The Ultimate Copy Ninja

Chapter 40 - The fool who let in the wolfs

A large group of people could be seen walking towards a beautiful lake the group is made out of several different companies you could see that by looking at the different uniforms that they are wearing.

Leading the large group is five old men that look to be in their early fifties and every one of them had serious looks on their faces.

The large group was not the only ones that are here following behind the large group another group bigger than the first group and this group was not coordinated like the first group this group was made out of different people from different backgrounds and they all came here for one thing and that is to see a good show.

Whenever the is a big fight the would always be people who would come to watch the show especially the younger generations they have come to see a fight between the strong and they're hoping to learn from their seniors.

When the first group got near the lake they stopped and one out of the five leading old men walked out of the group and shouter in a loud voice that covered the heaven and the earth.

"Pill Island the Green leaf merchant ȧssociation has come to talk business with you" when the man said this there was a large and sinister look on his face.

He was not the only one that had a sinister smile on their face almost all the people in the group were smiling the same way.


Up in high in the sky an old man and a young lady were standing and looking at what was happening down there.

The old man had long white hair and a clean face he looked to be seventy but looking at his body one would see a body that is full of life and energy.

Next to the old man was a young and beautiful lady dressed in a green dress that hugged her well developed figure well showing her sėxy curves.

The young lady's face was one that any man would lose themself looking at it and she had deep black eyes that were filled with mystery.

The old man looked at the young girl and there was a smile on his face and he said "I brought you here to teach you a something important since your going to be the next leader of our clan you should learn this now before you make a mistake in the future that you can not take back. Just wait and enjoy the show I can guarantee you that you're going to see something that you would have never expected."

The young lady looked at the old and she could not figure out what the old man was hiding but she knew that the old man next to her was one of the most crafty old foxes in the Kingdom and form she had.

While thee young miss was trying to figure out the meaning behind the old man's words a small figure could be seen walking on water towards the merchants.

The figure was Zero and he was dress in black and red robes that represent Pill Island and he was walking slowly with large strides showing his confidence.

"Friends from thee merchants ȧssociation what brings you here to my little humble corner of the world" Zero said when he was about 500 meters away from the merchants ȧssociation.

Zero worlds were met by nothing but blank faces from all the people present.

"who is that I have never seen him before and why would Pill Island send him out here alone"

"look at him he is so young. I guess this is all that is left of Pill Island"

"Pill Island has fallen from glory to only send this boy out"

It was well known that there only four people that we're currently living on Pill Island.

The leaders of the merchant ȧssociation were afraid that Pill Island would ask the Greenleaf clan to help get them out of the situation but from their information, the Greenleaf clan was not going to get involved in what was going on.

The man who shouter previously looked at Zero for a while and with a smile on his face said to Zero "My name is Robb surname Kent and I speak as a representative of the newly formed Black Ork merchants ȧssociation. Black Ork merchants ȧssociation is made out of the five best pill houses in the Greenleaf Kingdom. The Black Ork merchants ȧssociation has come in hopes to have talked about cooperation with Pill Island."

"Ohh a corporation you say them you are welcome I am Zero surname Skies and in am the current Island master and I look forward to having talks with you. You're all welcome to Pill Island well let me turn off the defensive formations".

Zero took out a jade token for all to see and with a beautiful shimmer, the defensive formation around Pill Island was gone like that.

"Black Ork merchants ȧssociation I welcome you to Pill Island and I hope that you would forgive our poor hospitality we only have four people on the Island currently and you seem to have brought a lot of people but dot worry we will manage."

Zero said that in front of shocked gazes from ten of thousands of people and they are had one thought in their mind at the moment and it was that the new Pill Island master was a fool who let in the wolfs.

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