The Ultimate Man

Chapter 9541

Cloud top fairy palace.

"Mr. Hagu, we meet again." Ziyi came to pick up Xia Gu personally.

"How can you bother Mr. Ziyi to pick me up in person, a bereaved dog?" Xia Gu said in fear.

"Mr. Hagu, we have received your family safely, but we have not been able to save some of your staff and some of their families." Said purple.

"Thank you, Mr. purple." Xia Gu bowed quickly.

Ziyi also pulled up XiaGu: "Mr. XiaGu, please go and get together with your family first. We will talk about other things later."

That's it.

Xia Gu finally saw his family and his subordinates who had escaped: "hard work, since you have escaped, then everyone's good days have come. I promise you, I will not fail you."


He and his family were both housed in two medium-sized buildings.

"My Lord, Mr. purple is outside." Said one of his men.


The canyon is also the first time to go out.

After he went out, he also bowed deeply to Ziyi: "thank you, Mr. purple."

"Thank me. The temple master appreciates you very much. He said that all the shops you used to own belong to you. You can't afford to leave one of them without you. Moreover, the temple master knows that you may not have start-up funds now, so let me prepare 10 billion immortal stones. If not, tell me." Purple said directly.

"Thank you for your kindness!" XiaGu bowed again.

"Don't do this, Mr. Hagu. We all come out to do business and understand each other. And maybe we need Mr. XiaGu's help in the future." Said purple.

"As long as Mr. Ziyi and the summer hall master have any orders, I will rush to the front." Hagu understood.

This time.

It was summer that gave him a chance to be reborn.

He will certainly cherish this opportunity.

"I'm not polite to say that. The Lord of the temple is very interested in Xia's residence, so he hopes you can answer some questions." Said purple.


Hagu nodded.

"Please Purple waved her hand.

In the temple of Sirius.

Summer's eyes looked at XiaGu: "Mr. XiaGu has worked hard all the way."

"If it wasn't for the rescue of Xia Dian Lord, I would be a dead man now." Said purple.

"It's too much of Xiafu. I heard that Mr. XiaGu's father was also one of the founders of that year, right?" Summer said.

"Yes, my father was one of the earliest founders in those years, and he also died for the Xia family. Originally, in the Sirius hall, as long as I managed things well, I would be qualified to be promoted to the position of elder. But I didn't expect that the result would be like this." Xia Gu said helplessly.

"I want to ask you about someone this time." Summer said.

"Tianlong bar!" Said Hagu.

"Yes!" Summer said.

"Xia Dian Lord, are you really the son of Tianlong?" Xia Gu was also stunned.

"Yes Summer nodded slightly.

"It's no wonder that the summer hall master can achieve what he has now. If it's his son, it's normal." Said Hagu.

At this time, XiaGu's eyes also began to look at the summer again.

"Can you tell me?" Summer doesn't mean to force XiaGu.

"That's something I did when I was very young. It has been many years, maybe more than 100000 years. At that time, I saw Tianlong for the first time. When he came to Xiafu, even the first generation of founders were very respectful to him. However, a special person appeared in Tianlong, who almost destroyed the whole Xiafu The Dragon left. I was young at that time, so I knew that there was not much about him. " XiaGu explained.

Summer shook his head: "according to what you said, his strength should not be weak at that time. How did he get into the treasure of shining moon?"

Huiyue treasure is not accessible to people with too much strength.

"I don't know about this. I only know that Tianlong was very strong at that time, but I also heard that Tianlong used a lot of means, so it's not too difficult for him to do it." XiaGu explained.

"Do you know who that special person was?" Summer asked.

"All I remember is that his name is very long and strange, and the rest is not." Said Hagu.


Summer nodded slightly: "thank you."

"It's very kind of you, Xia Dian Lord. You have helped me so much. All these are what I should do." XiaGu said in a hurry.

"Purple, take good care of Mr. Xia Gu." Get up in summer.

"Yes, Lord." Purple clothes respectfully said.

Summer's eyes look far away, he seems to want to see through the sky, see through all this."Don't worry. We're very close." Red Phoenix reminds way.


Summer nodded.

The story of XiaGu spread quickly.

But this time.

Xia Fu did not respond to any of them, nor did they admit that they were pursuing XiaGu and XiaGu's family.

Xia Gu didn't explain it.

But all sorts of news spread quickly.

Some people said that the Xiafu was ungrateful and wanted to kill its own meritorious officials, so XiaGu was forced to flee to Yunding fairy palace.

But no one responded.

Xia is back in business.

In the summer palace.


"Summer is really more and more meddlesome. He even dares to take care of the affairs of our Xiafu, and Xia Gu, who dares to escape to the cloud top fairy palace, will kill him if I see him again."

"Well, if you had that ability, you would have killed him at that time. You don't have to say that here." Xia Fu Fu Lord said very displeased.

At this time, the person in front of him is summer.

The man who chased XiaGu.

"The Lord of the mansion, I failed because the deputy hall leader of Yunding fairy palace appeared last time. If it wasn't for the deputy hall leader of Yunding fairy palace, I would have killed Xia Gu." Summer is very uncomfortable said.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't clean up this time, you will leave trouble. You take someone to show me the transmission places of Yunding fairy palace. If you find his family and his subordinates coming out, you should seize them immediately and try to catch the living ones. I don't need me to teach you the following things." The head of the Xia mansion asked.

"I understand." Summer nodded.

"Anyone who dares to fight against us will never turn over." The head of the summer mansion said.

In the cloud top fairy palace.

"Mr. Ziyi, we seem to have been targeted recently. You asked us to buy the treasure chest of time and space. As a result, the price of the treasure chest of time and space went up. It was OK a few days ago, but the price of this treasure chest has doubled."

"Double it?" Purple eyebrow a frown: "I let you be careful, are you exposed?"

"Sir, we are not exposed, but the treasure chest of time and space is exposed. People outside don't need to stare at us at all. They just need to stare at the treasure chest of time and space."

"The treasure chest of time and space is exposed?" Purple looked at his men.

"Sir, it seems that you have also thought that there must be an internal ghost!"

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