
These are all members of the Black Dog Gang.

After the failure of the black dog against the Tulong Gang, it has been targeted by the Tulong Gang, the entire industrial chain of the region has been retaliated against by the Tulong Gang, many PUBs have closed their doors, and those who have not closed their doors have been plated down by the Tulong Gang, and it just so happens that a bastard just has a relationship with the Black Dog and tells the story out!

The black dog was angry at once! He said that the plan was so successful, especially when the ice shop, he was ready to take Wang Arthur away as a way to fight against the revenge of the Earth Dragon Gang, as long as he caught Wang Arthur, the Earth Dragon Gang would not dare to act rashly, and as a result… Wang Arthur and Wang Dadong actually knew that he had been wondering, was it because he had exposed the horse’s feet?

The result—

Was it because a storytelling story exposed his plans? This storyteller must have known what news, or had an internal response in the Black Dog Gang, only to know that they were going to take a shot at the Earth Dragon Gang or even the King Arthur! As for the story of the storyteller foreseeing the future, the ghost believes!

Moreover, the mixed-up man also found Wang Dadong and Jin Baosan at the scene.

This makes the black dog more certain!

In one breath, he directly wanted to ask people to burn down the place of Su Yu, either to vent or to take revenge.

The result….

Looking at the members of the Black Dog Gang who had fainted in horror after speaking, Su Yu had more and more clarity in his mind about the structure of that force.

He looked at the Jinyi guard.

Originally, when he first drew the Jinyiwei, he did not know the role of the Jinyiwei, but now it seems that it just comes in handy.


Ten people is certainly not enough, at least one person who can be in the scene.

Think of this—

“System, bronze ten consecutive pumps.”

【Draw -】

[Congratulations to the host for earning: 200 Combat Power Index].

[Ten Guards of Kinji].

[Ding Xiu character fragment x1].

[300 Combat Power Index].

[200 Combat Power Index].

[Easy rib warp fragment x1].


[Easy rib warp fragment x1].

In this lottery, a total of 1000 points of combat power index, three copies of the Yi Jian Jing fragments! A character fragment! Ten Kinmen Guards!

“Ding Xiu.”

A figure appeared in Su Yu’s mind.

“Add money to the layman.”

“It’s kind of interesting.”

The host can view the properties of the character fragment

The system prompts at this time.

Su Yu clicked on the attributes of Ding Xiu’s character fragments.

[Character: Ding Xiu].

[Fragments: 1].

[Combat Power Index: 11,000 points].

[Weapon: Miao knife].

[Character: Ximen Chuixue].

[Fragments: 1].

[Combat Power Index: 15,000 points].

[Weapon: Black Sheathed Sword].

Looking at the character attributes in front of him, Su Yu is looking forward to it, after the character fragments are gathered, how powerful these characters really are, you know, the single fragment of Ximen blowing snow, the combat strength index is a full 15,000 points! If the complete fragments are gathered, Ximen Chuixue will restore his full strength, and he doesn’t know how strong it really is

Of course, what Su Yu was most curious about was that according to the records in the “Final Series Full Records” that he had obtained, although he had only unlocked the omniscient omnipotence of the first thirty years and the last thirty years, he could see a trace of ancient martial arts from the former martial arts circles, Qiao Feng, Xuan Zhu, Zhang Wuji, Lu Xiaofeng and others… It seems that it really existed in the golden time and space, and it was the main combat force that once fought against the Demon Realm.

That is to say, today’s Ximen blowing snow may be the former Ximen blowing snow, and the Ximen blowing snow in its full state is restored, and I don’t know if I can remember the events of hundreds of years ago.


Late at night.

Black Dog Gang Territory.

This is the territory of the black dog, it is a villa.

The black dog looked at the mobile phone, and the mobile phone had no message, which made him very uneasy inside.

Why haven’t you come back?


Should have called long ago, burned a building, is not simple?

Just when he was thinking!




“Not good…”

A member of the Black Dog Gang ran in in a panic, very uneasy.


The black dog was very upset, but his expression changed instantaneously after his words were finished!

Only to see the door of the villa of the Black Dog Gang, at this moment was kicked and broken! The terrifying force made the entire door directly into pieces!

At the same time—

A young man in casual clothes walked in from outside, his hands on a Miao knife, which was placed behind his neck, with an untamed appearance, holding a toothpick, and walked in step by step through the door.

To his left and right, a tall figure with an expressionless face in a suit followed him step by step.

“Black Dog Gang!”

Step into here!

The young man swiped the corner of his mouth, directly grabbed the Miao knife in his hand, and grabbed it in his hand, and a vicious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


“I’m in charge of things here.”

“Who approves?”

He stood in the darkness, untamed, holding a Miao knife, scanning the entire territory of the Black Dog Gang.

“Who opposes?”

The black dog’s face was terrified, and he saw that behind this figure, it was all the corpses of the members of the Black Dog Gang! Death was tragic!

“You, who are you?”

He asked in horror.

The corner of the young man’s mouth swiped, and his smile became more and more vicious, and he looked at the black dog and replied:

“Ding Xiu!”

“You can also call me…”

He shook his body and stood directly in front of the black dog.

“Add money to the layman.”



The ultimate class.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu came to the class.

Come to class.

The three looked at each other and then all laughed.

The eyes of the three people… It’s all panda eyes.


The three of them lost sleep!

“Let’s go, let’s go find the guide.”

Wang Dadong said.

Since the certificate is required!

That was naturally to ask the off-duty guide, there was information about her brother, perhaps… What to be able to discover.

The second story.

Whether it is true or not, maybe there will be an answer soon!

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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