The ultimate black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 124 I will transform into reincarnation, and I will transform into your father!

The world is invincible, but there is no enemy in the sky.

The sky above is in turmoil, and it is extremely miserable... Who dares to underestimate the lessons learned from the past?

The stronger the world, the more likely it is to suffer disaster, and darkness will come to its door. Even though Emperor Huangtian sometimes "crouched" a little bit and had clear ideas, he also knew the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves, and understood the truth of humble development.

During the Shengxu era, he and Ye Fengchu transformed themselves into species and hid everything from the outside world. There were rumors everywhere that they were dead and everything in the outside world was a cover-up.

There is a saying in the world that if you have a sleeping dragon and a phoenix, you can bring peace to the world.

Just when dragons and phoenixes gather together, it is easy to die suddenly in various ways.

Ever since, in the era when Huang Wolong or Ye Fengchu were the protagonists, they each quelled the turmoil... But when they came together, they became "drunk on animal milk and falsified academic qualifications."

Emperor Huangtian, as the one with the lowest academic qualifications among the trio, embarked on the road to quell the turmoil without receiving compulsory education. He suffered all kinds of beatings in his life, which was the most painful and difficult. But after all kinds of beatings, even the elm-brained brain became enlightened.

He understands the horror of darkness. Even an Immortal Emperor will be polluted, and almost the entire world sea will be overturned in just one breath. The more powerful the world is, the easier it is to be robbed, so how can it repeat the same mistakes?

How did the Immortal Realm at its peak fall apart? It's obvious.

The broken, inconspicuous little world is easy to survive, as a kind of fire.

Just like the dark turmoil in the Age of Shrouding Heaven...the Forbidden Zone Supreme harvests all sentient beings on a regular basis. Powerful monks and huge ancient life stars are often the first targets.

If you want to survive such a disaster, you must either hide well and let the Supreme Calculate the cost of finding someone before choosing to give up; or you must be weak and be used as the fire to cultivate the next harvest.

Same reason.

The bigger the world is, the more causes and effects there are, the easier it is for people to figure out their whereabouts, and the more miserable their deaths are.

This is the survival rule of the weak in helpless situations.

Therefore, even if there is a coffin in the Jiulong La coffin with a small fairyland inside, it is almost impossible to repair the fairyland.

When darkness comes, everything is in vain.

The most likely possibility is... troop training!

Train the mortal immortal as a soldier!

Therefore, the Nine Dragon La Coffin wanders in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and is the only pure land within reach in this immortal world.

The enlightened persons of every era, such as deities, ancient emperors, and great emperors, can enter the coffin and get a long period of practice buffer, thinking about how to live the next life... When they have figured it out, they can go out and use the fire of the world to temper themselves and transform. A generation.

This is a way out for "mediocre people".

Emperors with amazing talents, such as the ruthless emperor, naturally do not need the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin... but those "mediocre people" do.

If such people are not given a way to survive, the end result will naturally be that they turn into forbidden areas of life, reaping the rewards of one era and another civilization, just like a great sacrifice.

This also came true.

In addition, Jiulong La Coffin is also helping Emperor Huangtian to achieve some kindness and karma, with a purpose.

Isn’t this?

Ye Fan was brought over and embarked on the path of cultivation.

His situation is similar to that of the ruthless emperor. He has cause and effect with Huang, leaving a deep impression that will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

There was once a cauldron that traveled through the past and reached the present. In the chaos of ancient times, the abyss appeared and its domineering power leaked out.

And, more importantly, someone special.

She has a rich demeanor, peerless and isolated when she is quiet, cunning and agile when she moves, and very domineering when she brags...

Ye Qingxian!

When Huang Rising was about to enter the realm of the Immortal King for the first time, it was Ye Fengchu's granddaughter who protected him and was in charge of the weapon spirit of the Endless Bell.

Unfortunately, Ye Qingxian died tragically in the end, fell in front of Huang, and dissipated in a rain of light.

How could Huang forget this?

The girl sacrifices to heaven, her magic power is boundless!

Well, Emperor Huangtian failed to defy heaven at that time, and he himself died. It was not until a long time later that the God of War returned and liquidated several immortal kings in the immortal realm who had taken action against him.

However, traces are left, and there is unspeakable pain in my heart.

So, many things fell into place.

Ye Fan got the pass for the Kowloon coffin and listened to the scriptures left by Emperor Huang Tian inside... The years are looping around here!

This actually has nothing to do with the empress.

It was not her arrangement that the Nine Dragons pulled the coffin and descended on the ancient star. She had not been able to calculate it to that extent.

Not to mention that Ye Fengchu's face was influenced by the owner of the copper coffin and changed the day after tomorrow.

More importantly, even if Ye Fengchu was really a similar flower, why would she put in so much effort?

