don’t you think just knowing healing is not enough? You can be protected by the temple and learn divine magic as well.”

Cardinal Rampard made a small flame on his palm as he said this. Even though I just recently got into divine magic, I knew that that was a beginner’s purification magic. He smiled at me uncomfortably.

“Can you make it?”

I felt trapped.


‘To think they would use divine magic against me.’

I held back my words. Despite mastering the art of healing with ease, mastering divine magic was a different story.

Divine magic entailed performing miracles through divine power.

Though it was similar to healing, for some inexplicable reason, I had never been successful. Ravis, too, found it peculiar.

‘That is weird. For someone who could perform healing so well, I’ve never seen anyone fail divine magic this much.’

I had tried to master the basics of divine magic in order to combat the demons, but my repeated failures left me discouraged and I eventually gave up.

The cardinals seemed to sense my discomfort, and their smiles were reminiscent of a predator zeroing in on its prey.

“It appears that you struggle with divine magic,” they said with amusement.

“That’s perfectly normal. Historically, many Saintesses in the past were not well-versed in their powers. Fortunately, we have many skilled priests who are adept in divine magic and they can assist you.”

“It won’t be a hindrance to my duties if I I am still unable to master divine magic,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. Despite my efforts, the weasel-like grins on their faces only grew.

“Only Theres knows the future,” they replied, “What if a time comes when His Majesty needs divine magic, and you are unable to fulfill your duty?”

“Theres chose me as the Saintess, he must have known that I wouldn’t have a problem fulfilling my duties,” I countered.

“Or maybe he knew that you’d learn it soon,” they retorted, their relentless persistence starting to wear on my patience. I didn’t enjoy these political conversations and wished for them to end.

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