The Ultimate Man

Chapter 2003

A soldier came up from behind.

He had something like a crossbow in his hand.

"Crossbow?" Summer looks at the king of Qi strangely.

Can this thing beat the best?

I'm afraid anyone who has a little bit of body protection can defend against the attack of crossbow, not to mention those super armies of Daxing empire.

"Show him the power of the crossbow." The king of Qi said with a smile.

Then the soldier placed a spirit stone directly above the crossbow.

"With the spirit stone? It's a little new. " Summer is very interested in looking at the broken crossbow in the hands of the soldier.

Then the soldier directly aimed the crossbow on a big stone. The stone was very large. From the surface, it was clear that the stone was of high density and could withstand the attack of ordinary tripod masters without any damage.


Just then, the soldier pulled the mechanism on the crossbow!


A light arrow shot out, the huge stone was instantly blown to pieces, and the spirit stone on the broken crossbow in the soldier's hand also disappeared directly.

"It's so powerful that a spirit stone can play such a big role." Summer said in surprise.

"Yes, normally speaking, the power in a lower level spirit stone is limited, but my broken hollow crossbow gives full play to the power in a spirit stone. Even those who are more than two cauldrons will be killed instantly as long as they are hit. What do you think of the three tripods if they are hit? Even if it is a person with four tripods who are shot by the overwhelming light arrow, do you think he can still live? " The king of Qi asked Xia Xia.

"That's not going to survive." The summer finally understood how the king of Qi was fighting in the world and how he made such a great reputation. When the two armies were fighting, he put on a few rounds of broken air crossbows, and the other side's army would collapse at the first time. Seeing the overwhelming number of crossbows, the morale of the enemy would surely fall. If he died, he would escape, and naturally he would win.

"When we attacked the city, we first put billions of crossbows into the city. If you said it was you, what would you do?" The king of Qi asked Xia Xia.

"If it's me, I'm afraid I'll run away directly. And the people in the next city will be scared when they hear that you're here. If you come down several times, you must surrender or become an empty city." Summer sighed, like the king of Qi, dare to fight with him, I am afraid there is no one.

"Yes, so I did kill a lot of people at the beginning, but not as many as the legend says. Moreover, the air breaking crossbow is only the most basic weapon. We have more things, such as the air breaking crossbow, the air breaking God crossbow, and the atomic crossbow that captured the capital of Daxing empire." The king of Qi said directly.

He is indeed a god of killing, and he has killed many people, which he does not deny. However, he is not as capable of killing as the legend says. He also killed almost all the people in the lower three realms.

How many people are there in the lower three realms? Tens of thousands of trillion? Even more, how can he kill so many people?

If he really killed so many people, I'm afraid the Tianjie would have killed him.

"What is an atomic crossbow?" Only the atomic bomb on earth has been heard in summer.

"atomic crossbow" is a super weapon that uses one thousand top grade Lingshi plus gunpowder rock essence and then arranges with special combinations. It has a very tight combination of arrangements and can not produce a tiny bit of error. Once it explode, it will split up and produce strong explosive force. At the outset, I threw ten atomic crossbows into the Empire of Daxing. The whole capital of Daxing empire was almost razed to the ground. The original Daxing Empire should be about three times larger than my Qi King City. " The king of Qi did not conceal the power of the atomic crossbow.

"It's so powerful." Summer has no doubt about the power of the atomic crossbow.

I think the power of the atomic crossbow is more powerful than the atomic bomb.

"The lower three realms a thousand years ago are different from the lower three realms now. At that time, the lower three realms were very rich, and there were many experts. There were countless talented people. Unfortunately, the whole lower three realms, no, the whole spiritual world, had a great change because of that accident." Said the king of Qi.

"What happened?" Summer does not understand to ask a way.

"Have you ever heard of the moon in the mirror?" The king of Qi asked Xia Xia.

"Yes." Summer naturally heard of it, and in his hand there is a key.

"The war at that time affected the upper three realms, the middle three realms and the lower three realms." The king of Qi was an old monster thousands of years ago, so naturally he knew the war very well.

"What happened to that war?" Summer is curious about the war.

"The so-called great war is actually a struggle for power. In the past, the spiritual world can be divided into two waves. One is native people, the other is people who fly up from below. Among those who fly up, the most powerful one is those who fly up from the earth." The king of Qi seemed to want to talk with the summer happily, so there was no cover up.

"Earth? Is there any other planet people who have also soared? " Summer is a native of the earth. Although he knows that the universe is so big, there will surely be life like the earth, but he has not seen it. So when he hears the words of the king of Qi, he naturally feels very magical."Well, the name" Earth "is also what I found in the information about the recent flyers. In the past, we only called the earth continent, but later we knew what other universes and other planets existed, so I changed my name to earth." The king of Qi explained.

"Oh Summer understood that the king of Qi was a man who had risen thousands of years ago, so he was not clear about the name of the planet. He only called the earth at that time the continent. Later, he learned from others that it was the earth and what kind of universe there was.

"Natives are people who are born and raised in the spirit world. They are different from us. They are on the mainland. Oh, yes, on earth, each of us has gone through a lot of hard work to achieve success. However, in the spirit world, an ordinary person will have the strength after our ascension. They even don't even need to practice, so they were also the rule here at that time Although they have strong martial arts skills and super strength, they are different from those who fly from below. Those people do not have those powerful skills and skills, but they know how to practice and work hard. Gradually, for a thousand years or two thousand years, the people who have soared have finally been able to compete with the natives. " The king of Qi, as if telling a story, patiently explained for the summer.

"So the war broke out?" The more I listen to it in summer, the more fascinated I am.

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