She has enough energy and time to pull the coffin of the Nine Dragons, which is enough for the empress to go back and forth several times between the ancient stars of the ancient world and the ancient stars of the Big Dipper... Even if people can't go there, is she looking down on the automatic recovery of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar?

Even if there are some things that can be done, no one will do them...because it would look stupid.

Finally, and most importantly, the scriptures left by Emperor Huangtian were listened to by Ye Fengchu, who had not even embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

These are almost all obvious signs, as you can see in the picture!

All gifts given by fate have their prices secretly marked, and they are transactions that transcend time and space.

Therefore, when you put all this together, you can understand how deep the mark left by Emperor Huangtian on this world.

Whether it is an immortal weapon or a nine-dragon coffin, they are all carriers of cause and effect, looking for some people to repay a favor, or some kind of backhand left behind to promote something.

This is the dominance of a person above the Immortal Emperor!

Even if they are no longer in this world, they can still have some influence on the general trend.

The most important one among them is probably the Desolate Tower.

It is more valued by Emperor Huang Tian than the Immortal Sword and Immortal Palace, and it is more spiritual than the Nine Dragon Coffin.

The Desolate Tower should be the key hub of many major events and a vital key.

If nothing else, it will lead many things to develop in a benign direction.


‘It was an accident after all. ’

Jiang Yifei raised his head in the furnace and looked at the small tower through the furnace cover.

The nine-story pagoda shows the mottled and vicissitudes of time.

Among the ancient classics, the connection between Huangta and immortals is the closest... because everyone says that it has killed "immortals"!

More than one case!

Such legends have never existed in fairy bells.

In addition, Huangta has risen and fallen in the fairy fire of the Fire Realm many times for thousands of years.

When these clues are connected together, something can be understood.

There are no immortals in this world.

But there are many supreme beings who have killed themselves.

It is impossible for Huangta to suppress the "immortal", but it is possible to suppress the Supreme Being who initiated the dark turmoil.

For this reason, this tower will be called the human race's treasure - this is a compliment to its power and recognition of its achievements.

Huangta must have fought against the dark turmoil, more than once!

Therefore, various legends about the Death Immortal can be left behind... However, the specific details have been obliterated by the years, and it is more likely that they were obliterated by humans.

Just like many great emperors from ancient times.

The Holy Emperor of Douzhan was enthroned millions of years ago, ending the ancient era and opening the curtain of the ancient era.

However, the ancient emperor known to the world today can be traced back at most to 30,000 to 400,000 years ago, and is Amitabha, the feathered emperor.

As for ruthless people, Hengyu, Xihuang, Void, Taihuang, Luangu, Wushi... these are all emperors who became enlightened more than ten or two hundred thousand years ago.

There is a long gap from 400,000 years ago to one million years ago!

In such a long time, will no one become enlightened?


However, the legends that belong to them have not been handed down... If you think about it carefully, you can feel the blood rushing towards your face. It is a battle that lasts for days. The emperor will die in the battle, which has brought a lot of damage to the restricted area, making the inside The people erased the orthodoxy of those great emperors, along with all the legends.

Among them, Huang Ta should be participating in the war to protect the human race - Emperor Huang Tian is also considered a human race!

The darkness was turbulent and the fight was so brutal that even the immortal artifacts were damaged, so they were revered as human treasures.

Such a title has never been given to Wushi Zhong, and the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar cannot even be thought of, surpassing all the imperial soldiers.

It's a pity that the Emperor of Desolate Heaven has left after all, and this little tower can't survive every day... It will take several years to kill a Dacheng Holy Body, and it will be even more difficult to kill the Supreme Being. It will pay a price, so that there are Sometimes I have to go to the Fire Realm to rest and borrow fairy fire to recuperate.

It is conceivable that the continuous battles have caused this desolate tower to suffer disaster and lost control of the situation.

'Well, maybe it's not just an accident caused by the dark turmoil that makes Huangta difficult to move forward, but maybe someone is secretly targeting...'

A thought flashed through Jiang Yifei's mind.

He thought of a person, no, a bird.

——The Immortal Emperor!

From the Emperor of Death, he thought of Emperor Wushi.

This great emperor is very special. He is not exactly the same as the Immortal King Wu Ending from the Ancient Immortal Era.

What's even better is that in another timeline, when the Beidou Road to Immortality opens and the Wu Shi Bell launches its attack, the bell rings and the Huang Tower resonates!

The Huangta was activated, and the laws of the Immortal Way were played out. It was the power of Kaitian that suppressed the Chaos Cave on the Immortal Road!

There is adultery... No, there is something fishy!

Emperor Wushi, this most powerful emperor...has he ever mastered the Desolate Tower?

What kind of agreement was reached secretly to fight against certain forces represented by the Immortal Emperor?

