The Ultimate Copy Ninja


Waking up in the morning Zero felt his spirits at an all time low, Zero spent most of the night trying to figure out what he was doing wrong when he is looking for herbs. Zero pick up his camping tent and put in his space stone that neatly place in his new wrist band, the wristband hands a unmanly feel to it but Zero could not say no to Lily when she gave it to him telling him that she made it personally for him.

with the light from the rising sun Zero notice that the cave he was in was a lot bigger than what he saw yesterday and to his surprise at the end of the cave in a place that the sun never reaches the was the White leaf grass that he was looking for.

Seeing the White leaf grass got Zero thinking about all the herb books he read, all the books had attributes of the herbs. The Green leaf grass is a warm attribute herb it needed to grow in a warm place that received a lot of sunshine.

The White leaf grass is a cold attribute herb that needed clod places to grow, it grew in places that where in the shadow all day like caves.

With this discovery Zero could not help but feel stupid for not using his common sense, after harvesting the White leaf grass Zero got out of the cave and looked at the mountains with a new light.

He was currently at the bottom of a mountain, the mountain he was on receives a good amount of sunlight all day but it was not enough sunlight for the growth of Green leaf grass.

But the is moisture in the air which means that there should be a water sources somewhere nearby, the three leaf grass grows in moist place. Places that receive some that are warm during the day and cold enough at night, places that had enough water for them to grow.

Knowing that the mountain that he was in could have three leaf grass Zero started to search all the places that had a lot of moisture around the mountain. After an hour of searching Zero left the mountain with five three leaf grass.

Applying the new herb picking method Zero spent the next four days going up and down all the mountains in his surrounding look for all the herbs he needed to try and concoct body cleansing powder.

Zero could not believe how lucky he was because the fourth day of using the method to search for herbs he had collected more than a thousand Green leaf grass, hundreds of the other three herb.

That was not the only herbs that he collected they were tens of other herbs like the like the level 1 moon wolf flower and blood moon flower.

The only herb than Zero needed now was Pure water flower, the Pure water flower is the main ingredient to the body cleansing pill or powder, Zero can get a level 1 Pure water flower it would make his trip to the Spirit Herb mountains wealth it.

A level 1 Pure water flower is one of the most purest herbs in the world, the Pure water flower is a flower that can purify water and spirit QI in the place where it grows.

If Zero can eat a level 1 Pure water flower his cultivation would experience a huge growth and the pure spirit QI in the flower can clean his body to by a huge degree.

The Pure water flower is the main ingredient in all the body cleansing stage pill like the body cleansing pill and the bone marrow cleansing pill.

Zero looked and looked for the Pure water flower and did not find anything, the Pure water flower is a water attribute herb that growth in swamps and pounds. But the hard part about finding the Pure water flower is that you first had to find a water source with pure water.

On the morning of the sixth day Zero was starting to lose his patience and the food that he brought with him was only to last hi seven days and now he only for one day, he had to find the Pure water flower and go home.

Zero activated his Sharingan and it was like he took a huge dose of adrenaline everything around him felt that it was no going at a much slower speed than before. With the Sharingan on Zero was able to find even more herbs in an hour than he did after an entire day without his Sharingan but still did not find a hint of the Pure water flower.

Using the Sharingan proved to be more than Zero expected it to be after just an hour of using it him was already breathing heavy and out of breath, he looked like a man that would pass out at any moment now. With all his spirit Qi depleted Zero had no choice but to stop using his Sharingan but before stopping Zero took one last look around and he notice something that he did not notice before.

For some unknown reason the was a small and almost unnoticeable flow off spirit QI in the mountain that he was on. The Spirit Qi in the Mountain seemed to be going to a certain place. Zero remembers reading about his and it happened when a high level herb was maturing and it would suck up all the spirit Qi in a big radius.

Zero looked at the direction the Spirit was flowing to and deactivated his Sharingan and started to walk in that direction after an hour of walking Zero acme to a cave entrance the spirit QI in that cave entrance was the best and the purest Zero felt in the Spirit Herb Mountains, after walking into the cave Zero set down and started to recover from the use of the Sharingan

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