The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 199: Discussion on the way down the mountain!

Things are rare.

The more rare things are, the more precious they are.

Without exception.

The special status of Mount Everest fossils has made many people on the Internet believe that this thing is definitely valuable.

Once the news spread.

Not only the audience, but many world-class collection institutions, private museums, and even large collectors are also secretly rubbing their hands on this.

Because in the eyes of mankind, Everest has always been synonymous with mystery.

It is a death zone where no one dares to dabble.

It's not easy to see for yourself that someone has reached the summit.

It is even more lucky to see paleontological fossils of tens of millions now!

Because this is the material evidence of the vicissitudes of the earth for tens of millions of years on earth, and it is also a key move for humans to unveil the mysterious veil of the Himalayas!

Today, all this is in Lu Yu's hands.

A small fossil has attracted scientists, collectors and geologists from all over China and the world!

However, according to Chinese laws, such things are not allowed to resell, but they can be donated to relevant departments for a fee according to the actual situation.

Lu Yu's idea is the same.

The Everest Fossil is of great significance to the geological research of the Himalayas.

Can greatly improve people's understanding of national geography.

As a Chinese, to contribute to the geological scientific research of the motherland, this is an indisputable thing and cannot be shirk.

Because this thing does not belong to him alone!

After an extremely difficult adjustment, Lu Yu gradually adapted to the altitude of the peak.

Although he was still breathing a little while speaking, his mental state was much better.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was exaggerating about the value of fossils, which became more and more outrageous.

The rhythm is also unsettled.

In order to stabilize the situation, Lu Yu smiled and expressed his thoughts for the first time: "It is of high value."

"But it doesn't belong to me alone."

"It belongs to the country and to all mankind."

"This fossil is very helpful for us to understand the geographical changes of Mount Everest, and even the history of the earth. I will not keep it privately, but will donate it to relevant scientific research institutions or museums so that more people can Seeing its true content with your own eyes, admiring and understanding this magical land."

A few words attracted the support and praise of many audiences and scientists!

"6666, the atmosphere!"

"Oye, meaning that in our lifetime, can we also have a chance to see it?"

"Full of positive energy!"

"If every anchor can have this kind of consciousness, the webcast will not be spit out all the time!"

"Great move, the feather **** is amazing!"

"I only love the anchor of my life to give the anchor energy drink × 10!-Just rush you, you have a fish ball!"

"Let's live up to life, don't disappoint, and present to the anchor Super Rocket × 10!-Decisively turn the fans, there is really nothing wrong, the gift goes!"

"Cute die, don't forget to give the anchor 1000 fish balls!-tears, poor students have no money, and the fish **** that have been saved for a long time are all for you! Anchor, I will always support you!"

Fans and viewers are always the life-saving foundation of an internet anchor.

At any time, they are in the first place.

As a public figure in the live broadcast circle, nothing can be more important than gaining the support of the masses.

At this moment, in addition to the audience in the live broadcast room and the microblogs of many related organizations on the Internet, Lu Yu's positive energy donation of Everest fossils has also been greatly affirmed!

Huaxia Youth Daily, Huaxia Institute of Geology, Research Institute of Huaxia University of Geosciences, Jiangnan Museum and many other units all issued articles praising Lu Yu's behavior.

Among them, the most exciting is the academician Li Guozhong who has studied Everest for a lifetime.

He had never dreamed that he could still see the ancient traces from the roof of the world with his own eyes during his lifetime!

It's hard to say a word, excited.

After sighing repeatedly, the old man naturally affirmed Lu Yu's great contribution to geological research.


It's past eight o'clock.

The early morning sun shone on the earth.

Put a layer of golden color on the distant snowy mountains.

The faint clouds drifted with the waves.

No longer changing all the time.

The blue sky is endless and clear.

The wind speed gradually returned to normal.

After glancing at the time, Lu Yu decided not to stay any longer and began to descend quickly.

If after this time, the ghost knows what unexpected changes will happen to the weather.

For alpine skydiving, in addition to the experience of skydivers, you also need to act according to God’s face.

Because this will greatly improve the success rate of skydiving.

Normally, alpine airborne falls into the category of stunt jumps.

The data requirements are very strict.

The ground wind speed should be less than 11m/s, the cloud base height should be greater than 2200m, and the cloud cover below 2200m should not exceed 50%.

Once these values ​​are exceeded, the life of the skydiver will be threatened.

And every time a point is exceeded, the risk factor will be greatly improved!

From this point of view alone, the difficulty factor of the Everest parachute is absolutely hell.

Called extreme sports in extreme sports!

The super strong wind speed and the unpredictable airflow will make the skydiver in danger of hitting the wall at any time!

In addition, extreme altitude changes and cloud cover will also cause various obstacles to parachute landing.

When to open an umbrella, predict the landing location, flying posture, and every detail must be just right, and there can be no slight difference.

Otherwise, the endless abyss will be waiting for you.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, this will be an extremely difficult parachute!

At this time, the audience in the major webcast rooms did not know Lu Yu's "crazy plan"!

When he was thinking about the conditions of parachute landing and the place of landing in his mind, many people had a heated discussion about his way down the mountain!

Because going downhill is more difficult than climbing.

This is also a well-known thing.

The altitude of more than 8,000 meters and the harsh climate environment make it extremely difficult to climb Mount Everest, which can be said to be a nine-death.

A wrong step will pay the price of life.

However, the route down the mountain is even more dangerous!

Professional climbers know that when climbers go up the mountain, they can still control their balance.

But going down the mountain, it may not be able to control the speed well.

Especially in places like Mount Everest.

The glaciers and snow slopes that do not change for thousands of years.

Steep three steps.

And the physical strength that is almost overdrawn when you reach the summit will make the climber struggle.

On the north **** downhill route, the average **** of the whole line is 30 to 45 degrees. If there is a foot loss or a slip on the sole, there is no possibility of survival.

"Feather, you must pay attention to safety when going down the mountain!"

"Feeling downhill is several times harder than climbing!"

"The altitude is high, the terrain is steep, and coming down is also a tough battle!"

"It's easy to go up, it's difficult to come down!"

"Anchor, be sure to come back safely, come on!"

On the other side, the members of the National Mountaineering Team and the gangsters were also very worried about Lu Yu's trip down the mountain.

These people are professionals.

They have a deep understanding of the difficulty of going down the According to relevant statistics, the death rate of mountaineering in this world is twice as high as that of going up the mountain.

Even if it is a 3000-meter-level snow mountain, there are dozens of climbers who have encountered varying degrees of danger when descending.

Among them, there are many world-famous mountaineers.

Wang Yongfeng is one of them.

In 2005, when he alone conquered a snowy mountain in North America, he was stuck on a rock because of a sudden fall during the retreat. It took more than ten hours to be discovered by the rescue helicopter.

Because one of the hiking boots was dropped when falling, the little toe was frostbitten and could only be amputated.

This news was a sensation, which caused extreme panic among many climbers.

The 3000-meter snow mountain is so terrifying.

Not to mention the 8844-meter Everest...

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