The Ultimate Man

Chapter 11151

Stronger and stronger!!!

Silent heart demon is recovering to the power of silent peak.

If it really makes him fully recovered.

Who else is his opponent in China?

In those days, Wuyin was known as the first person in China. Even now Haotian is not his opponent.

How could that summer compete with him.

"The sooner we deal with him, the greater our chances. The later we deal with him, the more dangerous we are!" Red Phoenix reminds a way.

Summer looked at the silent heart in front of the devil, as if thinking.

"Are you in a hurry and want to solve me as soon as possible? I know you are a smart man. You must find that I am getting younger and I am recovering my strength!" Silent demons in turn use the thrill of summer.

Just now.

In the summer he was used as a goalie.

He saw through.

Now he's on his way!


Summer breathed a breath: "if he does not open his mouth, I will really be cheated!"

"What do you mean?" Red Phoenix doesn't understand of ask a way.

"He is a silent demon. If you deal with him, you can't use normal people's thinking. What you just thought is normal people's thinking. If I do it according to your analysis, I will be more and more anxious. Once I'm anxious, I will make mistakes. In this way, I will fall into a dead circle." Summer said.

"But if he doesn't, he will be stronger and stronger!" Hong Feng still doesn't understand the meaning of summer.

"Yes, he will become stronger and stronger, but have you ever thought that there is a troublesome guy here who will watch the silent heart demon become stronger? Once the silent heart demon returns to its original strength, he can't take anything away from it. Although we know some of the abilities and changes of silent heart demon, can we have that guy who knows more about silent heart demon? " There is a smile on summer's face.

In this world.

Choice is always more important than effort.

As long as you choose the right direction, the effort is meaningful.

If the direction is wrong, no matter how hard we try, the result may not be good.

"Golden flower!" Hong Feng understood the meaning of summer.

"You want to survive in the dead!"

"That's right, I'm just going to die and die!" Summer nodded.


Summer directly killed up, but this time he did not worry.

"Mr. Xia, why don't you take the initiative to attack? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid he will become stronger and stronger Lingxuezun and others don't know the existence of Hongfeng, so they don't know the analysis of Xiaxia and Hongfeng.

Now it seems that the combat method in summer is not quite right.

So there are questions.

"Don't talk too much, look at it!" Old George didn't understand.

But he understood.

If you want to fight against the existence of silent mind demon, you can't be careless and distracted.

So he stopped lingxuezun.

Don't let lingxuezun talk so much.

There is really no time to explain at this time of summer.

He's already completely tied up with the silent mind.


He is defensive, but silent mind is offensive.

"Do you only have the ability to parry now?" Silent heart demon very disdainful said: "as long as you hand that thing out, I promise not to embarrass you!"

His target is the crystal.

"How can I believe you if you are a demon!" Summer responded.


Just then.

There is the sound of fighting behind in summer.

It's old six.

Blood name see such a scene, don't want to miss the opportunity, he knows the power of the merciless sword, at this time he is to directly end Baichuan, all the things of Baichuan, including the pills of Baichuan, and old six before provoking him, he also want to take the opportunity to teach old six a lesson.

"Blood name, you want to die!" Since Lao Liu is in the way, he won't give anyone a chance to get close to Baichuan.

Blood name is in danger at this time.

He also directly put on a desperate posture.

"If you mix with summer, you will die sooner or later. Tianzu will not let you go." Blood name very disdainful said.

"I will kill you before I die!" Old six said.

"Don't think that I don't know what you want to do, it's just to pull hatred, let me put the hatred on you, but my real goal is Baichuan!" After blood name finished, he directly bypassed Lao Liu and killed Baichuan. Now Baichuan is a living target.


Old six blocked the attack of blood Name: "your opponent is me!"

He won't let blood name break through easily."Listen, Baichuan is fixed there by the heartless sword. He has no resistance ability and is hit by the edge of the heartless sword. If he dies now, he can't be revived, and there's no way to take away his storage equipment. So as long as you attack him now, you can kill a top swordsman and make him famous, and all his treasures will be precious You've got it Cried the blood name.

The swordsmen here all know that Baichuan has entered the ranks of the top swordsmen in China.

If anyone can kill Baichuan now.

It was definitely World War I.

Although the process is not very glorious, time will precipitate everything, and finally who will know how Baichuan died?

You will only know who killed Baichuan.

In addition, people like Baichuan must have many treasures on their bodies. It can even be said that people of their level will leave their inheritance and cultivation methods on their bodies, because they don't believe that if something happens, they can throw these things into the turbulence of time and space.

But now.

Baichuan didn't even have the ability to resist there.

He can't get rid of his storage equipment.

"Brothers, in the danger of wealth, kill Baichuan and rob him of everything. Let's become famous in the first World War!"

"This kind of opportunity will never have a second time in one's life. If you miss it, you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"Heartless sword is not our share, so kill this top swordsman, his everything is our greatest wealth!"

The people around them all focused on Baichuan, especially the swordsmen. Now they even regard Baichuan as their biggest treasure.

I see.

Kill the people who come.

Lao Liu was very worried.

Now he has confidence to stop blood name, but similarly, he can't stop other people who rush to him.

"Now you understand? That's what happens to me. You'll see him die with your own eyes, but there's nothing you can do about it! " Xueming's mouth was slightly raised, and his face was full of pride.


Old six suddenly thought of something, and then yelled: "Baichuan is the brother of summer, between life and death, from now on, anyone who attacks Baichuan will be remembered by summer, never die!!"

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