The Ultimate Man

Chapter 2875

Two hundred Jinlian pills, cold spring water and darkness.

That would be perfect.

He took 100 Jinlian pills in the summer just now, but he only played 60% of the effect. That is to say, what he really absorbed was the strength equivalent to 60 Jinlian pills. But this time it was different. He had to absorb all the strength of 200 Jinlian pills.


Lianjin pill was thrown into the mouth one by one.

This time, summer feels comfortable all over the body.

Because he took cold spring water at the same time, coupled with the smell of darkness, this time, Lianjin pill got the most perfect neutralization.


A pure force flowed into his body and then penetrated into his tendons. On the one hand, it nourished his tendons, on the other hand, they strengthened his tendons.

"It's a wonderful thing. If I can get the refining method of Jinlian pill one day, it will definitely increase the overall strength of my brothers." Summer's inner secret.

He promised his brothers that when they met next time, they would pursue the ultimate martial arts together and become SSS level mercenaries.

They also promised to build their own cities.

If you want to build a city, you can say everything else.

But the most basic thing is that they must have the ability to frighten other forces, so that other forces dare not move their cities. Otherwise, as soon as the city is built, they will be attacked by the enemy. At that time, their cities will be facing destruction, and their fighting brothers will be killed and injured.

"Take it all." Summer eyes a bright, and then a large number of Lian Jin Dan directly into his mouth.


Swallow Lianjin pill in one gulp.


The pure power explodes directly in the body of summer. If it is not for his excellent physical quality, then his internal organs will be exploded.

"That's great!" Summer feel their whole body is stimulated by this force.

He felt strong in the moment.

Five hours later!!

Summer's eyes opened instantly, and then his face showed a smile. This time, he felt that he had absolutely broken through. As for how much he had broken through, he still needed to test it to see how much he had broken through.


One punch.

There is a smile on summer's face.

0.07 seconds!!

Yes, summer did break through, and his punch speed changed from 0.08 seconds to 0.07 seconds.

It can be said that this change is very big, although only 0.01 seconds, but this 0.01 seconds is enough to determine life and death.

"It's exactly the same as King Arthur said. It's too hard to get 0.07 to 0.06." In summer, I don't have any difficulty at all in playing 0.07, which means that he is already working towards 0.06, but it will take a long time.

In this world, you need to continue to take Jinlian pill in summer or break through the power of the world.

"Although it's less than 0.06, if I fight an ordinary Jiuding master at 0.07 now, I can even cause second kill by my means." In summer, although we can defeat ordinary Jiuding masters before, most of them use thunder and lightning power, such as powerful killing moves like Laishen palm.

But these killing moves are still external forces.

And there are limits to its use.

When using the Buddha's palm in summer, we need to rely on the power of Bodhi, that is, the power of Buddhism. This power does not belong to him. Therefore, if he uses it for a long time, his body will suffer a great load. Although this load can't be seen in a short time, it will become fatal after a long time.

Moreover, the power of Bodhi does not harm the good.

In other words, if the enemy of summer has done some good deeds, then the power of Bodhi cannot hurt this person.

This is the power of Buddhism.


If you believe, you have; if you don't believe, you don't.

Buddha also said to Xia Xia that there is no real right or wrong in this world, including the Buddhist world. As long as we pursue our original mind, Buddhism is not a saint. It is impossible for every Buddhist to keep his mind at peace and do good all his life. However, most Buddhist people follow the good.

It is because of this that Buddhism is respected.

Is there a villain in Buddhism?

Are there people who do bad things everywhere?

There are.

But there are very few of them.

The power of Bodhisattva used in summer does not harm those who do good. In summer, we can't guarantee whether our future enemies have done any good deeds. As long as they have, they can't hurt each other. Unless the other party's crimes are so serious that they are much more serious than the good deeds he has done, the Tathagata God palm can play a role.

Another kind of power is the power of thunder and lightning.This is the summer dare not use casually.

Because the Raytheon arm is not beyond his control. If it wasn't for the old madman who helped him suppress the strength of the Raytheon arm last time, his Raytheon arm would have devoured himself.

The strength of Thor's arm was too violent.

"If I could take all the 100000 Jinlian pills, what would my hand speed be like? 0.04? 0.03? Or 0.01? " Summer heart incomparably excited, if he can reach 0.01, then others play a punch time, he can play ten, then why not win?

It's too easy to beat your opponent.

Even leapfrog challenges are the same.

You say you're tough?

The strength of the world is high?

You are more powerful, I shoot faster than you, what can you do?

No matter how high the power of your world is, what can you do if I strike all the attacks that block your power at one time?

That's the advantage of a quick shot.

"Well, that's all later. Now I'm going to take a look at this ring." Summer took out the ring, which he had snatched from Chut.

It's also the biggest card for Chut.

Chut swept everything with this thing. Even in summer, he almost fell on it. If it wasn't for the help of bugs, what would it be like to have thunder god arm or Buddha's palm in summer? There was no chance to make a move at all. The ring directly blocked his mental strength and turned him into a disabled man.

Although the summer also has the spirit binding.

However, it is OK to use his spirit binding to deal with people below eight tripods, and also to divide the strength of the opponent. It is impossible to bind people with strong strength, but this ring is different.

"It's true that Chut has buried such things." Summer's perspective eye has long discovered the extraordinary place of this thing.

On the surface, it looks like a black iron weapon, but in fact, it's not right.

Because it's sealed.


The power of thunder and lightning.

The power of thunder and lightning in summer pinched on the ring, and then the ring became two.

"I'll give you back what you are."

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