The Ultimate Man

Chapter 10282

The leader of the three bamboo sect.

That's the master of the eighth cult, the representative of the eighth cult.

The top of the line.

He's the one with the most demons.

Now the bull king in front of him is fighting him with evil Qi.

For a moment.

The endless evil spirit directly breaks through the sky.

This evil spirit swept all around.

For a moment.

Within hundreds of kilometers, it turned black.

The whole world seems to be swallowed up by the evil spirit. The leader of the three bamboo sect is also completely entangled with the evil spirit. The black red armor appears on him. His eyes turn red, his lips turn black, and his appearance becomes enchanting.

The whole person looked as if it was a demon coming.

Now is the true face of the leader of the three bamboo sect.

This is the cult leader.

There is absolute momentum between every move.

Even the master of Tianshuang hall and the born monkey retreated for the first time. Although their strength was very strong, they didn't want to be surrounded by such evil spirit.

This kind of direct rush into other people's world is very bad.

Although they can also use their own world to collide with each other.

But that would make them very passive.

Even if it's a collision.

It's not about bumping into other people's worlds.


Pulling the iron core back is also fast in summer.

"Is he crazy? If so, it will not be good for him. " Summer looks at the monstrous spirit in front of me.

Such a monstrous evil spirit seems to separate itself from China.

Forced to open a world of their own.

The damage to oneself is certainly not small.

"If it only opens for a moment, it's not a big problem. For example, our ability to break stars is the explosive force that only opens a moment. But now he does not open a moment, but directly opens his whole world. If he continues to do this, not only here, including Tianguo mountain, but also everything around will be swallowed up by his world The result of the world swallowing is demonization. If his world keeps enlarging, even in the surrounding cities, all living creatures will be controlled by the evil spirit. It's OK for those with a firm heart to say that those with a bad heart will be directly possessed by demons. " Iron core explained.

This evil spirit is very terrible.

It's not just about humans.

Even if the immortal beast and demon clan are here, they will also be possessed by demons.

The plants here.

Every plant and tree.

Will have magic.

One person.

You can change everything here.

"It's terrible." Summer sighed.

It's a huge area that can be changed.

"The venerable represents the world, an independent world. If a venerable is allowed to expand his own world, the world will be completely assimilated by the venerable. However, if the world is too large, he will become a part of the world. To put it simply, he has strong attack power and wide range of attack, but once he exposes his weakness, he will become a part of the world Point, then you will die. " Said the iron heart.

"I've just heard that his blood power is 80 percent, right?" Summer asked.

"Yes, his blood power is 80%, which is not simple. Let's say, even if I use my absolute strength to deal with him who is seriously injured, I can't kill him, because as long as he still has a breath, he can be revived and reborn. Of course, this requires a lot of resources, but these resources are right In the case of the three bamboo sect, it's really nothing. " Iron core explained.

At their level.

The most important is the level of law and the power of blood.

The higher the level of the power of the law, the stronger the overall combat effectiveness is when fighting, and can suppress the opponent.

The higher the purity of the power of blood, the higher the strength plus achievement when fighting, and the greater the chance to reunite the body and spirit after death. Of course, the spirit is the most important.

Although recovery requires a lot of resources.

But the three bamboo sect is the first evil cult of the Eighth Party.

Over the years.

The last thing they lack is resources and wealth.


There is a shortage of people below.

But there is no shortage of such people as the leader of the three bamboo sect.


Another powerful evil spirit burst out from it.

"The two people's evil spirit has been assimilated. Step back." Iron core see such a scene, is also a hurry to remind summer retreat.

Now the situation ahead is very difficult.

The two men who are fighting are the miracles left by ancient demons.

The collision of the two.Let this evil spirit directly break through the sky.

Black rain dripped down.

"Don't be dripped on your body by these black rain, otherwise it will stimulate the heart demon." Iron heart reminds way.

"Such a scene is a little too terrible. Tens of thousands of miles around have been completely smashed. If it spreads like this, Tianguo mountain will be completely destroyed." Summer doesn't want to really make things so big.

Tianguo mountain because they have been destroyed in part.

If it's completely destroyed, it's really a little sorry for the natural monkey.

"Let me block it!" Tiexin also knows that this time, they are involved in the birth monkey.

Now Tianguo mountain is going to be demonized here.

The fruit hill was destroyed that day.


A golden light burst out from behind, and the powerful golden light swept all around in an instant.


When the golden light and the evil gas collide together, they stop directly.

"Congenital monkey has started. Let's go and have a look." Iron core and summer's body move, directly disappeared in place.


They came to the body of the monkey.

"Monkey master, why don't I come?" Iron heart looked at the monkey and said.

"No, the master of Tianshuang hall is gone. I didn't stop her. Even if I stopped her, I couldn't kill her." Monkey said helplessly.

At this level.

It's very easy to win.

But it's very difficult to kill each other.

"Well, the master of Tianshuang hall is taken care of by Tian people, and his blood purity has reached over 90%. Such a person will not die long ago. Besides, there is a thousand silk beast around him, and there are many cards. It is too difficult to kill her directly. Moreover, if you kill the master of Tianshuang hall here, it is a declaration of war." Iron heart nods slightly.

"Master, this time it's all because of us that you have become like this. I owe you this feeling." In summer, it's all over the place.

"This is fate. There are some things that can't be avoided. I have such a disaster in Tianguo mountain." Said the born monkey.

"Master, I'll see if I can help you with what you said about Tianlong." Summer is now also very sorry.

"Well, in fact, I don't want to revenge Tianlong, but Tianlong stole my weapon essence and used my weapon essence to reincarnate. This led to a great reduction in the power of my weapons. Even when I was fighting, I had to use my own strength to weapons, which reduced my overall combat effectiveness by at least half, and made my world endless No more practice, no more breakthrough. " Said the born monkey.

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