The Ultimate Man

Chapter 7187

"Go and call your two apprentices and let them take their mother-in-law first." Yang soul took a look at the person around him.

This man is the master who knew the two women before summer.


"Inform the troops guarding the black wind area to come back to support. This time, the opponent may not be simple." Yang Hun knows that those who dare to kill the guardian are definitely not ordinary people, and those who can kill the guards so quickly will be even more difficult to provoke, so she should be prepared.

As long as there are many people.

If all of them launch an attack together, even if they are masters of aristocratic families, it's hard for them.

Sea of people tactics.

This is the most common way of fighting in the guardian area. They usually use this method to attack those monsters.

No matter how powerful the monster is, it is inevitable to be attacked by so many people.

"Master, it seems that we have arrived at the capital of the guardian land." Arctic wolf teeth looked at their master, very respectfully said.

The longer he followed his master, the more he admired his master.

As long as his master is behind him, he is not afraid of the tens of millions of troops in front of him.


If he ran into such a large army himself, he would definitely choose to escape at the first time.

This is because the people here can kill them if they attack one by one. However, if the other party defends his attack together, how terrible is the defense power of tens of millions of people?

That's almost impossible for any attack.

"Well, go and shout." At this time, the man behind also looked at his own front.

His face was casual.

Even if there are tens of millions of people on the opposite side, even hundreds of millions of troops are there.

Hundreds of millions of people standing there, what a terrible scene?

It's endless.

There is no margin at all. If they attack together, it will become very terrible.

But now this person, is still this casual.

How can anyone who has seen a big scene be frightened by the situation here.

"The people in front of you, listen, tell us where the summer is, or all will die." Yelled the Arctic wolf tooth.

He used the megaloma.

So people in front of here can hear him.


Not everyone knows whose summer is.

But the top management here knows.

It was in their eyes the descendants of the king of the northern kingdom.

"Who? If you don't dare to report your own name, you dare to ask for someone. " Cried one of the generals.

"You don't have the right to know who I am. You just need to know. If you don't tell the whereabouts of summer, there is no need for your guardian clan to exist." The Arctic wolf tooth is also an art expert now, bold, a mouth is such violence.


Now the momentum gap between the two sides is very big.

Guarding this side of the clan, there are a lot of people and the morale is very high.

These two people should be afraid of death.

But now, the morale of these two people is not only very high, but they will kill them as soon as they speak.

I'm really bullied in front of tens of millions of people.

"Well, don't say that we don't know. Even if we do, we can't tell you about the land we are guarding. Otherwise, where are the faces of the land we guard?" When the general said that, he waved his hand directly.


Tens of millions of people yell to kill!

Such a sound and momentum can break the enemy's courage.

But the powerful momentum of the other side was completely shattered when it fell in front of the Arctic wolf teeth.

This momentum was blocked by the owner behind the Arctic wolf teeth.

"In this world, the strongest momentum is murderous spirit. As long as the murderous spirit is strong enough to a certain extent, any other momentum can be crushed. No matter what kind of momentum, it will be smashed in front of my murderous spirit." The man said coldly.

At this time, the murderous spirit in his body has begun to materialize.

This kind of substantial murderous spirit circled his body.



And it's a seductive color.

It looks very penetrating.

This is the man's terrible murderous spirit and the capital of his pride.

"It seems that you want to die more people. You killed less than a million people outside just now, and you have no memory. That's right. If you kill all the people here, you will have memory." Arctic wolf teeth light said, his face is all casual expression.


At this time, the high-level guardians of the clan all took a breath. Now they finally understand. Before, they were wondering whether their own people were dead. Now, it should be.All the people guarding the fortifications are dead.

And it was killed by these two men.

"Don't listen to him. Now we're going to pay the price for these two people who have provoked us to protect our family." A general preached.

The morale of the army should not be disordered.

Morale can't fall.

"Master, it seems that they are going to attack in groups, tens of millions of attacks." Arctic wolf tooth reminds, although his master is very strong, but he thinks that this time should be to avoid the edge.

After all, people can't resist the attack of so many people.

"Don't let me hear that again next time." The man behind said coldly.

At this time, the back of the Arctic wolf tooth was in cold sweat. When his master spoke, he seemed to feel death at that moment. It was real death.

Suffocating death.

"Master, I am wrong." The Arctic wolf tooth is also hastily admit mistake.

Then the Arctic wolf Fang's eyes looked forward and yelled: "give you another chance to hand over the summer or tell us the summer's position, or you will be killed."

The wolf teeth of the Arctic now.

More momentum.

He felt that he had despised the existence of human beings. For him now, everything was insignificant. He even imagined that his future was full of bright and future, and his future was incomparable.

As long as he follows his master, he will be able to direct the country himself.

"That's a big voice." The general in front gave a big drink, and then the mighty army was ready to launch an attack.

He did not look down on the two men in front of him.

It's very powerful to be able to destroy a fortress with 800000 people.

Normal people absolutely don't have that ability.

"Everyone ready, after I order, destroy everything in front of you, whatever it is there." Exclaimed the general.

The Arctic wolf tooth also clenched his fist.


Still a little nervous.

"They are very dishonest." The man behind the teeth of the Arctic wolf walked forward two steps: "kill, you will be honest."

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