But I never thought that I didn’t want to learn. By the way, I’m not likely to gain too much weight, but it’s completely different, “Sure enough, I can’t be so cute like you, and I don’t think it’s so fat. Isn’t this figure just right? , Why don’t we add WeChat.”

We sat next to Zhang Yang and watched, some things would make us laugh, but we all understood what was going on.

But I feel sorry for our little friend, I don’t know if he is really stupid or fake. This woman treats him with something, and it’s all for his money. In fact, I think it’s as close as a rabbit. It’s the same among people, it’s impossible not to know, it’s just his willingness.

The fat man was sitting there, and he had to take out a pack of cigarettes just now, that Xiaoxue’s movements.

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