
“Who is so powerful, can use music to stop this big war, the two of them are the top three masters of the KO list, the combat power index is as high as 9,000 points, the mood should be very strong, but this music can affect the two people.”

Below the high platform.

Countless were very curious, wanting to know who in that story was, who was so capable, and used music to stop this big battle, they looked at Su Yu, waiting for Su Yu’s answer.

On a high platform.

Su Yu smiled slightly and took a sip of tea.

“This big battle will end quickly.”

“The two people affected by the sound of the piano agreed to fight again on a chosen day.”

“And the former boss of the Ultimate Class, the current Class Leader, who has been coveting the Ultimate Class Boss’s seat, soon found the music room, and here he also found the person who played piano music to stop this big war—”

“Another transfer student from the Ultimate Class.”

“Ding Xiaoyu.”

Ding Xiaoyu?

Below the high platform, countless mixed characters were very confused.

“Mr. Su, who is Ding Xiaoyu?”

A jerk asked.

Su Yu shook the fan.

“Ding Xiaoyu—”

“The legendary KO.4, with a combat power index of 8500 points, is called a deadly light rain.”

“His left fist has the power of a nuclear bomb, but the least known is his right fist…”

Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

There was an uproar below the high platform.

“I didn’t expect that this legendary KO.4 would even appear in the final class, and there was also the ability to stop the war with music, which was really more and more interesting!”

Below, the mixed word generation is more and more interested!


“It’s interesting to think about two KO.3s and one KO.4 coming together in the ultimate class!”

“What would happen if we really got together in the Ultimate Class?”

“No wonder in Mr. Su’s story, the Ultimate Class is actually related to the Twelve Space-Time and the Demon Realm, and is the main combat force of good and evil versus good!”

Someone below is talking about it and I think it’s interesting.

Of course.

They just listened to it as a story and thought it was funny.

Some people also asked:

“Mr. Sue, is what you say true?”

“Is the sword in stone sealed by King Arthur and Wang Dadong really strong when they meet strong?”

“What happened to Ding Xiaoyu’s right fist?”

They wondered, is what Su Yu said true?

Why did they never know?

“It should be fake, right?”

“Maybe it’s for the story?”

Many people feel that this is Su Yu making up for the sake of the story.

“Although this big battle did not start, but as long as King Arthur is in the final class, he and Wang Dadong will definitely have a winner or loser, both are the third best in the KO list, and they are opposed to each other, even if KO.4 Ding Xiaoyu intervenes to stop the war, they will definitely fight again, and Ding Xiaoyu cannot stop the second time.”

A mixed-up character analyzed, guessing the follow-up of the story.

“Mr. Su, what happened to the story behind you?”

End of discussion.

The mixed generations looked at Su Yu curiously.

This moment—

They don’t look like the bastards of the university world, but like good students who obediently listen to lectures in the classroom.

“This big battle is over because of Ding Xiaoyu’s intervention.”

“After school.”

“Wang Dadong was about to ride home on a motorcycle, but he did not expect that the students of the Ultimate Class actually ran over and told him that King Arthur was blocked in the alley by one or two hundred people, and as the boss of the Ultimate First Class, although Wang Dadong was hostile to Arthur Wang, he did not allow anyone to move his classmates on his turf, so he rushed directly to the alley outside the Barle High School!”

“Sure enough.”

“The whole streets, the alleys, are full of people, and they are all members of the Black Dog Gang who want to take a shot at King Arthur.”

Su Yu paused.

Hear here.

The people below are very curious about what really happened, and they can’t help but urge:

“Mr. Sue, what happened, why was King Arthur blocked by the Black Dog Gang?”

“One or two hundred people, and all of them are gang members, I feel that King Arthur and Wang Dadong are very dangerous!”

“Not necessarily, their combat strength index is 9,000 points, and it is easy for one person to deal with a hundred people, right?”

“But the Black Dog Gang should have a gun, right?” It’s horrible! ”

The bastards are talking about it.

But soon it was quiet, waiting for Su Yu’s story.

Su Yu continued to speak:

“King Arthur was blocked at the entrance of the alley, but Wang Dadong stepped forward, the two were in the alley, the members of the Black Dog Gang were not opponents of the two at all, and soon more than a hundred people were beaten, and the boss of the Black Dog Gang ran away with his little brother, but King Arthur did not want to let them go, but was blocked by Wang Dadong.”

“Although the two can fight more than a hundred people, the internal strength consumption is serious, and once they catch up, the other party has a gun and may lose their hands.”

“Wang Dadong asked King Arthur why—”

“It turned out.”

“It was King Arthur’s father, Tulong, who was killed by a black dog when he came to pick up King Arthur!”

There was an uproar under the high platform!

“I’m going, is it so exciting?”

“Gangs are involved?”

The bastards are shouting excitement.

“The story is getting more and more interesting!”

“If King Arthur’s father, Tulong, dies, wouldn’t King Arthur, the prince of the Earth Dragon Gang, become the boss?”

“Then it will involve the Tao?”

The Mixed Word Generation is very interested in these things, especially involving the Dao, and the current Mixed Word Generation, more or less in contact, know that the Earth Dragon Gang is currently the largest gang in the region, if Arthur Wang really takes over, then the story is not getting more and more interesting?

But above.

Su Yu shook his head.


“In order to comfort Arthur Wang, Wang Dadong decided to become a brother with Arthur Wang, otherwise, King Arthur would be alone.”


“Just after the two became brothers, King Arthur’s father, Tulong, called him, and it turned out that when the black dog shot him with a gun, he was wearing body armor, but he was eating at that time, which caused him to choke, and he was sent to the hospital and rescued, so there was a misunderstanding.”

“That being said—”

“But what Wang Dadong said will not be easily retracted.”

“Two third-place koo masters.”

“Officially married.”

Below the high platform.

Countless bastards were stunned.

A mixed-up person is even more direct:

“I’m in!”

“Is it so exciting?”

“Two top masters who are also the third in the KO list and opposite in the peak are brothers?”

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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