King Arthur: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu: “…”

Wang Dadong: “…”

All right.

Although the class guide did not scold, but looking at the class guide can not care about the sad, and very serious expression, it is obvious that they really care about them, want them to see the psychiatric doctor.

“Ban Dao, you will be kidnapped…”

Wang Dadong said.

But soon.

King Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu covered his mouth.

“Band, let’s go first.”

The two directly covered Wang Dadong’s mouth and took him away.

Looking at the strange three people, Tian Xin’s eyes were a little helpless.


How did the three of them know their brother’s name, or even the experience that she wanted to forget so much?



If so, how nice?

Looking at the three people who left, Tian Xin’s eyes were slightly red, the sister and brother who grew up together, even now, in her mind, it seems that she can still think of the boy who jumped and jumped before, following behind her, shouting happily to her sister, but everything ended abruptly with that car accident.

If it’s true.

How good is that?

Tian Xin thought again, but shook his head again, leaving this unrealistic fantasy behind.


After returning to the classroom.


“It’s actually true.”

King Arthur opened his mouth calmly.

“It’s unbelievable.” Ding Xiaoyu shook his head.

It was hard for them to believe that the story they heard from that story was actually the right thing to do! That is to say, the information in the story that Mr. Su said may be true to a large extent! And most importantly… What happens in the future, will it follow the story?

Even if Wang Dadong experienced the first story, it was still hard to believe!

After all—

Who would dare to believe that their experience would be taken as a story, told in advance, as if there were a pair of hands, manipulating everything, making people creepy and goosebumps going up.

“If the information is true, then the second story…”

“Is it really going to happen?”

Wang Dadong looked at the two men.

Things have progressed to the present, the mentality of the three people has changed, from the initial doubt, to the doubt, to the self-doubt, and finally half-believed, now they want to ask for the information of the second story and whether it will happen in the end, but the information just collected makes the three of them feel a little creepy!

The content information in the story turned out to be true, so whether the second story will follow the story that Mr. Su said… To develop?

“I wouldn’t believe it!”

King Arthur spoke.

“I don’t believe we’re going to follow the storyline.”

“If you follow the story…”


“Is it the person who once ruled by the legendary force, the person who broke the intestine?”

King Arthur still did not want to believe it, this was too shocking, he must ask for proof, prove that it could not happen.

“What if it’s true?” Ding Xiaoyu asked.

All three were somewhat silent.

“If it’s true…”

“That’s scary.”

Wang Dadong shivered.

If it’s true, they all follow the development of the story, which is too scary! They are afraid that they will once again subvert the speculation and verification of Mr. Nasu, but even if it is not true, the information that Mr. Nasu has is enough to make people feel that it is not simple, and the history is amazing.

“Gut-breaking people.”

The three of them glanced at each other, thinking about the next person they were about to meet in the story.


Two days later.


“The time is almost up.”

A middle-aged man in a pink robe pushes a stall on the side of the road.

He wears a pink turban, a stall covered with white strips, and a banner, which looks very strange and strange.

“Wang Dadong…”

“King Arthur…”

“Ding Xiaoyu.”

“The protagonist of the Golden Pen Dian Dragon is also the only one who can stop my black dragon brother.”

“It’s time for us to meet.”

The man with the broken intestine looked at the stall in front of him, absent-mindedly pushing the stall to the vicinity of Ballet High School, and he walked while looking for a place to stay.

“This is really a difficult task, these three children are still in the university world, and it still needs a process to accept things in the martial arts world at once.”

“My identity can’t be exposed too early, I have to slowly guide them, protect them for the time being, wait until the time is ripe, and then slowly tell them… At that time, these three children, I am afraid that the world view will be subverted. ”

He sighed as he walked.

“But it’s only a matter of time, and we don’t have much time to spare…”

He muttered helplessly.

“I hope the three of them can accept and grow up as soon as possible, otherwise the slightest news will shock their jaws.”


“You’ve got to figure out how to get their attention.”

The severed intestine was thinking, and he was pushing the stall cart as he walked, and now that he was near the Bale High School, he planned to find a place to stay.

“There’s still time, there’s still time to think about how to prepare…”

He wanted to prepare his words to attract the attention of the three children.


“It’s really hard to push this car, it’s so hard to push, really…”

He complained.


How is it so strange?

People with broken intestines always feel strange.

It was as if someone was watching them, and it was as if they had been watching for a long time.

He raised his head slightly, and then he saw the roadside in front of him, the three figures were standing there quietly, watching him all the time, when the person with the broken intestine saw the three figures, his eyes were wide open, he was momentarily stunned, and his brain was a bit off.

This plot….

Not quite right!

Right now.

It’s not out of school yet!

And how to see…

These three guys, shouldn’t they be waiting for themselves?


[There are still four more ~ continue to update ING].

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