Summer calculated the specific location, it was actually a psychiatric hospital. When I saw this place, summer understood that it would definitely be a thrilling adventure. I never thought he would have experienced it.

The expedition was just too exciting.

"It's a mental hospital." Lin Bingbing felt that she was going to collapse. She was scared by the fool / son when she was walking in the park in the middle of the night. Now she has to go to a mental hospital.

"Let's go and experience the mental home." Summer light said.

"Well, but the mental hospital is so big that we're not going to go through it?" Lin Bingbing looks at the summer.

"No, after the two places just now, I guess the hiding place is already near the most beautiful building in the mental hospital." Summer explained.

"It's also very reasonable. By the way, why is there no machine / switch in the second place?" Lin Bingbing asked again.

"If the first machine / switch can't hurt the other party, then the second one is useless, because people are alert and can only hurt the other party by surprise." Xia Xia explained that he had been on the alert just now, but when he pulled out the stone, he found that there was no machine / switch.

Lin Bingbing nodded. There are five treasure boxes on the treasure. That is to say, after finding these five treasure boxes, you can go to the final treasure location.

They took a taxi to the mental hospital. The mental hospital in the middle of the night is the most terrifying place, and there are often different shouts / voices.

Ah! oh Help!

I'm normal.

When they came to the mental hospital, they heard someone scream inside.

"Suck! Look for it and get out of here. It's so scary. " Lin Bingbing took a breath. The scene was really frightening. She didn't want to stay here for a moment.

She believes that if she stays here too long, even normal people will become mentally ill.

"Here's a sculpture. Let's look for it. I guess it's around here." Summer, based on the experience of the first two, guessed that the person who kept the things was very interesting / interesting. It seemed that he didn't want to be found, but he deliberately placed it in a place where it was easy to find.

Summer is more and more curious about what this treasure is.

"Did you find it? I don't have one here Lin Bingbing took a circle, but still found nothing.

"Didn't you tell your mother?" Summer asked.

"No, I saw them in her diary. She told me not to look for them." Lin Bingbing still remembers her mother's advice in her diary, but this treasure is her only hope now.

"If you come back, your mother must know that there is danger." Summer feels silent.

"I know it must be dangerous, but my mother also wrote in her diary that the power of this thing can make all the masters in a faction move / sway." Lin explained.

"It's better to be careful." Summer sighed.

They searched for a long time and knocked every place, but they still didn't find any clues: "strange, is it my guess wrong?"

"Is it still a big tree?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"By the way, it is possible that there is only one tree next to the statue, which is an old tree at a glance." Summer talks move, once again dig up do not say, this dig really has a result: "found."

In summer, I found something similar to a box.

He took it straight to the box.


Just then a pin from the box in summer flew out.

Summer body / body a flash to hide in the past: "my darling, fortunately I have vigilance, otherwise this can be fatal."

In summer, he found that the machine / gate was under the box / face. At this distance and speed, even ordinary Xuan level masters would be killed by a blow. In summer, he opened the box and found that there was no machine / switch in the box. However, he was particularly interested in the machine / gate under / on the box, because even he could not escape the pin just now.

He threw the box to Lin Bingbing, and then pulled out the machine / switch on the bottom / side of the box. This machine / switch is also a very small iron box. Looking at the inside of the iron box with a penetrating / visual eye, he was surprised to find that the inside of the iron box was so complicated.

How wonderful it is to have such complicated parts in a box of ten centimeters multiplied by ten centimeters.

The pin just now flew out of the small hole in the middle.

"Here you are. Put the pin in the back and fire it. It can only be fired once, but it's much faster than your hand / gun." In summer, he threw the box to Lin Bingbing. Although it was good, he couldn't use it. He had innuendo.

"Thank you." Lin Bingbing said thank you to the summer, which is the first time.

"Ha ha." Summer embarrassed smile continues to say: "we'd better go to the next place, it's Jianghai bridge."They have found three treasure boxes, and they are two short of the real treasure.

Jianghai bridge is very familiar in summer, because it is the only way for him to return to his old house. They took a taxi to the bridge. This time, the location of the treasure box is clearly drawn, which is in the middle of the bridge.

"You wait for me here. I'll go down and have a look." Summer said that directly jumped to the bridge, but he is under the convex bridge, not directly jump down, but below the water, directly jump down that is to play with life.

This summer it was very light / loose to find the stone.

"I found a rule. The first time is under a tree, the second is a stone tablet, the third time is under a tree, and the fourth time is a stone bridge. Then the fifth time should still be a tree. Moreover, the first time is dangerous, the second time is not dangerous, the third time is dangerous, and the fourth time is not dangerous. In this way, the fifth time should also be dangerous." Summer summed up this rule.

"Well, it should be like this, and it seems more dangerous every time. I think it should be more dangerous next time. You must be careful. If I hurt you because of my business, I really feel bad about it." Although Lin Bingbing doesn't like summer flowers / hearts, summer is indeed her friend. She doesn't want to hurt summer because of her affairs.

"Sister Lin, with your words, I'm not afraid of anything." Summer is the first time to hear Lin Bingbing care about him.

"Be careful. Where is the last place?" Lin Bingbing asked.

Summer looked directly at the treasure map and map. After a while, his brow frowned. He recalculated, and the result was the same as the position just now.

"What's the matter?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"My dear, the location of the last treasure chest is actually my home." Summer looked at the map in his hand in surprise.

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