“Challenge?!” The head of the West City Guard thought of some bad memories, and hurriedly waved his hand, “No! I have something to do later, let’s talk about it later.”

He didn’t want to lose in front of so many people.

Xiao Yihan crossed his arms and said coldly, “How about I ask you to set the rules of the challenge? Do you dare?”

As soon as these words came out, the terrified face of the head of the West City Guard obviously became a lot more excited: “Are you serious?”

Xiao Yihan said firmly: “Once a word is spoken, it’s hard to follow.”

This time, the firm head of Xichengwei was a little shaken.

If it is really possible, he will have a way to make Xiao Yihan lose face.

Let this leader of the Golden Time and Space be ridiculed by all the supernatural practitioners.

“Head of the West City Guard, stop. Apologize, this matter is over.”

“Yeah, after all, it was your fault first.”

Xiu, the old alliance leader and others all stood by to dissuade him. For the face-saving XichengFor the head of the guards, these persuasions were actually fanning the flames.

The head of the Xicheng Guard said bluntly: “Old leader, don’t persuade me anymore. Since he is asking for trouble, then I will teach him a lesson! lest he be so arrogant again.”

Xiao Yihan smiled in satisfaction when he found out that the head of the Xicheng Guards had agreed.

That’s right.

Not only can he become famous in one battle, but he can also vent his anger.

As the saying goes, kill two birds with one stone.

“For this battle, I only have three requirements!” The head of the Xicheng Guard raised three fingers, and his brain worked quickly, analyzing the strategy against Xiao Yihan.

“The first requirement: the competition system must be two wins out of three.”

“The second requirement: In the first two games, you can’t play in person, and I won’t play in person. Let our men come down for a 1v1 game! Two opponents, two games. By the way, you are not allowed to find Dongchengwei help.”

“The third requirement: In the last match, we are not competing with fists, but with music! Let’s compete with music!”

The three requirements of the head of Xichengwei are almost perfectly aimed at Xiao Yihan!

In this way, the other Xichengwei can play. Although Xichengwei is not very powerful, it is more than enough to deal with some ordinary walkers with supernatural powers!

If he had lost the first two games, Xiao Yihan would have been eliminated without even having a chance to play.

What’s more, there is a third game. This third round was even more difficult than the first two rounds.

“This condition is too harsh.” Xiu frowned, a little dissatisfied.

Especially the third requirement.

Xiao Yihan just learned electronic music not long ago, so he is basically a rookie. The head of the West City Guard practiced every day. If it was really better than music, then he must be better.

“If you don’t agree, I won’t compare.” The head of the West City Guard said with a sinister smile.

If it comes to fighting, he will definitely not be able to beat Xiao Yihan. But if it’s music, he can definitely crush Xiao Yihan!

Let Xiao Yihan lose face.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Yihan said directly: “I agree! Where is the competition venue? When is it?”


The head of the West City Guard immediately smiled, and immediately said: “The location is in the arena. As for the time, it depends on how long all the audience have. Anyway, I will notify them in time!”

“Yeah.” Xiao Yihan nodded slightly, and said calmly, “Now we can pick people. We will send two people from each side, and then we will decide the order.”

“Leave them the first two games.” The head of the West City Guard raised his finger, pointing to his two subordinates one after another.

They are also members of Xichengwei, and their combat power index is not less than 10,000 points. They can barely be regarded as second-rate experts.

“Leave the first scene to me.” Before Xiao Yihan could speak, Han took the initiative to walk over.

Hearing this, the head of the West City Guard and several of his subordinates all looked at Han curiously, and then they laughed extremely cheerfully.

“Is this pretty sister joking?”

“Haha! If I really send her up, I can give her both hands.”

“Both hands and feet are fine!”

Hearing the contempt of this group of people, Xiao Yihan was slightly dissatisfied. He gave them a fierce look and released a substantial killing intent, which made them shut up immediately.

“Is it possible?” Han asked expressionlessly, and there was still a vague coldness in her beautiful eyes.

Xiao Yihan saw her dissatisfaction, and directly agreed: “Then I’ll leave it to you!”

Although the people of Xichengwei dared not speak out, they were already happy in their hearts. This kind of beautiful girl who looks weak can’t beat them at all!

In the first round, they won the game.

“The second subordinate, who do you plan to choose?” The head of the West City Guard asked cautiously.

Xiao Yihan didn’t answer him, took out the mobile phone in his pocket, and dialed a number.

“Yi Han, what’s the matter?”

Xiao Yihan said: “Xiamen, do you want to have a real contest? Just treat it as your practice battle.”

Xia Tian’s tone became excited, and he couldn’t wait to ask: “Of course! Where are you? I’ll come to you now!”

In the current summer, after going through the baptism of various events, he has begun to accept his own identity.

After a few minutes.

Xia Tian walked into the courtyard and adjusted his glasses with square glasses: “Yi Han, I’m here. Are you here to play?”

Xiao Yihan waved to him and let him walk to his side.


“Let me introduce, this is Xia Tian.” Xiao Yihan first introduced Xia Tian, ​​and then turned his head to explain, “So, so, so and so.”

Xia Tian put on a suddenly realized face, and said firmly: “It’s on me!”

He was wearing glasses and a school uniform, and he didn’t have much confidence when he spoke. This appearance made Xichengwei and the others amused.

“This is a stunned young man!”

“Haha, we are sure to win the second round.”

“Sure enough, the three requirements of the group leader are to be able to win against Xiao Yihan.”

Xichengwei whispered in private, overflowing with joy.

What they don’t know is that Xia Tian is actually the future ultimate Iron Man, while Han is the current number one in the Thunder Department.

“Old leader, when will the competition start?” Xiao Yihan asked.

The old alliance leader pondered for a while, then said steadily: “I need three days. Once the three days are over, the auditorium is guaranteed to be filled with practitioners of supernatural powers! I will notify you when the time comes.”

0 ……… …….

“Okay, I’m sorry.”

After Xiao Yihan finished speaking, he left without looking back, and returned to Xia’s house with Xia Tian and the others to discuss the battle plan this time.

Today is the first day. It was also the most turbulent day.

Almost the entire iron space-time power world knew about this earth-shattering event.

That rookie, who has been burdened with countless insults, actually wants to challenge the head of Xichengwei! Moreover, there are stakes in this battle.

If Xiao Yihan wins, then he will have the right to search the other three major areas, and even obtain the status of the head of the combat regiment.

If the head of the West City Guard wins, then Xiao Yihan will give up the search and apologize in public for his previous actions.

All of a sudden, many practitioners with supernatural powers were guessing the outcome of this battle.

Winning or losing is still uncertain, but one thing is certain.

There will be countless masters who will arrive at the scene in three days to witness the whole process of this battle.

Tie Shikong hasn’t caused such a big storm for a long time. Whether it is a blockbuster or infamy depends on the battle three days later!

Magic walker area!

A one-eyed dragon demon walker, staring at his only eye, showed a sinister smile: “For such an important battle, my phantom eyes will definitely be there! At that time, maybe I can take the opportunity to get rid of Xiao Yihan!”

The leader of the alliance!

The soon-to-be leader of Moxibustion Dance, after listening to the old leader’s narration, decided, “I’ll go to see it in three days. It just so happens that I also want to see how capable the leader of Jin Shikong is.”

The Xia family!

Xiao Yihan, Xia Tian and others had just returned home when they were surrounded by Xia Liu, brother Xiong and the others… Six.

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