The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 229: The mad dog waves hit, the man who cannot be submerged by the sea!

After a while, nothing changed in the picture.

The turbulent undercurrent and the spraying water are still indistinguishable.

Intertwined with a very deep sense of depth.

For a time, the audience in the live broadcast room could hear nothing but the grunting sound of water.

"what's the situation?"

"Water escape?"


"Daily missing?"

"Hong Kong, the wave just now is a bit scary!"

"Mo Pan, it's just a small scene. Since paying attention to this live broadcast room, I haven't seen any big waves and big waves!"

"Solution upstairs!"

Right now, although many people say so on their mouths, they still feel a little shaken in their hearts, for fear of any accidents with Lu Yu.

Because of the existence of tidal potential energy, the impact force spurred by a few meters high waves is absolutely unimaginable.

It is no exaggeration to say that it has long exceeded the limit of the human body.

If you can't avoid it, it will cause big trouble for surfers.

However, even if the impact is avoided, the undercurrent that can be seen at any time under the sea surface will also become a roadblock for surfers.

Makes you doppelganger.

It will even lose its sense of direction and sink into the 10,000-meter deep sea.

This is why ordinary surfers wear foot ropes.

Because at the critical moment, the foot rope can really save lives.

When an accident occurs, the rescue team can pull the surfer out of the giant waves at any time.

If you don't have a foot rope, then the situation is much more dangerous.

At this time, only the dangerous surfers can break through the fog if they rely on excellent technology to kill a **** road.

It is for this reason that the danger of extreme surfing is intimidating.

Bad and fierce weather, turbulent seas, and the intersection of undercurrents and other dangerous conditions all require surfers to deal with it in an unprotected state.

Many difficulties and obstacles.

One after another.


All are hell-level difficulty!

At such a time of crisis, it is really not easy to escape from heaven.

In the live room.

After a brief contact with the North Coast, the audience is naturally clear about these reasons.

Even if you don't know how to surf, many people are in various meteorological data sheets, intuitively feel the terror and raging when the storm crosses!

This is still true for ordinary waves.

Not to mention the devilish waters of the North Coast.


The best waves are often accompanied by devastating closeout (a wave is deducted at the same time)!

For this, Lu Yu knows better than anyone.

Therefore, as soon as the waves disappeared, he had already responded positively, and at the moment of lowering the center of gravity, he extended his right hand and buckled the fin under the surfboard.

The fin and rudder are important accessories for a surfboard to control balance.

Many times, it is precisely because of their existence that surfers can make unscrupulous glides on the waves.

After controlling the plate fins, Lu Yu turned his body into a mass, avoiding the most dangerous waves and diving into the water.

Immediately afterwards, strong physical fitness and excellent surfboards started to work.

These two elements can not only help the surfer avoid danger, but also form the higher and larger waves that form outside, allowing the surfer to leap again and complete the escape.

outside refers to the area behind the first wave when it hits the sea.

Many times, after the end of the giant wave, better, higher and larger waves will often appear in this area.

If it is a group surfing, when a surfer shouts "outside", it means that he is reminding you of the good and big waves coming from afar.

The quality of this wave is particularly high.

Can last a long time.

Provide endless power for surfers.

Very nice.

In order not to miss this excellent opportunity, Lu Yu naturally made sufficient preparations.

It's too late to say, it's fast.

The next second, after tossing under water for a while, a great boost, somehow came from, ruled all the undercurrents in one fell swoop, shot towards the surfboard, and rushed Lu Yu out of the sea—


After the drone broke through the water, the wet camera found Lu Yu's figure for the first time.

The red and blue surf clothing is highly recognizable.

There is a strong contrast with the black ocean.

It is easy to see clues.

It was precisely because of this surf suit that the audience immediately discovered Lu Yu's trace when he was born.

However, before they responded, the more shocking scene was already in sight!

In the live video, Lu Yu suddenly stretched a mad dog wave nearly ten meters in height and nearly one nautical mile in length in the water behind him.

The color of the waves is shiny black.

The waves are uneven.

Through the lens, from a distance, it seems to be a huge black curtain, covering up everything that is happening at any time.


A wave is unsettled, a wave is coming again!

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room was too late to sigh Lu Yu's reappearance.

Almost all eyes were attracted by this rare crazy dog ​​wave!

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"Lying trough, it's terrifying!"

"Feather, be careful!"

"Is my eyes so bad? Where is the feather god?"

"I'm going to make sure this is not a tsunami?"

"The tsunami is much more terrifying than this, and at least a huge wave of more than 500 can be worthy of the name of Shanghai tsunami!"

"Sitting on the toilet, I shivering..."

The next second, while everyone was talking about this huge wave, Lu Yu took the first step.

After stepping on the surfboard, he crossed the way forward from the end of the wave.

However, because there is no power guarantee, the fishing boat has long disappeared.

The entire cross-cutting process is very difficult.

Every time Lu Yu wanted to start, Langwei's impact would come first, breaking the balance he deserved, making him shake up, and tossing for nearly half a minute before completing the popup.

At this time, the screens were chaotic and messy, and I couldn't see anything at all.

Even if the audience widened their eyes, they could only see a red and blue figure, swimming in a black.

The rest is unknown.

It wasn't until the drone raised its field of view that everything in front of it gradually became clearer--

The vast sea and sky.

Chaos is like the faint ink color fainting in the water.


The huge mad dog waves are like some kind of behemoth escaping from the bottom of the sea.

Roaring at the V-shaped coast of Sunset Beach.

Evil and magnificent Parade among them.

A small red and blue dot is extremely conspicuous.

He cut through a single color!

Attracted repeated applause from the audience:

"Wow! Liupai!"

"Comparable to the picture of the 3a masterpiece, it is so spectacular!"

"A man who cannot be overwhelmed by the sea..."

"The Thief Chicken is exciting!"

"I'm a shame, now nobody should see it!"

"Little boss, got it!"

"Hey I'm gone, I'm too good to play..."


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