The Ultimate Copy Ninja

Chapter 44 - The Blood Moon massacre

With one word over ten thousand people rushed in Pill Island like a wave that could destroy everything in its path.

The old and in the sky started to laugh at this moment seeing how impatient they were to die.

"The real show is about to begin now pay close attention to what is about to happen next and then you could answer my question.

Zero was all the people rushing with all their might into Pill Island, Pill Island was known to have the best herbs in the kingdom and some were rushing to have the first peek at the treasures of Pill Island.

Everyone knew that Pill Island has been standing for a long time and at that time it must have collected a lot of treasures and in a situation like this first come would get the biggest treasure.

While all the others were rushing to the get the treasures of Pill Island the smartest of all of them was rushing at Zero because he knew that the moment he could Zero he would have control over Pill Island.

The old man who named himself as the head of the Black Ork merchants ȧssociation was the one rushing a Zero with all his might with a long spear in his hand wanting to kill Zero with one hit and not give him a chance to pull off another miracle.

When the head of the black Ork merchants ȧssociation got closed to Zero something black and long shot out of the bloodied water and pierced his heart killing him in an instant.

The man who died was the strongest of all the people from the Black Ork merchants ȧssociation the person that they all depended on in taking Pill Island and he died just like that.

The man was a hydro phase expect and fro him to die just like that shock them all and they all stopped and looked at the died man.

The was a bloody hole in the man's ċhėst where his heart was supposed to be, while they were all shocked Zero took the time to turn on the defensive formation around Pill Island trapping all those who rushed in.

This was his plan all along and he could not believe that they fall for it, from the way the Black Ork merchants ȧssociation acted Zero could guess that they did not know about the true power of Pill Island but now that they trapped in the formation they was nothing more for him to do with one word from him tell Galom army attacked.

Bronze and silver Golems rushed out of the water and started killing everything in their path what seemed like the doom of Pill Island a moment ago had now turned a complete 180.

Seeing all the Golems killing people left and right the young lady in the air looking at the sight with a face filled with horror.

She finally understands why the old man asked who was the strongest in the Kingdom was looking at the sight in front of her with a look she not seen for decides.

The Greenleaf had their own Golem army and it was the same number as the one she was seeing in front of her.

She, unlike other people, knew firsthand how powerful these Golems were because she has been using on was her sparring partner for a long time.

The young lady knew that the Golden golem had the power of a Hydro phase peak expect and that not all Hydro phase expect can beat it in a fight.

Even the old man next to her would take some time and have to make a sacrifice to brig that golem down.

Looking at the golem army she could tell that it would not be easy for the Clan to fight it off and if that person was still in Pill Island them her clan might even be destroyed.

Many people might not be sure just how strong the young mistress was but she knew, she had seen it for herself when the young fought with the vice leader of her clan Greenleaf Ann.

In that fight, even Ann Greenleaf could not do anything to the young mistress even though there was a seven level difference in their cultivation.

She was the only person of the younger generation that she has ever admitted to being stronger and more talented than her.

She was born with both beauty and talent and she never met anyone she felt inferior to until she met the young mistress.

The young mistress beauty was matchless and her talents left her even more shocked seeing her fight but was inspired to be just like her.

While the young lady was lost in thought the killing was done and he once crystal clean blue water was now red with blood.

All the people watching the golem were frozen stiff from the sight they all knew what the golems were they have seen they around people from the Greenleaf clan and they were shocked to think that Pill Island could have the same standing as the ruling clan.

Zero looked at the people and said in a powerful voice "All those who could to look for trouble with my Pill Island the only thing that is waiting for them is death"

Then he turned around and walked away with large strides with tens of thousands of pairs of eyes watching him carefully.

Most people have never seen such are domineering sight in their life, killing over ten thousand people like it meant nothing at all.

The young lady looked at Zero back and she could not help but remember the day that the young mistress left the kingdom.

Just like that day when she looking at the proud back of the young mistress back she could tell that she was looking at one of the most talented people in the world.

Looking at Zero she could not help feeling the same now looking at Zero's back.

The young lady looked at the old man next to her and said "We should make sure that we befriend him while he is still weak"

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