“No, megalomaniac, you…”

Where will Wang Arthur believe, want Wang Dadong to speak seriously, his mind at the moment is not in the sand ice shop, nor on the sand ice, but full of thoughts about how Wang Dadong knows, the curiosity in his heart makes him anxious.

“It should be soon.”

Wang Dadong said to himself.

Arthur Wang’s mind had not yet turned: “What is fast?” ”

Wang Dadong looked at the time: “Jin Baosan and Ding Xiaoyu should also be coming soon.” ”

Wang Arthur said helplessly: “Megalomaniac, what are you talking about, the smoothie here is very good, but there are very few people who know it, how can it be such a coincidence…”

He hadn’t finished speaking.

I suddenly noticed the distance.

At the far end of the distance, he could see four figures getting closer and closer, exactly within the range he could sense.

Jin Baosan, Xiao Spicy, Axe, and Ding Xiaoyu, today’s transfer student.

Only to see that Xiao Spicy and the axe stood around Ding Xiaoyu, obviously coercing Ding Xiaoyu, while Jin Baosan was following behind, looking at Ding Xiaoyu in front of him from time to time, his face seemed to be full of thoughts, like a weeping and mourning face.

Da Spicy put a hand on Ding Xiaoyu’s shoulder and said viciously, “Our big guy asked you to please eat smoothie, it is worthy of you!” We guys have deliberately asked us to come over and let you please eat, and when the time comes, we will cover you in the final class! ”

Jin Baosan shook his head directly behind his back, his face turned pale: “Not me!” ”

The axe looked at Campbell Three doubtfully.

Da Spicy continued, “I want a big mango smoothie, and our big guy wants a super overlord invincible mango smoothie, which is his favorite food!” ”

Jimbo’s face turned white, “No, I don’t like it!” ”

Big Spicy wondered, “Big guy, aren’t you the favorite?” ”

After saying that, he looked at Ding Xiaoyu viciously and coerced:

“Huh? Know if not? ”

Seeing this scene, Jin Baosan’s already white face became even whiter, and he opened his mouth again: “No! I don’t like it! ”

Big Spicy turned back: “No, big guy, you like it!” ”

Campbell shook his head, “No! I don’t like it! ”

Ding Xiaoyu looked at the big spicy next to him, and then looked at Jin Baosan who was following behind the two of them.

It is also strange to say that he just came out, this big spicy pulled the axe to let him eat the smoothie, but that Jin Baosan did not dare to go near him, did he know his identity?

Thought about it.

Ding Xiaoyu turned his head to look at Jin Baosan and said, “No, you like it.” ”

Big spicy and axe instantly confused.

Jin Baosan stood behind, stared at by Ding Xiaoyu, directly like a chicken pecking rice, and a smile piled up on his face: “Right, right, I like it.” ”

Big Spicy and Axe: “??? ”

Ding Xiaoyu: “…”

Okay, it seems to know the result.


Da Spicy and the axe pulled Ding Xiaoyu to the ice shop, and Ding Xiaoyu also saw Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur who were sitting, and at this time, in that night, Wang Arthur just turned his head to look at Ding Xiaoyu, and the two instantly looked at each other.

Ding Xiaoyu quickly saw disbelief in Arthur’s eyes, as well as a look of confusion.


It’s like seeing a ghost…

Ding Xiaoyu was calm on the surface, but there seemed to be a big question mark in his mind.

What’s going on today?

How does it feel weird that the people of the Ultimate Class are weird?

Even King Arthur, who has just transferred to the ultimate class, is weird?


Wang Arthur sat on the table, watching Da Spicy and the axe pull Ding Xiaoyu to sit down, Jin Baosan stood nervously on the side, fidgeting, a strange feeling extended, he knew that Wang Dadong could not ask Jin Baosan to bring Ding Xiaoyu over!

But now!

Campbell III…

Just like what the megalomaniac just said, it really appeared!


He looked back at Wang Dadong.



He pointed his finger at Wang Dadong, and for a moment there seemed to be something important.

“Huh?” Wang Dadong was puzzled, not knowing why Arthur Wang was suddenly so serious.

“Are you a god stick?” King Arthur held his breath for half a day and finally spoke up.

Wang Dadong: “??? ”

“Then this smoothie…”

King Arthur’s eyes finally looked at the smoothie.

If according to Wang Dadong… So isn’t the smoothie in front of you?

“Who?” King Arthur asked.

“Black dog.”

Wang Dadong answered very simply.


The two looked at each other, seemed to understand each other’s meaning, and then began to eat.


Three minutes later.

When King Arthur and Wang Dadong passed out.

The black dog then led a group of people out, their eyes fierce.

The black dog waved a big hand, directly signaling the little brother behind him to take the two away.

Jin Bao San and the others sat aside.

Both the big spicy and the axe were scared to death, and they were about to run when they took Jin Baosan’s hand.

At this moment, Jin Baosan suddenly whispered, “You are not allowed to take them away.” ”


Ding Xiaoyu also spoke at the same time: “You are not allowed to take them away…??? ”

He glanced at Jin Baosan with a slight glance, and his eyes were full of great doubt.

His ears were very sharp, even if Jin Baosan was so quiet, he could hear it, but it seemed too late to think about it at the moment.

Black Dog and the others surrounded them directly.

But just then….



Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur, who had just been unconscious on the table, did not know when they had gotten up and were looking at the black dog with a smile and a groan.

“You want to take us?”

The two of them got up and walked slowly to Ding Xiaoyu’s side.

Ding Xiaoyu looked at the two of them and did not react for a while.

King Arthur smiled and said, “If you don’t eat, you shouldn’t dare to come out, right?” ”

He smiled and groaned as he looked at the black dog whose face was gradually dumbfounded.

And on the sidelines.

Campbell was stunned, “All…”

“It’s all happening!”

He looked like he was going crazy, his eyes wide open:

“It all happened!”

“My boss position…”

He remembered the storyteller.

Looking into the distance.

Less than a minute.

The people brought by the black dog all fell to the ground, and the black dog ran away with a stream of urine.


The three were looking at each other.

At night.

Wang Dadong took the lead in holding out his hand: “Formally get to know you, the third place in the KO list, Wang Dadong.” ”

Arthur Wang also stretched out: “Third place in the KO list, Arthur Wang.” ”

Looked at.

Ding Xiaoyu also held out his hand: “Fourth place in the KO list…”

“Ding Xiaoyu.”

The hands of the three people, the direct palms overlapped together, just the three of them drove the group of guys away together, as if in the dark, the three were destined to stand together.

See this scene.

Jin Baosan directly said what he had just said:

“It’s gone…”

Boss position….


“It’s gone.”

Xiao Spicy saw this scene and also opened his mouth.

He watched in amazement as Ding Xiaoyu reported his door number

Fourth place on the KO list.

Ding Xiaoyu!

He felt, he was gone.

“It all happened…”

“It all happened!”

Campbell San seemed to have been stimulated by something.

“What’s wrong with you, big guy?” The axe asked hurriedly.



Campbell’s eyes widened and he muttered to himself.

Axe and small spicy noodles look at each other:




【Tenth change, continue to update! 】 Today the lowest 13 more, the rating vote to 200, the direct 15 more ~].

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