The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 31: Old beast vs little bitch

Fang Senyan nodded slightly, cut a large piece of oily barbecue from the grill in front of him, sprinkled the ingredients and chewed it, and patted his palm after eating, shouting loudly with the drunk pirates next to him Together, they held hands to dance the horn flute and sang wantonly sexually explicit songs, which seemed to have no intention of leaving. And the pirate waited for a long time, finally taking advantage of Fang Senyan to sit down and rest, could not help saying:

"Although it is presumptuous to say that, Mr. Yan, it seems that there are two great men waiting for you?"

Fang Senyan turned his head and smiled:

"Your name is?"


"Mr. Sauron, if they really want to talk to me, then they should come to me instead of sending me out as a servant and sending them personally, and have the right to do so throughout the Caribbean Only our cowardly and great Captain Armand! Because I gave him this right when I was loyal to him. "

Fang Senyan said without seriousness. The new pirate didn't answer, and looked stunned behind Fang Senyan. Then came a low and flat voice:

"The sailor is long, the next time you talk about me in front of other people, remember to remove the 吝啬 before the great word."

The voice ... it was Amand's! Fang Senyan didn't expect to meet him at this time, but when he looked back, he saw that the scar Henry standing next to Armand raised his hand and threw a heavy thing over. Fang Senyan caught it, and found that it was a very light money bag. As soon as it was shaken, it rang "crammy", opened it and looked at it. It was full of gold and full of pounds. Let's say there are more than a hundred. Unfortunately, these pounds have been marked as currencies that can only be used in this world, otherwise, this time selling to Nightmare Space is a few thousand universal points.

"Have fun." Amand is obviously very satisfied with Fang Senyan's previous answer, the waist plate is still straight, and he goes straight to the bell and the glass number. Fang Senyan's heart also followed closely. Obviously, the goods plundered by the pirates have been successfully sold, and the internal distribution of the pirates has also been completed. Otherwise, where can Armand get so many gold pounds? This undoubtedly also represents the beginning of the return of the group of businessmen who bought black goods in Tutuga Port. It is also an omen that the disappearance of the **** and beautiful lady is about to be revealed.

尽管 Although he thinks that he has done a good job in this matter, and he does not have the advanced scientific and technological means to check fingerprints and identify genes in later generations, he still has a vague ambition in his heart. To be honest, Fang Senyan's greatest reliance is: if the worst could happen, what magical means does Tutujia have to reveal the truth? The evil act of killing the Lord Lady herself may be pushed to the cusp, but Jack S. Most of Pallo and her cheating will be exposed!

It will be difficult to say who the greatest hatred of contemporary Lord Fokk will be summarized by then, but Fang Senyan is a man of his own, and it is estimated that the hat of the Green Hat grantor is greater than the hatred of his wife. Miss! However, Fang Senyan did it without any hesitation-if he did not take risks in the space, how could he bring rich returns?

When Fang Senyan's mind was thinking tensely, his side suddenly tightened, and a burly figure sat down next to himself. Fang Senyan looked back and found that this was a middle-aged man with gray hair. His face had mixed features of Indian and Caucasian. His nose was slightly eagle-hooked, but his mild eyes effectively dilute that Yin feeling. The middle-aged man held a leather wine bag embroidered with a double-headed eagle, smiled at Fang Senyan, and raised the bag to take a sip.

Fang Senyan is quite skilled in dealing with such scenes. He also smiled and raised his wine bag to take a sip in return. The middle-aged man's eyes seemed brighter, and he asked tentatively:

"Sailor Changyan from the East? A warrior who fought against the Corrupted Soul alone and killed it?"

When Fang Senyan moved in his heart, he already understood the identity of the gray-haired middle-aged man, and raised his wine bag with a smile:

"I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Barry."

二 The second old barry on the flying Dutchman gave a hearty laugh:

"I was a little confused about how you could do that kind of monster, but now it looks like it is well-deserved."

Yan Fangsenyan is very honest:

"I must explain a detail that may be overlooked by many people: it is a rotten soul with a severely injured head, and the controller is not present, otherwise it must be me who is killed.

