The Ultimate Host

Chapter 396 - Gornji, Isle Of Trading and Business Propotions

The second Linear Palace...

King Linear was already placing coordinates on Resistance territories to strike. The first territory he was going to strike was Gornji. This is where Cross was. Cross was searching for clues. Gornji was one of the territories that The Resistance to trade business propositions with other kingdoms outside the realm of Valadin. The main people they discussed business proportions with were The Vinci Brothers who heard about the upcoming war. They decided not to interfere. King Linear requested ten airships with a thousand soldiers inside one of them.

Gornji Gulf.

Cross made it all the way to Gornji with Sarah, Jesse, Orion, Lucia, Akashiri, and Naomi. Jessica decided to stay home. They all were disguised as traders. One of the Resistance leaders, Python were on Gornji. Cross walked around the merchants market asking questions to other merchants. However, none of the merchants listened to him and just walked away. Cross gritted his teeth cracking his knuckles. He was beginning to become agitated. Cross looked into the air and saw airships fully equipped with advanced gunfire. They rained down on the isle of Gornji causing an explosion to occur. One of the ships emitted green gas out of the engine. It was deadly gas which began killing people extremely quickly.

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