After a night of silence, the next day all the recruit camp cadets gathered in the square by the port. Today is the day of the departure of the

practice, Andrew came early, and the assistant teacher next to him also arrived, he had to make sure the number of people was accurate.

By the time Vic brought Rebecca to the square, there were already many people there.

After waiting for another moment before the number of people was counted, Andrew counted the number and began this practical lecture. "Everyone is quiet, listen to me, this practice assessment is the practice of the

new barracks,

you have been studying for three months, the study is to apply what you have learned, which is also the purpose of this outing practice."

Andrew paused after speaking, waiting for everyone to digest.

"This time a warship is arranged, the warship will not send any troops up, everything depends on yourself, how to survive, and

successfully complete the task, these are your assessment content, the

ship will arrange ten scorers and a team leader, the scorekeeper will only take care

of your scoring during practice, the captain will only take action when your life is in danger, and the rest does not matter, you also have to take care of their food and housing."

Andrew said, pausing again.

The cadets below have already whispered, and these recruits are not all young.

There are also some who have been soldiers in other bases for many years, many of them are very experienced, but they are not very worried.

But many recruits are a little worried, but this is essential, they will have to be experienced in the future, sooner or later, if you are afraid, don't come to the navy.

"You remember, you must behave well, everything you do is to be recorded, these are the scoring basis, of course, eating, sleeping, going to the toilet is not recorded." There was a

loud laugh from below, and Andrew laughed himself when he said this.

"This time it's not just a casual outing and coming back, there are specific tasks to go out this time, and you must complete the task well, so that the score will be high."

When the trainees heard that there was a task, they chatted in whispers, all guessing what the task was, and Andrei did not sell much, and directly told everyone the task.

"The mission this time is to eliminate the pirates, pacify and treat civilians.

Just in the first half of the great voyage, there is a small island near the windless zone, called 'Heian Island', recently this island

is not safe, a group of pirates who have just gone out to sea have occupied this island,

are oppressing the civilians on the island, this matter was reported to our navy by the island's residents, so this mission is to

rescue Heian Island, and then return to the naval headquarters safely, this is the mission this time.

Andrew finished the entire task and waited for the trainees below to digest it.

It is indeed very lively underneath, and some are worried about whether the pirate strength will be very strong.

Some are worried about whether the ship will reach Heian Island with their own recruits.

Some are afraid that the ship will sail into the windless zone, after all, Heian Island is on the edge of the windless zone.

Some are eager to try, others are thoughtful, and there are many things in their hearts, but the task is the task, and you have to go up.

Andrew stood on the podium for a long time without speaking, just looking at something from time to time.

The underground trainees were all finished talking, all looking at Andrew, not knowing what Andrew was waiting for and why he hadn't boarded the ship yet.

Andrew is also a little anxious, why hasn't the captain arranged above come over, and the people can't leave now if they haven't come.

Vic is also curious about who led the team this time, although it is the first half of the great voyage, but the sea is full of dangers.

So many recruits, are the future of the Navy fresh blood, the accident of the Navy is also a big loss, and there is a huge loss of reputation, this time should send a vice admiral to lead the team, Vic thought.

After waiting for about ten minutes, finally, a tall figure came to the square, yes, it was Major General Gion. Not a lieutenant general

, the main thing is that the lieutenant general of the headquarters is busy with important things and cannot leave.

Another is that the idle Major General Gion applied for this task himself.

Considering that the strength of Major General Qi Yuan is still good, and there is a perverted Vic on the ship, this one should be very stable, so I agreed to Rear Admiral Gion's application.

Pray Garden looked at the dumbfounded Vic in the crowd with a smile, a little proud.

That's right, she came for Vic, as for what purpose, there is a little bit in all aspects! Gion walked up to the

podium with long legs, and Andrew quickly saluted her, after all, Gion was two levels older than him. "This is Major General Gion,

that is, your leader this time, you must respect her, don't cause trouble to Major General Gion, good food and drink must not be less."

Andrew said loudly, but he looked at Vic and said, Vic rolled his eyes, you two play me here!

Gion also looked at Vic with a smile on his face.

"Well, since everyone has arrived, let's hurry up and get on the boat, I wish everyone a good journey and a good result!"

Andrew finally said in a loud voice, and then beckoned the cadets which warship to get on, and the cadets all left after Andrew.

Gion didn't move, still looking at Vic with a smile.

Vic and Rebecca and Wendy didn't move, and when the trainees all left the square, Gion walked towards Vic, and when she came to Vic, she looked at Vic with a smile.

"I have information here that you absolutely can't refuse, if you want to know, you must promise to cook for me, every meal every day, do you want information?"

Gion showed a fox-like smile and two rows of large white teeth.

Vic guessed that it might be related to the last time he asked Karp for help, and the Navy's intelligence capabilities were also good.

He wanted it very much, but it was a little annoying to think of this woman's request, the three of them were ready to fire themselves, even if they brought another her, it didn't matter.

But you are too unsophisticated about asking for benefits from what the Warring States promised.

But at this time, Rebecca was shaking Vic's arm with a pleading expression.

Vic sighed, when was this bought, he had no choice but to compromise, who let a little traitor come out of his side!

Vic extended his hand to Gion, the meaning was obvious, take the intelligence, I agreed to your request.

Gion smiled and pulled out a map from the business line.

Vic held this map with Gion's body temperature, and his heart was a little strange!

He opened it and looked at it, and an island was coiled in red.

It is the same name as the piece of paper given by Xia Qi - Gia Island.

It's just that Vic's eyes suddenly shrank when he looked elsewhere, and the sea not far from Gia Island was the destination of this trip - Heian Island.

Vic didn't know if it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement, and looked at Gion with a puzzled face, and Gion also knew about it.

"This matter is also coincidental, I was ready to tell you immediately when I knew the information of Gia Island,

but when choosing the task of practice, there happened to be a distress message from Heian Island, and after seeing that the two islands were adjacent, Lieutenant General Karp

directly decided this place, if there was no pirate incident on Heian Island, it was really impossible to choose that sea area for your private affairs, Hehe,

Lieutenant General Karp takes good care of you, what a envy!" Gion explained the ins and outs and looked at Vic with a grin.

You didn't have anything to do with you, and you ran here to eat and drink.

Vic rolled his eyes, only to be more grateful to Karp, the old man.

This old man had been thinking about himself and was a respectable elder, and Vic decided to repay it well in the future.

Vic ignored Gion and walked directly towards the warship, where everyone was waiting for them.

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