All the supernatural practitioners thought about it, but they didn’t come out for a reason.

rainwater, cando what? Can it burn like fire, or be sharp like lightning?

“This ability, it seems, is not as good as the wind ability…”

“I think it’s better to let Xiao Yihan be the leader.~”

“That’s right, that’s right, his ability is called strong-big.”

The other supernatural practitioners were discussing in whispers, and among them there was no shortage of Youwei-Xiao Yihan speaking.

Xiao Yihan’s flame power was the best choice in their minds. It’s a pity that Xiao Yihan is not from Tie Shikong, and he couldn’t be if he wanted to.

What’s more, Xiao Yihan doesn’t want to get involved in this mess.

“We must give them a blow.”

Moxie Wu’s expression remained unchanged, and a icy chill flashed across his eyes.

Even though these people have deliberately lowered their voices, Moxie Dance, who is a high-level power walker, can still hear clearly.

Since he can’t say it, then he will use his abilities to prove himself!

Moxibustion Wu’s fists were slowly clenched, releasing light blue light, controlling the intensity of the rain.

Soon, the color of the light changed dramatically, from light blue to dark blue, and at the same time it contained an astonishing power.

Moxibustion Wu murmured in a low voice: “Raindrop Strike, Woolabha!”

“What kind of trick is this?”

Xiao Yihan raised his head curiously, staring directly at the raindrops falling from the sky, his pupils changed subtly.

At this moment, the falling speed of the rain slowed down a lot, and even the movements of the people around him also slowed down, as if they had entered slow motion.

In the crystal clear raindrops, there was a faint blue light shining.

Just now, it was just a light rain to add to the fun.

Now, just now is the real downpour, and it also carries a certain degree of aggression.

“It’s interesting.” Xiao Yihan’s pupils returned to normal. He didn’t underestimate the menacing rain, and immediately raised his palm to form a black flame shield.

Bang bang bang!

As expected, the rain fell on the flame shield, but instead of extinguishing it, it exploded like a rock, and the damage was very powerful!

Xiao Yihan’s combat power index is as high as 30,000 points, so he can naturally block the rain.

But not all supernatural walkers have such a high combat power index. Basically, they can barely exceed 10,000 points, or close to 20,000 points.

Thus, a tragedy happened.

“Ah, ah, it hurts me to death!”

“Is this rain or hail?! Does it hurt so much when it hits someone like this?”

“Hail isn’t even that hard! Even our combat power index can’t stop it!”

A group of walkers with supernatural powers were smashed and screamed, their bodies were bruised and swollen. Only Xia Liu, an old-fashioned power walker like Brother Xiong, can block the rain.

The others are not opponents at all. He couldn’t resist for a few seconds, and then he was smashed and rolled around again, looking very embarrassed.

Because the rainwater is too dense! This made it impossible for them to hide, they could only curl up on the ground and be beaten.

Countless raindrops, like countless fists, are ruthlessly teaching them a lesson.

Moxibustion Dance’s Raindrop Strike Technique, although it can’t deal with a strong individual like Xiao Yihan, it can effectively hit a group of weak people who are grouped together.

On the battlefield, this kind of trick can even wipe out all low-level monsters.

“He can develop the weakest ability of rainwater to such an extent. His ability talent is really good. I underestimated him.” Xiao Yihan couldn’t help but give Ji Wu a high look.

Moxibustion Wu withdrew his hand when all the supernatural practitioners were beaten to the point of begging for mercy.

With a big wave of his hand, he manipulated the sky like the lord of the gods, making the whole sky clear and clear, with no trace of rain at all.

In the distant sky, there is also a looming rainbow, which looks absolutely beautiful.

The hand Moxibustion Wu showed really shocked everyone present. Those who were dissatisfied with him before were also overwhelmed by his strength, and quietly shut their mouths.

“Anyone else object?”

Moxibustion Wu glanced around coldly and arrogantly, and deliberately asked loudly. The supernatural walkers who had made eye contact with him all lowered their heads in fear, not daring to look at him.

The audience was dead silent.

“Master Moxibustion Dance, please give me your advice!” Xiao Yihan stood up and took the lead in breaking the silence.

If he doesn’t stand up, no one else will dare to stand up.

So this deadlock must be broken by him.

The leader of Moxibustion Dance showed a stern smile and said, “You don’t have to be polite with me. You can just call me Moxibustion Dance.”

Apparently, through the previous battles, the moxibustion dance leader has already recognized Xiao Yihan.

Especially his boxing style, known as the first boxing technique in Iron Time and Space!

“Leader of Moxibustion Dance! You will lead Tie Shikong to the peak!”

“The leader of moxibustion dance!”

“The leader of moxibustion dance!”

I don’t know who started it first, and the others followed suit. Suddenly, there was a lot of voices and it was very lively.

“Everyone, be quiet.”

The leader of Moxibustion Dance cleared his throat, and said with a serious face, “Most people must have heard what Demon Lord Diablo said earlier, right? I’ll say it here again, and those newcomers with supernatural powers have all listened to it.”


“Demon Venerable Diablo said that this war is not the beginning! The Demon Realm will launch a second war soon!

Therefore, I hope that everyone will inform their family and friends, as well as all the supernatural practitioners they know, and tell them to be careful when they go out in the future.

Also, in order to prevent Tie Shikong from happening again like today. I declare that Iron Time and Space has entered a state of first-level alert! ”

All supernatural practitioners became extremely serious, especially those who listened toBy the time of the last sentence, there was a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Today, it seems that Iron Time and Space has won, but in fact, the loss of Iron Time and Space is much greater than that of the Demon Realm.

. . . .

The root cause is that Iron Time and Space has been slack for too long! It was originally a powerful force, but it was divided into three forces by the devil’s tricks, and it was almost taken down in one fell swoop.

In order to prevent this from happening again, the leader of Moxibustion Dance issued a “Level 1 State of Alert”.

Xiao Yihan is not too clear about the so-called first-level alert state. It should be a very strict management method.

First of all, all practitioners with supernatural powers must act, and remain vigilant and cohesive. Secondly, the management of the four major areas will be stricter. Once a magic walker or monster is found, it will be killed!

If you find signs of activity in the demon world, you must report it to the alliance, and then the leader of moxibustion dance will gather all the power to fight head-on with the army of the demon world!

In this way, there will be no more splits.

Of course, this management method also has disadvantages. But the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and this is how the situation must be managed.

“In less than three months, the demon world will attack again. Everyone, cheer up for the next three months.”

The leader of Moxibustion Dance took a deep breath and said solemnly.

“Three months?”

Xiao Yihan’s expression became serious, and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Time is too urgent! In three months, his combat power index had to increase to at least 40,000 points, otherwise he would not be able to participate in the highest level of battle.

There is not much time left for him to become stronger.

“Increase the combat power index by 10,000 points in three months, or even more. It sounds impossible, but if you work hard, you may really have a chance!”

Xiao Yihan took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and thought to himself.

Don’t let the lottery chance go to waste!

Smoke now. six.

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