On the high platform!

Su Yu turned around and walked to the building behind him.

But in an instant!




The figures of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu instantly appeared on the high platform!


The following mixed word generation, KO list masters have recognized the three!

“It’s Wang Dadong! King Arthur! Ding Xiaoyu! ”

“Oh my God! They actually came! ”

“That’s exciting, isn’t it?”

“The protagonist of the first story actually came to the door? Are they going to take a shot at Mr. Sue? ”

Seeing the appearance of the three people, the mixed word generation, KO list masters, and students below instantly exclaimed! In particular, the three of them instantly ascended to the high platform, obviously trying to prevent Mr. Su from returning to the building!


Su Yu was holding an ancient fan, but it was as if he hadn’t heard the words of the three people behind him at all.


Wang Dadong, who was acute, was about to move forward, trying to block Su Yu from returning to the building!

He was shaking! The body rushed forward like a ghost, and everyone could only see a remnant across the high platform, and soon reached Mr. Su’s back two meters away, just when the remnant was about to touch Mr. Su



A figure fell from the sky in an instant! Directly blocked Su Yu’s back, blocking Wang Dadong!

The moment of emergence!

Everyone saw the figure with a slight wave of his hand!

A wave of terror swept in! Crash directly into Wang Dadong!


The red light energy in Wang Dadong’s palm condensed, and in an instant, it collided with the fluctuations of this figure!


Behind them, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu also instantly felt that something was wrong, and their bodies shook and went straight forward! To help Wang Dadong!

The two are fast!

Directly arrived at Wang Dadong’s side, the energy of his palm fluctuated, and he instantly clashed with that figure!

But the next second!



The figure shook slightly!

A wave that was far more terrifying than before struck in an instant!


The bodies of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu were instantly repulsed!

This scene!

Instantly made countless mixed-word generations, KO list masters, and students stunned!

And Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu, who were stabilizing their figures, also looked forward in horror

In front of that.

In front of the building.

The figure quietly blocked behind Su Yu, and everyone looked at the figure

It was a middle-aged man in a white shirt, his face was handsome, but it was as cold as frost, and his body was filled with a high and cold breath, which made it impossible for people to get close, a pair of eyes calmly looking ahead, without any mood fluctuations, giving people the feeling of being completely integrated….


King Arthur spoke.

Sword meaning!

The man didn’t draw his sword!

However, his body was full of a sharp sword meaning, and his body was completely integrated with that sword meaning, as if he could open up the world in an instant! Chop it all up!

There is no sword in front of the figure! But in front of King Arthur, he seemed to see a swordsman, holding a sword in his arms, standing in front of him, his eyes drooping, like a sword that could smash everything at any time!

“Three please come back.”

“Today’s lecture has ended…”

He opened his mouth very calmly and his face was indifferent.

Although he was talking to the three people, his eyes never lifted, but slightly drooped, without focus.

This moment!

Behind him—

Su Yu was dressed in a black Tang costume, holding an ancient fan, and his head did not turn back, entering the building and gradually disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes! Obviously, the people were not far away from him, but the figure in front of them was like a huge mountain blocking it, at this moment, they were like a thousand mountains and rivers separated from Su Yu!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu could only watch Su Yu’s disappearance before their eyes, but they had no choice!

“So strong…”

Wang Dadong opened his mouth, and the three of them looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

The figure in front of you——

So strong!

Although the three did not have an explosive combat power index, they were able to instantly repel three people, and they were able to repel three people attacking at the same time!

The combat power index of the figure in front of you is definitely breaking 10,000 points!

This figure….

Who is it?

Of course!

And most importantly!

This figure was obviously Su Yu’s bodyguard!

Su Yu had such a powerful guard, how amazing was his origin and strength?

“What are you?”

King Arthur asked.

“We have something we want to see Mr. Su.”

Hear the words of King Arthur.

“My name doesn’t matter.”

The figure shook his head.

“I’m just Mr. Mister’s bodyguard.”


“No visitors.”


The figure eyes finally raised their eyes to look at the three people, and the words were slightly heavy:

“Please step down.”

At a glance!

Just one glance!

But the three of them felt a mighty sword qi coming from the sky! Razor-sharp! There is no breath, but the body is uncomfortable taking a step backwards.

This figure….

Who is it?


[Flowers have been 10,000, the evaluation vote is still 200 to 700, flowers have exceeded 10,000, thank you very much for the data, today at least update 7 chapters for everyone! 】 There is still a difference of six more, the evaluation vote to 700 immediately ten more, to 1000, thirteen more! When it comes to doing it ~ continue to ask for a wave of data, the better the data, the more updates ~].

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