Earth Hua Guo Shu City Wake is an orphan, lost his father when he was a child, his mother has to work, he has liked to watch anime since he

was a child, anime can make him feel less lonely, and when he grows up, he is obsessed with One Piece, his mother died of illness in high school, he went to college with the money left by his mother, and became the grandmother of One Piece comics when he went to college, and he has been a video commentary on One Piece since college.

Because he majored in applied physics, he made the video very logical, and many brain holes and predictions were refreshing, so Wake's video clicked a lot, there were a large number of fans, and he couldn't starve him with the income from the video.

After graduating from college, he did not look for a job and became a professional two-dimensional video grandmother.

That night, in order to do a good job of the latest One Piece commentary video, I consulted a lot of information and read a lot of previous comics to find foreshadowing, and as a result, Wake, who had been fighting for three days, finally fell on the keyboard, and before falling down, an ethereal voice sounded in his mind, coming from afar.

"Vic, if you want to survive, you must survive!!"


Wake of Lep Island in the East China Sea woke up leisurely, found himself lying on the ground, turned over for a while and was about to sit up, but his forehead hit a hard object with a "bang".

Wake was in pain and took a breath.

Fumbling through the hard object, he realized through the faint light outside the window that he was under the bed, a tall and strange room that Wake had sworn never been to.

Slowly out of the room, downstairs to the door, only to see a black-haired boy about one meter two in the mirror of the entrance.

In an instant, a wave of memories struck, but Wake woke up less than half an hour and fainted again.


Vic gradually came to his senses, and the sensations in his body told him that he was not lying on the floor, but lying on a warm bed with a quilt.

Slowly open your eyes and see a wooden ceiling and white chandeliers.

Gradually returning to his senses, he realized that he had crossed and came to the world of One Piece, becoming Orens-Vic, the ten-year-old son of Orens, the secretary of the mayor of Arlin Town on the East Sea Lep Island.

Because Vic's parents died in front of his eyes, unable to accept the blow, his soul was extremely empty, and his body was occupied by Vic who wandered here. Thinking of the death of

Vic's parents, especially what his mother said to him before his death, he couldn't help but feel sad, "This is the world of One Piece, the law of the jungle, cross it, anyway, there is no one I care about in that world, maybe I was summoned by Ann, a faint voice sounded in my mind when I fell on the keyboard, very much like Ann."

Through the fused memory, it is known that One Piece Roger has just been executed.

Vic muttered, "The era of sea pirates is coming, and if you don't have the strength, you can only let the mermaid flesh, just like this town."

Sighing, he turned his head to look at a little girl with burgundy hair lying on her stomach by the bed, and knew through memory that this was Rebecca from the house next door, one year younger than Vic, and knew that she was now in Rebecca's house by looking at the house decorations.

Vic sat up and stretched, his body did not hurt, as long as he woke up, he didn't need to lie on the bed anymore, reached out and rubbed Rebecca's head, there was no strange feeling at all, like a physical instinct.

Rebecca woke up, grabbed Vic's hand and said in surprise: "Vic, you finally woke up, you have been in a coma for three days, you haven't eaten for a few days, are you hungry?" I'll go get you something to eat. After saying that, he ran out.

When Vic heard the food, his stomach immediately grumbled, and he said to himself: "I was in a coma for three days, I don't know how long I lay under the bed, and I didn't find the remains of Vic's parents when I came out of the bed, apparently someone came to remove the remains."

Without waiting for a while, two figures came to the room. In addition to Rebecca, there is an old lady with gray hair and a wrinkled face, which is Rebecca's grandmother Maria.

The old lady was holding a large tray with a lot of food in her hand, saw Vic get out of bed, put the tray on the table next to her with a smile, and then said gently to Vic: "Little Vic, how is the body, there is nothing uncomfortable, right?"

Vic returned: "Grandma Maria, I'm fine now, but I fainted from mental stimulation before, you don't have to worry."

Hearing Vic's answer, the old lady was also relieved, and beckoned Vic to eat first, and then talk after the rest were finished.

Then Vic ate all the food on the tray, and he was still not full, but he was embarrassed to ask for it again, after all, it was in someone else's house.

The old lady was also a little surprised to see Vic eat all the food, Vic would never be able to eat so much before, and he could feed him in a small half.

"Little Vic, have you eaten enough, there are still a lot of them in the kitchen, I'll ask Rebecca to bring you some more."

"Rebecca, you go and get more food, Vic hasn't eaten enough, he's hungry these days, hehe." Seeing Vic's unfinished appearance, the old lady smiled.

Vic smiled a little embarrassed, ate and ate, a little unsophisticated, and could only repay these two poor people who depended on each other in the future.

Rebecca's parents are both navies, and her father was killed by pirates when he was on a mission, and then her mother, who was on a mission on the ship, was a little in a trance after hearing the news and died while fighting the pirates.

Left to live on Lepp Island, he would not have survived if he had not received a monthly martyr's allowance from the Navy and the help of his neighbors.

Seeing that Vic was embarrassed, the old lady smiled slightly and said: "You can eat with confidence, although grandma does not have much money, but there is still money to buy food."

"The pirates didn't take food when they left the other day, they just stole all the money, and there is still no shortage of food in the town."

"Your parents helped me the most when they were alive, so I won't let you go hungry, you will eat here with me in the future, and when you finish eating, I will take you to your parents' grave to worship, alas, poor family."

Vic listened to a pang of sadness in his heart and silently did not speak. When Rebecca

brought the food over and ate silently, Rebecca was a little strange, feeling that the atmosphere was not quite right, looking at her grandmother and then at Vic, with a puzzled face.

After eating, the old lady cleaned the tableware and came to the table and sat down and said: "Take a break, I'll take you to see your parents later."

The old lady thought for a moment and said, "Vic, your parents are gone, what are your plans for the future."

Vic quickly spoke: "I want to be a navy, kill pirates, and avenge my parents."

Vic directly lay in the groove, this is not my idea, how can I still blurt out ah, is the original owner's soul still not possible. The old lady

nodded and said, "It's okay to be in the navy, but you must be careful, Rebecca's parents used to be in the navy, especially her mother was a soldier on the ship of a naval magnate..." After

talking for a while, he and the old lady Rebecca went to the cemetery, where there were many tombstones, Rebecca's parents were also buried, and Vic stood alone in front of his parents' tombstones.

The old lady took Rebecca to her parents' tombstones to worship.

Vic sat in front of the tombstone without speaking, silent and weeping.

Vic determined that in addition to his own soul in his body, the soul of the original owner is also there, but the body is dominated by itself, and only when he encounters things that the original owner is particularly concerned about can he affect the body.

Vic doesn't have much affection for the couple, and tears are caused by another soul feeling that is too strong and affects the body.

Although Vic did not make a sound, he silently said in his heart: An, I don't know if you summoned me, but I did hear your voice, and now it occupies your son's body, although with his soul strength I just return the body to him, he can't control it, can only live stupidly, but I will carry his name to live, become strong, no matter what means, so strong that no one can control his life and death anymore, let this world ..., this is my promise to you.

Vic, I'll be in the Navy for you.

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