The Ultimate Man

Chapter 3513


Master of Gemini palace!!

Only the real high-level of the Gemini hall can understand that although the heavenly palace fairy is one of the top ten monarchs, if there is no military master, then the heavenly palace fairy will not be able to sit on this seat.

And the military master is the man who has been guarding behind the fairy in heaven.


"it's nothing. I've already sent orders to the three generals. They will soon lead the army back to the twin cities. Now that the people are almost evacuated, I'll send people to make public opinion. At that time, all the people under the influence of the twin halls will think that we let them go on purpose, so as not to involve them To the war, so that they will be grateful to the Gemini, as soon as the war is over, they will immediately rush back to the twin temples The military Master said lightly.

He had already arranged everything in silence.

"Well, then you..."

"I'm fine. You can go and do it before 10 o'clock." Said the master.

"Yes!" The left Dharma protector immediately turned around and left.

After the left Dharma protector left, the military master changed into a clean suit. Then he wiped all the seats in the house and put on a stick of incense: "father, the child may be unfilial."

Summer and the old monster Xia Qiankun two people came to the twin cities, and did not directly start, but in waiting.

Public execution at twelve o'clock.

There is plenty of time now.

"Well, I don't know where my mother and father are locked up, or I'll just go and rescue them." In summer, he also searched the inside of the Gemini palace quietly for several times, but he still couldn't find it. He guessed that his mother and father must be locked in a very hidden place, or a special place.

"The butcher city will be punished by God. Although there is no basis for this statement, people who have done such things generally have no good end." Xia Qiankun, an old monster, reminded that he had been imprisoned for thousands of years because he had killed billions of people relying on the seal of heaven and earth.

Although he was detained by the king of Yu, he thought it was all a curse from heaven.

"Old monster, if you knew you would be locked up for killing people for thousands of years, would you still kill them?" Summer asked the old monster.

"I can't remember, but I didn't regret it." Said the old monster.

"That's right. I also took xianwangjing. In the middle three realms, almost no one can kill me, unless I'm also sealed. But if you want to seal me, I'm afraid no one can do it." Summer is very confident that he has a gold knife in his hand, so there are few places to trap him.

And he is the owner of the atmosphere.

He slaughtered the city not because he was afraid of being punished by God, but because he felt sad in his heart, he would drive out the people in the city before he slaughtered the city, and then dealt with those who wanted to kill him.

In today's twin cities, ordinary residents are running outside.

They are all running away from the twin cities.

As long as they're all gone, there won't be any guilt in the summer.

As for the soldiers who didn't leave and those experts.

They don't go because they want to have a life and death collision with summer, which naturally won't accept mercy.

Outside the twin cities!!

"Generals and men, keep soldiers for thousands of days and use them for a while. Now the twin cities are threatened by others. What do you think we should do?" Cried one of the generals.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

The soldiers responded.

"Well, after the people have fled the twin cities, we will go to the city and kill him!" Cried the general again.

"Kill him!"

The soldiers responded again.

At the same time, more and more soldiers began to come to the twin cities from all directions.

Those who escaped from the twin cities are also spreading a topic.

"It turns out that the immortal Lord deliberately let us leave the twin cities, in order to avoid us being involved in the war. We all wrongly blame the immortal Lord."

"Yes, it's really bitter, immortal Lord. I've done so much for us, and now I have to be wronged by us."

"No, we're going back to the city to help the immortal Lord."

The residents and business people have said they want to go back to the city.

But the outside of the city was stopped by the soldiers.

"We can understand everyone's mood, but war is originally our duty. So please wait patiently outside the city. Now the transmission array is only open to soldiers. But you can rest assured that we will survive with the twin cities." The officers were outside comforting the residents.

Hearing their words, the tears of the residents fell down. They even began to blame themselves, thinking that they should not be so selfish and should not leave the twin cities, their hometown for so many years.It can be said that this time, not only failed to let the twin cities split, but also let those outside the Gemini city more loyal.

As for the previous events, they have long forgotten.

Even if someone wants to raise the issue that the twin halls ignore the seven cities, everyone will go to attack him.

Thought he was deliberately picking fault.

For a while, the twin cities have become the justice in their mind.

The soldiers who guarded the city were also enthusiastic.

"Brothers, prepare all the weapons of the city fortress, drop the gun muzzle, and lock the target in the city." The left protector cried out.


"Remember, your family members have left the twin cities safely. As long as the war is alive, everyone will have a reward. The Gemini hall will also ensure that all the soldiers participating in the war will have tax-free for ten years." The left Dharma protector again called out that he kept cheering on the wall to make these people more cohesive.

At this time, the right Dharma protector is the same.

She ran among all the senior generals and masters, and gathered all these people together. It was not so easy for these people to get together, because they were much better than ordinary residents. Moreover, they left easily after killing people in summer, and it was commander Hu who killed them.

But in the end, the right Dharma protector still succeeded.

Because all this was arranged by the military division.

Time passed by.

The military division also took a sedan chair.

The destination of the sedan chair is the location of the summer. When the sedan chair reaches the front of the summer, it stops and the military division comes out of the sedan chair.

"We meet again." The military master smiles.

"You did all this?" Summer asked, and he had seen the changes in the twin cities, all of which had happened within a few hours.

"Well, there are things that someone has to do. For example, I don't want you to affect her mood."

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