The Ultimate Man

Chapter 9715

Crazy young master looked at his position of Dantian: "why?"

"If you die, you can kill him." There was a smile on the man's face.


Greedy wolf suddenly felt someone shaking at his door.

He also waved his right hand and went straight to catch the other party, but he did not succeed.


He also went straight out with him.

When he saw the bloodstain at the door, he also directly chased out.

Come on!

He's very fast.

The other side's speed is also very fast.

Several pursuit, greedy wolf suddenly stopped, he felt the aura around him more and more strong.

"No The greedy wolf suddenly felt that the situation was not right.

Because this is Lingquan palace. It is normal for Lingquan palace to have strong aura. But now the concentration of aura here is not normal.

"Who? They dare to break into the forbidden area of our Lingquan palace. " A group of bodyguards rushed out.

At the same time.

The guards released the herald.

More and more experts are coming.

The place where we live.

"No, crazy young master is dead."

Big news.

The guide was totally stupid. You know, crazy young master is the son of their influence, and his position is very high. But now, crazy young master is dead.

People from the local area came here at the first time.

"You see, there is blood. It is obvious that the crazy young master resisted before he died." Someone said.

"The storage equipment is gone."

"Chase!" Exclaimed the receiver of the earth's veins.


They all ran outside.

They follow the trace, all the way to Tianmai's residence.

The blood had reached the door of the greedy wolf's house.

Finally, when they opened the door, the crazy young master's storage equipment was put on the greedy wolf's table, but the greedy wolf was not there.

With so many people coming here, it naturally attracted a lot of people.

All the people in the sky have come out.

"What are you doing?" Luo Heng exclaimed.

"What are you doing?" The earth's vein attracted people to look at Luo Heng angrily: "greedy wolf killed our crazy young master."


Luo Heng frowned: "it's just a contest. The greedy wolf has already stopped. When will you kill him? This is what we all see. "


Then the guide took out the body of the crazy young master: "we followed the blood, and now the storage equipment of the crazy young master is on the greedy wolf's table. How do you explain?"

The evidence is solid.

But in fact, people have doubts.

That is why the greedy wolf killed people, why to get blood everywhere, and why to put the storage equipment on his desk so openly.

There are also greedy werewolves?

"Who are you cheating on with such a simple planting Luo Heng believes that this is a planting.

And this planting is too simple.

In fact, people around me think it's a planting.

But now the evidence is here, and if the greedy wolf is not here, there is no explanation.

The wind stood at the door with a smile on his face.

That's what he wanted to see.

He used the plum blossom order to see this scene.

At the same time.

Everyone was curious.

What about greedy wolves?

"Lingquan, the master of Lingquan, has broken into the forbidden area, and is now surrounded by the wolf." A servant hastily reminded.


When they heard this, everyone was in a daze.

Break into the forbidden area?

And he killed people from Lingquan palace.

This kind of thing has obviously become a little scary.

"How can this happen?" Luo Heng frowned.

"Now what are you trying to argue about? It must be that he is greedy for wolves and our crazy young master's treasure, so he killed people and took treasure, and then coveted the treasures of Lingquan palace. So you still want to rob the treasures of Lingquan palace. I didn't expect that he would be caught by others." The connection of the earth's veins called out in anger.

Step on it!

At this point.

Zuo Changlao also came out.

"Elder Zuo." Luo Heng and others bowed in a hurry.

"I know all about it. Go and have a look first!" Zuo Changlao walked directly outside.

"Today, you must give us an account, and we will go together." Said the receiver of the earth vein.

At this point.

All the participating forces and personnel have been alarmed, they have heard the news.For a moment.

All of them went to the place where the greedy wolf was.

When they got here, the greedy wolves were still fighting.

"Greedy wolf, stop it." The left elder cried out.

Hearing the words of elder Zuo, the greedy wolf stopped.


At this time, several experts from the side of the sudden hand, will be greedy wolf down.

Left long old mouth, greedy wolf to face, stop, but the other side did not stop, and is a sneak attack.

So the greedy wolf will suffer.

Greedy wolves also want to fight back again.

But the left elder was directly in front of him.

He lifted his left hand.

The attack of those in front of me was completely blocked.

"Elder Zuo, what do you mean?" Asked the man of Lingquan palace.

"I want to know what's going on here." Elder Zuo frowned.

Greedy wolf is their hope for this competition. Now that so many things have happened suddenly, he must make it clear that he can't let others hurt greedy wolf at will.

"What else can't you see? He killed so many of us, and there are elders in it. " Lingquan Palace said.

"Say it." Elder Zuo looked at the greedy wolf.

"I was resting in my residence. Suddenly, there was a movement outside. I opened the door and saw the blood on the door, so I chased him out. I thought I could easily take him down, but I didn't expect that the strength of the opponent was not weak, so I caught up with him. When I found out that the aura concentration here was wrong, the guards rushed out. I just wanted to explain, and they started I didn't kill the elder, but his own men killed him. But the people behind wanted my life. I hurt them seriously, but almost all of them died by themselves. " Said the greedy wolf.

Frame up!

When I heard this, the people around me understood that this was a frame up, and it was a serial frame up.

"It's ridiculous that he said that our own people are killing our own people. Do you think I'm stupid?" Asked the elder of Lingquan palace.

"It's very simple for you to examine the wound yourself." Said the greedy wolf.


When they heard this, they looked at the body.


Just then.

The body of a guard suddenly exploded.

Directly blow up all the corpses around.

Destroy the dead.

It can be said that there are many loopholes in this plot.

But the same thing.

All the spearheads are directed at the greedy wolf.

"Elder Zuo, what else can you say now? He killed our crazy young master, and now he has broken into the forbidden area of Lingquan palace and killed so many people. Is this a capital crime? "

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