Has the Immortal Emperor targeted Huangta more than once in the long years?

‘Alas… a big fight between a bunch of old men. ’

Jiang Yifei thought about it over and over, but in the end she could only feel this way in her heart.

At the same moment, several great emperors also had subtle thoughts.

Because they speculated based on what Jiang Yifei said, the Huangta has stayed in the human world for countless years, from the beginning of the mythical era to today. Such a long time... What kind of grand plan is this being implemented?

The founder of the secret realm method.

The supreme emperor who became an immortal.

Buried past years.

All of this is a mystery, frightening and curious.

"If that's the case, what's the explanation?"

Qingdi asked quietly.

"Look for some artifacts that have never changed... there should be clues." Jiang Yifei was very honest and took this opportunity to reveal some secrets in a reasonable and reasonable manner, "We traced the cause and effect and saw the ancient world and the current world. Very different.”

"However, there is a certain scene that appears in it - the Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin. This is the key reference artifact for the creation of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm. We can go look for it."

he said.

The God Emperor and Qing Emperor both nodded. They had also heard of the legend of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin.

"No need to bother, the Nine Dragon Coffin is in my ancient forbidden land and has been collected by me."

At this time, the empress spoke in a calm tone, "If you want to see it, just come to my place and visit."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Qing Emperor and God Emperor were both moved.

"I'll go, I'll go too!" Jiang Yifei shouted in the furnace, "I want to personally experience the feeling of Emperor Huangtian when he created the dragon transformation and let the nine dragons enter his body!"

"Okay, I'll count you in." The empress nodded and agreed.

‘Plan goes through! ’ Jiang Yifei was satisfied.

He really wanted to listen to that scripture, but he couldn't find a suitable reason.

it's good now.

'When I get some rest...'

Jiang Yifei was thinking in his heart. In the state of spiritual imprisonment, he absorbed countless green lotus essences to nourish his body. In the overwhelming blood light, a powerful wave was born and evolved. That was his quasi-emperor law. .

All the insights and experiences he has cultivated to this day have been condensed here, turned into Tao patterns, intertwined into chains, penetrating through his body, and a big dragon leaps!

Quasi-Emperor, rebuild the Dragon Transformation.

If one day, the dragon breaks through the shackles of the secret realm and penetrates into the immortal platform, it will be considered a different kind of enlightenment!

Transforming into a dragon and undergoing nine transformations, the quasi-emperor also has nine levels of heaven.

At this moment, Jiang Yifei cheered up, the dragon leaped, and the immortal platform roared. He became stronger step by step, integrating all kinds of Tao fruits in his body...

"Sacred Technique of Thousand Changes", "Flowing Heavenly Power", "Tathagata Divine Palm", "Transmigration of Reincarnation"... and even various insights from scriptures, and the experience of posthumous understanding of various aspects of the human body.

In the boundless chaos, in the furnace of nine-color fairy gold, all of this was smelted and created into a taboo realm that belonged exclusively to Jiang Yifei!

‘In ancient times, there was the Emperor of Desolate Heaven. He transformed into freedom, and he transformed into eternity. ’

'Now I, Jiang Yifei, create the prototype of the supreme holy art - I transform reincarnation, I transform your father! ’

This expresses the young man's love for the world and his original intention to encourage all sentient beings not to commit suicide, to love life forever, and to pursue living.

——Be careful, don’t die.

——Otherwise, I will have to be a father-in-law!

——Dig your grave, refine your corpse, digest a mass of origin, look back through the ages, and similar flowers reappear!

"If you don't worship me, your true destiny will be lost, and your name will be among the descendants."

"One step at a time, the sins on the road to rebirth will be cut in half, and I will protect your true spirit!"

In the dark, it seems that there are three thousand gods shouting loudly, hundreds of millions of Buddhas singing in meditation, Jiang Yifei realizes the Tao, the law of evolution, that kind of scene is boundless and vast, shocking the world.

A realm was taking shape, he stepped into the taboo, and the subtle aura spread, making the emperor's soldiers lose their composure, making the emperor moved, and with a single thought, he withdrew thousands of feet away, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Because, they sensed that there was a special field evolving and permeating by the fireside. It was not too powerful, but quite...disgusting.

That's deciphering, it's the dimensionality reduction of great chaos.

That is assimilation, the penetration of others.

In addition, there are the mysteries of time and space, the involvement of cause and effect, the support of sublimation, and the infection of the soul...

Everything comes together to send out the loudest taunt to all living beings in this world——

I am your father!

"What is the enemy of the whole world?"

The corners of Qingdi's mouth twitched, "I can see it now."

Both the God Emperor and the Empress nodded, expressing strong approval.

"This kind of person takes the path of God. He doesn't need to use his hands. He just stands there. There will be many people who want to kill him..." The God Emperor gave a pertinent evaluation.

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