Old Barry said:

"The second question in my heart is solved by this sentence from you. Very good, kid, your honesty has won my respect, and frankly, I have nothing suspicious of this kind of disgusting guy Very interested. If you happen to be there, trust me, you will get a pretty good reward. "

Fang Senyan smiled. Of course, he was not the kid who was coaxed by a few good words, so he raised his left hand. On the **** of his left hand, he wore that horrible and disgusting ring of bones. This thing is obviously one of the "any suspicious things" described by Barry, and Fang Senyan used it as a touchstone to see what the so-called considerable reward in his mouth was.

Old Barry took Fang Senyan's left hand over, frowned and watched carefully, and it took a while to say:

"This should be made from the bones of the rotten soul corpse. Although it doesn't seem to be of much value, I decided to give you three pounds. How about it? This price must give you a lot of surprises!"

After hearing this price, Fang Senyan immediately silently labeled the old guy with the word "beast" in his heart. He immediately understood that all the original passion was superficial, once it involved the essential things, I'm afraid we still have to rely on the hard-pass attribute of charm to open the way. It is very regrettable that the charm of Fang Senyan is only a few points, obviously it is not enough to let the famous second officer reach the level of generosity.

Like this pale blue ring, the ring of rotten bones adds two very practical basic attributes to increase strength and physical strength. If it returns to space, it can also sell at least one thousand universal points. This old Barry spoke very generously, but Only three pounds came out-still, the kind of pound that couldn't bring out the world! The difference between them is huge, even when compared with the gap between A cover and D cover. The essence of Barry is fully exposed, and it goes without saying.

Since I found a seemingly generous iron rooster in front of him, Fang Senyan was a little interested, and Pi Xiaorou lifted the bag just thrown by the scar Henry just shook:

"Dear Mr. Barry, if you have a similar ring, I will buy it for four pounds. How much is it? How?"

Haunting was that Barry became fine, and Fang Senyan was a bit embarrassed by this, but his skin was already dark, and his blush was not obvious. Fang Senyan felt his nature at this moment, and was too lazy to talk nonsense, and took out the quest item "the heart still beating" directly. This magical and disgusting thing immediately caused the surrounding pirates to marvel, old Barry's pupils shrank, and he swallowed a spit, Fang Senyan said very simply:

"Your old people are very knowledgeable and have eaten more salt than we have ever seen rice. Of course, I know how precious this thing is ... I do n’t talk too much nonsense. If you ca n’t get what I want, Then I believe there will always be someone who knows the goods. "

Speaking of this, Fang Senyan's eyes flickered:

"I also forgot to tell you one thing. Wachter on Queen Anne's Revenge just took a message and said that the great Captain Blackbeard also wanted to talk to me."

Old Barry's face suddenly gloomy:

"What do you want?"

Fang Senyan shrugged:

"It depends on what you have."

Old Barry stared at Fang Senyan and said coldly:

"Young man, aren't you afraid of having a big appetite?"

This semi-threatening tone will undoubtedly make Fang Senyan very unhappy ~ ~ He raised his lips scornfully, then stood up:

很好 "Very well, it seems I need to visit the respected Captain Blackbeard."

When I saw Fang Senyan really hard and hard to eat, and really stood up and walked in the direction of Queen Anne's Revenge, the old Barry suddenly became tense, could not help but took a bit of anxiety, meaning he jumped and shouted:

"You stupid! Blackbeard will swallow you with no bones left!"

Fang Senyan shrugged up very easily:

"Then he has to face the anger of the black sea son Amand, who is thundering. After all, I am a quite qualified sailor. It is not easy to find my replacement."

In the face of Fang Senyan, Barry could only sigh and stood up and said:

"Okay, okay, you won. Let's go and talk."

Wu Fangsenyan said arrogantly:

"Of course there is no problem, but I must remind you that human patience is limited. You have just successfully challenged my fragile patience and IQ with three pounds. I don't want to have a similar thing next time. Otherwise, believe me, you'll leave this heart forever. "

The muscles on Lao Bari's face twitched, as if his flesh had been choked off. Just as Fang Senyan has learned about him, this second lieutenant has also figured out the character of the **** sailor from the East in front of him-it is the most difficult one ------- -Old Barry sighed helplessly, put his hand in his arms, and when he pulled it out, there was an extra flat box-shaped jug that looked a bit old.

Uh ...............

12 We have a chapter tonight at 12 o'clock, let's see each other.

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