The Ultimate Man

Chapter 7001

God baby master.

The existence of remote attacks.

But now.

He went straight up.



His attack directly hit the purple dragon.

"Purple dragon!" Cried the summer hastily.

"Do you still care about that beast now?" Yeming's voice appears, and Yeming's attack has also come.

Now the three of them are constantly attacked by ghost king.

But they can take a little bit of time.

Now these two people want to take advantage of this time to kill the summer directly.


Purple Dragon's mouth issued a painful voice, but he still forcefully smashed the dangerous day out.

I have to say.

Wei Tian is really strong, and now he is completely like crazy, very cruel: "evil animal, I must tear you up today."

This is the master of imperial level 18 and 19.



Take it!

With a wave of his right hand in summer, he took back the purple dragon directly.

But it is also because of this, his body is again attacked by Yeming, and by this time Yeming has rushed to the front of summer.

Wei Tian and Yeming stop summer directly in the middle.

"Run, don't you run well?" Wei Tian's eyes were red. He hated the summer in front of him, but he thought that summer was his bag now.

"As for such a mess? Since you know that I'm in summer, you should know that I have only a few million combat effectiveness, and you are at least a master of imperial level 18? But now, you are much more embarrassed than me Standing there in summer, looking at the dangerous day in front of me with a smile.


His words were full of sarcasm.

"I killed you!" After Wei Tian finished, he held his right hand directly.


His attack came out.

However, when his attack came out, the summer immediately retreated, directly out of his strongest attack range.

But the night after summer is not so good.

The position where you stood in the summer was the second section, and Yeming was in the third section.

He was deliberately lured to that point by summer.

And Yeming didn't find it.

When Wei Tian attacks, he is used to attacking three positions together, because this can not only prevent the other party from sneaking attack, but also prevent the other party from escaping.


Yeming's mouth spurted out a mouthful of blood, the body also fell down: "what do you do?"

Right now!

Summer's body moves, flies out directly.

But now.

He could hardly hold on.

Just now, he was in the range of Wei Tian's attack. Although he was not the biggest damage position, the gap between Wei Tian and him was too big. Even if he attacked from the edge, it would be enough for him to drink.

He was about to be killed by several side attacks.

"In summer, you can't be comatose, or even if I can escape, the speed will be too low. You must hold on. As long as I open up some distance, I can use blink." The voice of Hong Feng appeared.


The summer bit the tip of his tongue, and then hit him hard in the chest.


He's using pain to perk himself up.

The edge of death.

He's still on the brink of death.

"Yeming, are you ok?" Wei Tian cried out in a hurry.

"Don't worry about me, chase me!" Yelled Yeming.

At this time, Yeming also wants to stand up, but he just got up, his legs softened, and he fell on the ground again. He did not find himself in the position of the biggest attack of Weitian. Even he did not think that he would be attacked, so he forgot to defend himself.

It is because he forgot to defend himself that he was attacked so badly.

"Damn it, it's time to make mistakes." Yeming gnaws his teeth and stands up again. He wants to catch up with him. With such a good chance, he can't let summer run.


Wei Tian also used all his strength to pursue, and when he was pursuing, the attack was also continuous.


A stream of blood flew out.

"My legs!" When I was turning around in summer, a leg was hit by Wei Tian, and the left leg was smashed in an instant. His strong defense could no longer protect him.

However, summer still can not stop, no matter what kind of injury, body pain, he must move forward."I see where you can go, no matter where you go, I'll kill you." Cried the dangerous sky in anger.

Just now, the ghost also saw it.

"Kill, they are all injured and they must not be let go." The little ghost cried out in a hurry.

He also wants to drag the man behind him now, trying to delay the summer.

It's not very good for the weather and the night.

The spirit of the dangerous sky was injured, but he could not die. At night, the spirit was only slightly injured, and the problem was not very big, but he was hit by the dangerous sky and overdrawn on his body.

It's also time to rest.

Of course, he didn't rest, but continued to chase.

The ghost now wants to make the spirit of night light suffer a lot, and want to hold the night light.

Although there are ghosts behind.

But the previous summer is not good now.

"Thunder!" In summer, he will die when he runs down like this. He also releases the thunder robbery directly. This time, he releases all the power of the natural robbery in his body.

A moment.

All the power of the northern God King to rob was released by him.


The powerful and powerful scourge landed directly.

Summer is to let the dangerous weather defense, I take advantage of the opportunity to escape.

"I want you to die!" The dangerous days were also completely desperate, he almost no defense, but directly his biggest attack out.

Even in summer, I am afraid of this kind of hard work.


His left arm was smashed in a flash.

If it wasn't for him to escape quickly, his whole body would be shattered by the dangerous weather.

But at this time the thunder also landed.


"The day cried out, and then he stretched out his left arm directly.

See in summer.

His own mine power, all was sucked into the dangerous sky left arm.

Then the dangerous day quickly cut off his left arm, and threw it away far away.



At this time, the explosion force in the distance is very strong.


Keep running in the summer.

"This man is too dangerous. He has done everything to kill me. He doesn't want his arm." Summer is to see what is called cruel.

If the dangerous days continue to pursue this way, it is really possible that summer will be buried here.

"In summer, I must kill you here!!!" The right hand of the dangerous day threw hard.

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