The Ultimate Man

Chapter 2277

A battle of heaven!!


After the victory, the king of Qi didn't ask elder Qi to collect the spoils. Instead, he led people to kill the fish city. Now 90 million experts in the fish city have been killed, and the heads of the nine elders have been cut off. This is the best time to break the city.

The three hundred million army of the invincible city lost less than a million men.

The mighty army directly killed the fish city.

The guards of the fish city are all covered. Didn't their elders go after these people? Why are these people all of a sudden here.

"Your elder is dead. Don't surrender quickly." The king of Qi exclaimed.

Later, Wuxie directly threw the head of the nine elders on the wall. The guards on the wall saw the head of the nine elders paralyzed on the ground. The image of the nine elders in their mind was very high. Usually, the nine elders were their idols and their goal.

They are willing to follow nine elder all their life, but now he is really scared to see that Jiu Chang is dead, his head is still bloody, and even half of his head is lost.

Elder Jiu is a master of five tripods and nine levels.

What kind of opponent can beat him so badly.


Run away!!

His first thought was to escape.

"Go! Go! We've got support behind us. Everybody leave with me The commander exclaimed, but he remembers the order given by the great elder. No matter whether he wins or loses, he must lead the enemy to the eighth elder and the tenth elder.

Ten million troops didn't even defend. They started to retreat directly!!

Run away!!

Although there are many troops, well-equipped and strong strength, they have not experienced a great war for thousands of years, and their commanders lack the heart of emergency response and real leadership.

As soon as their leaders and idols die, they will not be able to fight again.

Originally, if 10 million people swore to defend the city, it would be very difficult for the other party to attack with 50 million people. What's more, the strength of the soldiers in the snowy city is very strong. They can absolutely defeat 60 or 70 million people. But now they have begun to panic, and they will only escape!!

"Eight elders, nine elders, ten elders, you three lead archers to shoot me into this forest. Remember, rocket." The king of Qi pointed directly to a forest on the map, which was also one of the hiding places of the enemies marked in the jade slips.

"Yes!" Said the three elders.

"Five elders, six elders and seven elders, take someone to blow up this mountain. How much gunpowder rock can be used to blow up this mountain directly for me." The king of Qi also pointed to the mountain next to it, which was also one of the hiding places of the enemies marked in the jade slips.

"Yes!" Three elders take orders!!

"The others follow my army head on!" The king of Qi said directly.

"Yes!" Everyone takes orders!!!

At this time, the mighty army of 300 million directly pulled out!!

Elder eight's army is the one hidden in the woods. He is impatient to wait.

"Hateful old nine, he won't take the credit alone, will he Elder eight knows what elder nine thinks. Although they are all mixed up with the elder, elder nine doesn't convince him very much. He always wants to kill him. Just now he intercepts a batch of money and beauties given by nine elders to the elder. Then he sends the money and beauties to the elder in his own name.

"Elder, here we are. The nine elder's people are back, but it seems that there are not so many people."

"No matter how many he has, as long as he withdraws back, it will prove that the enemy has been hooked. If the orders go down, all the people are ready to meet the enemy. As long as half of the enemy's army enters our attack range, then give me a severe attack." Elder eight has been waiting too long. Now it's hard to wait until the nine elder's men withdraw. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

Recently, he has been very nervous about the ten elders, because he has just become the ten elders. If he had not killed the ten elders in the summer, he would not have been promoted directly to the ten elders. He was very excited when he sat in this position, because he finally entered the high-level.

Real high level!!

He cherishes his present position very much. Since he sat in this position, those who were at the same level with him all respect him very much. Even he has mastered the power of life and death. As long as he wants to let those people die, those people will die. One by one, they will go to his home to give gifts!!

It's a great feeling.

If he wants to keep his position, he needs to show it well and let the elder recognize his existence. Just now his people caught a group of people, but he found that they were gifts and women sent by the eight elders to the elder, which made him open his mind.

He didn't know how the eight elders got to this position before. Now he finally understood that it was to give gifts. As soon as he got the news, he became more excited. He changed that group of people into his own name directly, and added most of his wealth there. He also sent heavy soldiers to take care of him, that is, to send them to the elder's hand. He believed that he would be a great elder After the elder saw the gifts, he was seated in this position."Newspaper!! My Lord, the nine elders have withdrawn. "

"Well, I'm just in time. I'm short of combat merit. Let me do a good job this time!" Ten elder excitedly says.

War merit??

The eight elders and the ten elders didn't come to fight.

One of the waiting is an overwhelming number of rockets. In the jungle, the rocket ignited everything around, and directly burned the camp. All the people fled everywhere.

The people on the mountain were blown to flee everywhere. The gravel killed a lot of people, and some people were pushed down the mountain to death by their own people.

Originally, their two armies wanted to attack others secretly, but now they have not been able to attack successfully. On the contrary, they have been attacked by others. When their two armies gathered, they found that hundreds of millions of people were killed in their two armies. Now their two armies add up to only a little more than 100 million.

"You are surrounded. Surrender quickly. Surrender and don't kill." The king of Qi led the army in front of him and called out that once an army was surrounded, they would feel that there were enemies in all directions. Finally, the army broke up and ran away.

"Huh? surround? How do you surround us? Although we only have more than 100 million people left, you are also defeated when the two armies charge. " Eight elder very disdainful shout.


Just then, there was an explosion behind his team.

"Listen to the people in front of you. Your troops have been surrounded by me alone. Surrender quickly and do not kill them."

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