The Ultimate Man

Chapter 1235

In the summer, it was found that those who were aggressive in walking were actually new people and low-level pirates.

Most of them are class IV or class V pirate groups. Although they are numerous, most of them are not very powerful. Moreover, they are armed as if they will fight at any time. The class 6 pirate regiment is composed of about 20 people. Although there are not many people coming, they are all good players or wanted criminals from various countries.

They also carry weapons, but their weapons are very simple.

Generally, it seems that there are about seven or eight people in a team, which is the seventh level pirate regiment. Few of them will carry weapons when they come out, but once they are armed, they are a terrible person.

Most of them have wounds on their bodies, some on their faces and some on their bodies. They do not cover up their scars at all, because these scars are the fruits of war for them.

They use these scars to tell everyone that they have lived through life and death.

There are many people who act alone. Their identities are very mysterious. In summer, one eye and one eyed king are all short of one eye. There is no weapon on one eye. But there is a pistol in the waist of the one eyed king. The pistol is not a common product, but a modified super pistol with fast firing speed, long range and power Strong.

He seldom shoots a gun, but once he does, few people can escape.

Step on it!

At this time, a group of people came from behind in a neat way. There were about 100 people in this group. They walked very neatly.

"Hum, Islander." The one eyed King snorted coldly. Although the group did not wear military uniform, the one eyed king could see at a glance that they were living in the Pacific Ocean, so they naturally knew the navies of various countries.

Especially the navy of the island country. The navy of the island country regards dealing with pirates as an exercise. Their navy strength is very strong. Once the pirates are targeted by them, they will be doomed.

The navy of the island country is not the kind of army that supports the Lord. Everyone of them has received the most severe training. Whether it is individual combat or war, they all have the same idea, that is, their bushido spirit.

In World War II, the island's Navy took out the colossal American naval fleet by nearly ten times the strength gap.

This has something to do with their usual training.

The reason why the one eyed king can't see the islanders is that he was blinded by the island Navy. That was more than ten years ago.

"Forget it, boss. This is their sphere of influence. It's not worth it to compete with them." One eye persuades a way, but he knows his boss's temper. Every time he sees the people in the island, he wants to kill.

Several times when the island's aircraft carrier visited the sea, he had to rush up to fight with others. Finally, he caught him with one eye.

"Pooh!" One eyed King vomited and glanced at the Islanders with disdain. Most of the languages used on the sea are English. Of course, some pirates are proficient in many languages. After all, these pirates come from all over the world.

"Yes?" The officer of the island felt the hostility of the one eyed king and the disdainful expression of the one eyed king, and his anger immediately came up: "baga!"

"Eight NMB." The one eyed King scolded directly.

Summer and one eye hurried to stop the one eyed king. Seeing that summer also stopped him, the one eyed king was very puzzled. He should not block himself with his summer character, and summer is still a Chinese.

Chinese people hate island people very much.

One eyed Wang looked at the summer strangely, only saw a smile on his face, and then looked at each other: "sorry, my friend drank too much."

"Yes?" The officer of that island country obviously didn't understand the language of summer, but he could see from his face that summer was apologizing, which made his anger disappear.

The king's one eyed man was even more puzzled.

Summer is a Chinese, but he apologized to the islanders, which is just too difficult for him to understand. But when he heard the next words of summer, he understood.

I saw a smile on summer's face and gave a thumbs up to those Islanders, and then kept saying, "your father is dead, your mother is dead, your whole family is dead, your island son has no PI eyes, you have a daughter to sell, your uncle is your father, your grandfather is your stepfather."

Although the islanders couldn't understand what summer said, they saw that summer gave them thumbs up and kept laughing. They thought that summer was praising them. So the island officer said a thank you in English.

Summer just said hello to his family, but he still said thank you to Xia Xia.

Seeing such an ending, the one eyed King's anger is all gone, and one eye is also a smile. I have to say that the summer's move is really too damaging. He scolded the other party, and the other party would like to thank him.

"Goodbye to sb." He waved to the island officer in the summer.

The island officer also waved with summer and left. The island officer is very happy now. Generally speaking, as long as they step on the lost track Island, many people will be hostile to them.But today, a pirate appeared to say hello to them and said so politely.

This makes him very successful.

The sound of laughter can be heard in the distance, because that's where the reception is held.

After arriving at the venue of the reception, a person at the door said, "as long as any of you can drink these three glasses of wine, you can go in for free. Otherwise, you will get an admission fee of $10000 per person."

Ten thousand dollars.

This is really a lion's big mouth. It's not sure what kind of wine to drink in. The other side actually began to ask for money.

"We can't drink your wine. We'll give you thirty thousand dollars." One eye threw 30000 US dollars directly, and then they entered the party. The party here is much more impressive than those beer festivals in China, and there are many people. The area here is also very large. As long as you like drinking, you can find something that suits your taste.

"Smelly blind man, you're here too." Just then, in the summer, someone yelled behind them.

"Stinky fish, why can't I come? Did you forget the pain of kicking your ass last time, and dare to talk to me like this?" The one eyed King disdains to say that the man opposite him is also the head of a class eight pirate regiment, the head of the flying fish pirate regiment.

"Smelly blind man, you dare to mention the last thing. Well, how about today's competition?" The head of the flying fish pirate regiment said provocatively.

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