The Ultimate Man

Chapter 2051

In the summer, I began to check the harvest in the Lord's mansion of that five tier city.

Carefully check, summer himself was also scared.

Lingshi actually has more than 3 trillion, and the total cost of all kinds of weapons and equipment materials Dan Yao is at least more than 2 trillion. The most important thing is that he saw 100 million sets of fully armed armor.

The kind of armor that can wrap a soldier in.

"This time I received the goods is too big. The spirit stones obtained before and after are 6 trillion, and the value of all kinds of weapon materials and pills is more than 4 trillion. I'm really rich." Summer incomparably excited says.

This time his trip to the Empire of the sun was very large.

All these things add up to make him a rich man now.

But the most important thing in these things is armor.

"It seems that the sun empire is really going to start a war. There are 100 million sets of fully armed armor. Although I have found armor in other third and fourth level cities before, it is only hundreds of thousands of sets, and it is not as good as these armor. If the 100 million sets of armor are given to 100 million excellent warriors, it can be swept away." It has been tested in the summer. Even if it is a high-level spirit weapon, it is hard to break through. It can be said that it is invincible in the same level, although it will affect the movement speed.

But if hundreds of millions of people attack together, you can ignore the moving speed.

"This is the armor in a five level city. There are 50 cities in the sun empire. That is to say, they have built at least 5 billion such armor. How much money will it cost? And who can resist the 5 billion armed battles?" Summer's face is full of surprise.

He understood that the sun empire might soon lead to a big war, but he did not know when the war was triggered.

A general success, ten thousand bones wither!

For the sake of unification and interests, the sun empire obviously wants to trigger this war and break the peace of the next three realms in a thousand years.

This 100 million sets of equipment planned to go back in the summer to exchange blood for the city guards in the city of Qi, so that they would all wear the full set of armor to frighten others. In this way, no one would dare to offend the city of Qi, let alone fight with the city guards in the city.

As for weapons and equipment and training materials, he planned to transport them back to the wild.

It won't be long before tianlingcheng will become the only force in the wilderness, and in a few years, tianlingcheng may have incomparably strong strength.

What's lacking in summer now is time.

As long as you give him ten years, he will definitely be able to cultivate himself to a very terrifying state, and those in the wilderness can at least reach the strength of three tripods and seven levels, and even those with good talent may break through to four cauldrons.

Because summer has given them too many cultivation resources, they don't have to worry about it. They can take whatever they lack.

This kind of treatment is only qualified for the talent of tianlingcheng.

"The alchemy meeting organized by Jiuding gate will start in less than a year. It seems that I have to prepare for it. The Alchemy skill of the Dan emperor is not low, and it will take a lot of effort to defeat him. Just in time, I can close down for a period of time. In any case, I should not have a chance to do so recently." Summer understand that after this event, the sun empire these five level cities will become startled.

There must be vigilance everywhere, so he should not be able to start in a short time. It is better to practice in seclusion for a period of time to see if he can make a breakthrough in the alchemy.

In the chamber of Parliament.

When people heard the city master of the fifth level city said this sentence, all the people on the scene were speechless, and no one spoke.

Even the chieftains of thousands of generations kept silent.

They never imagined that when they were studying how to deal with summer here, summer had already taken their back road and started to attack the fifth tier cities.

"What's going on in your treasure house?" After a long silence, the chieftain asked.

"One level Four array, two hundred level three array, thirty level two array and spirit gathering array, and three four tripod six level masters are guarding there." Said the patriarch.

"After the meeting, everyone will go back to their own city and tell all the big families to double their defense. There are hundreds of super masters left in the treasure house, and you can sleep in the treasure house for me." The chieftain of the thousand generations directly called out.

At this moment, it's useless for them to continue to study anything here.

Because those mysterious people in their mind have already started to attack their level 5 cities, they must be prepared for defense at the first time.

Don't give each other any chance. Only in this way can they make sure that they won't be attacked.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just for a moment, all the City owners left in an instant. They were very fast, without any delay. They understood that the delay now is to pit themselves.If that group's next target is their city, they'll be miserable.

So they have to go back to their cities in the first place, and then be on the defensive.

At this time, the most depressing is the city master of the fifth level city who was stolen by summer. He knows how much money and wealth he has there.

Although he has not been punished, he knows that he must die. He is very reluctant to think of his death because of this kind of thing.

"No, I can't die like this. I have to die on the way of charging. I want to go back and prepare. Since the war is about to start soon, I will pave the way for the empire with my own blood. This is my glory and also the glory of my descendants. I will take my descendants to the forefront, open the way for the army of the Empire, and let the Empire see my loyalty. ”The city Lord of the fifth level city said firmly in his heart.

The sun empire's brainpower is too strong. The stronger the identity and the higher the status, the more serious the brain will be.

If someone else had done this, he would have gone back to take his family and run away secretly. But his first thought was to take his descendants to open the way for the Empire. There was only one end to rush to the front, that is, death.

"I want to make alchemy, I want a large number of alchemy, I want to experience in alchemy, only in this way can I break through my present state." Summer understood that if he continued to use the ordinary alchemy method, he would be very difficult to succeed, so he had to carry out a limit breakthrough.

"I'm going to make a million pills at a time."

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