The Ultimate Man

Chapter 5172

When the general rushed forward, he pushed back the dividend, including his brothers. Obviously, he wanted to exchange his life for the chance for others to escape.


His body immediately rushed up, and his face is his old boss, the king of the West God.

"You can continue to help the tyrants." The God will shout.

There was a slight hesitation in the eyes of King Xi. The man in front of him was his old subordinate, his brother and comrade in arms. But now, is he going to kill his own man?


He can't do it.


The king of the West was beaten by the God and flew out.

The general bit his teeth, and he naturally understood that it was the mercy of the king of the West.

"Well, you are really a waste." The body of the sacrifice moved.

It's like a flash of blue water.

Just now, when he started to fight the green demon ancestor, it was as if a stream of water flashed through it. This time it was the same.


The body of the God general was trampled on by the sacrifice.


The strength of this sacrifice has deeply shocked everyone.

This is simply too powerful. The ancestor of the green devil was solved by him at once. Now the God will be solved by him. These legendary masters are so insignificant in his eyes.

It's terrible.

They have never seen such a powerful man.

"Save people." When the God pushed them to the rear, they did not run away, but chose to come back to save people. Although he knew that the God would take care of them in the summer, he could not abandon his comrades and run away.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The situation is the same for several people.

When there was no response at all, he was trampled on by the sacrifice.

Still, no one can see clearly how the sacrifice started.

Too soon.

"It's a real bunch of trash. You guys want me to do it. I'm going to change hands." The priest was very upset and said, but at this time his face is all disdain.


These people are high in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of him, they are so weak.

He can kill these people at will.

"Why did you come back?" Exclaimed the general dejectedly.

He had risked his life just now, but all these people ran back.

"Live together, die together." Said the dividend.

Although the God will be very moved, but he did not know what to say at this time.

The sacrificial priest waved to several people around him: "don't let them die so happily. One person can make a hundred holes for me."

"Yes The men around came straight up.

The king of the West also stood up and went to the side of the sacrifice.


The sacrifice directly slapped the king of the West God: "no next time, otherwise I will kill you together."

King Sishen said nothing.


There was a scream.

One after another, blood holes appeared in the body of dividend and others.

Even Hong Hong Hong has not been let go.

"The imperial alliance will perish sooner or later." Exclaimed the general angrily.

"Kill him first." The sacrifice looked directly at the shouting general.

"Yes Then one of his men directly stabbed his weapon into the heart of the general.


The breeze is blowing.

The movement of the man stopped as if he had been frozen there.

"What are you doing?" The sacrifice was very uncomfortable.

Another man rushed forward to check. When he patted the man, the man's body was divided into two parts.

The wound is very neat.

It's like being cut directly from the left shoulder to the right abdomen.


People also die in an instant.

"What?" Seeing such a scene, all the people on the scene have immediately.

The priest also frowned and then looked around.

At this time, several other subordinates were also stunned in situ.

"Yes?" Just when he was stunned, the bodies of those people were also divided into two parts.


No trace of death!

They were so easily split and died too fast."What? Get out of here. " The priest yelled, and then his eyes kept searching around.

But nothing was found.

However, he soon found that several people who were seriously injured just now stood up.

And a man appeared in front of them.

"Summer!" The West God King's eyes stare big, this face he will never forget, this face is just like his nightmare.

The battle of the imperial alliance was deeply branded in his heart.

"Are you summer?" The priest looked at the man opposite.

But summer did not pay any attention to him, but patted the Magic general on the shoulder: "next time shout a little louder, I almost missed it, fortunately in time."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Xia." Said the God hastily.

"I want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, they would have died sooner." Although summer has just arrived, he can probably guess what happened just now from the traces on the scene.


The sacrifice was ignored by the summer.

He was a sacrifice to the imperial alliance.

And the strength is very strong, just a hit to defeat the master of the green devil ancestor.

But now.

Summer ignored him.

"Well, I think you've really lived enough. I don't care how famous you are outside. In my eyes, you are just a person who lives in a muddle. Today, I'm going to wipe you out completely on behalf of the imperial alliance." The sacrifice gave a heavy hum.

His voice was loud, as if to attract attention.

But summer still ignored him.

It's looking at dividends and so on.

Seeing this situation, the sacrifice became more angry, and then he killed the summer directly.

Blue light.

It's like a wave of water.

This is his ability to kill everyone in seconds.

Very fast.

No one can see how he does it, but no attack can escape the eyes of summer.

Step on it!

My body moves slightly in summer.

The blue light flashed, and then the sacrifice appeared behind the summer.

No success.

His ability to kill everyone in seconds failed.

"Yes?" The sacrificial brow frowned.

"Lock attack, first lock the opponent, and then give a devastating blow. If you can't lock, the attack will be invalid. Good attack way." Summer light said.

When hearing this, the sacrilege's eyes showed a murderous spirit.

But a sword appeared in summer's right hand.

"I just learned a set of sword skills." Summer looks at each other without expression.

Kill the immortal sword!

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