Surrounded by three people.

The figure finally eased up.


“It’s interesting.”

His eyes were in the darkness, glancing slightly at the three men.


He seemed to be laughing.

“What do you think?”

“Can you stop me by yourself?”


The voice just dropped!

His body disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, a force index that broke through 10,000 points instantly exploded, and a powerful breath penetrated everything, breaking through the darkness of the alley and heading towards the alley!



Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu had not yet reacted, and the figure arrived at the alley like a ghost, and his speed was very fast, directly in front of Wang Arthur!

King Arthur reacted, but it was too late!


The figure actually punched him!

Shadow-like fists!

There was no way for him to resist!

Wait for him to come back!

The figure had already passed him by, appearing a few meters behind him.

“What if you know?”

“King Arthur…”

The figure was laughing at the three men.

“This punch.”

“I’ll beat you like that.”

His tone is indifferent, with a sense of self-confidence and domineering control.

“We’ll see you again.”

The figure sneered and disappeared directly into the same place.

Alley entrance.

King Arthur stood where he was, and he turned to watch the figure disappear into the darkness, with a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, obviously injured.


King Arthur clenched his fists.

Didn’t expect that!

This figure is so terrifying!

Even under the blockade of the three people, he still left easily, and even when he left, he passed by him and directly injured him.


Wang Dadong looked at Arthur Wang.

“I’m okay.”

King Arthur gritted his teeth.

“This punch.”

“I’ll give it back to him.”

“This guy…”

“Who the hell is that?”

His eyes were unwilling to look at the darkness in the distance.


At this time, Ding Xiaoyu opened his mouth.


Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur looked at Ding Xiaoyu.

“If you follow Mr. Sue’s story…”

“KO.1 is the word of the director’s brother.”


“He should be the legendary KO.2.”

Ding Xiaoyu said calmly, guessing the identity of the figure.

That’s it.

Their initial suspicions, half-beliefs, and the appearance of the mysterious figure confirmed the authenticity of the story! That is to say, what Mr. Su said may be true, and what he says can happen! And most likely true!

According to Ding Xiaoyu’s speculation, the mysterious figure is most likely KO.2.

“What kind of character is this Mr. Su?”

“If the book he says, the story he tells, is what we’re going to happen…”

“Then his origin is also too terrible.”

King Arthur’s brow furrowed.

Although I would love to know who that guy really is!

But now—

The three want to know more!

This Mr. Sue!

What the hell is going on!

The story he told…

It’s what they’re going through right now!

That is—

This Mr. Sue…

Can you predict the future?

The story he told…

Is it actually going to happen in the future?

The three of them glanced at each other, and they all involuntarily hit the spirit.



Not far away.

Figures in the alleys appear here.

“Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu.”

His eyes were cold, but he was curious.


“How on earth do you know?”

His brow furrowed, and the more he thought about it, the more impossible it became.

Although he still punched King Arthur, but now he does not have any playfulness, but his mind is full of questions, all of this, what is going on?

He always felt…

The three of them, King Arthur, seemed to know something!

It’s disgusting.

Although the plan succeeded.


How can you feel so unhappy and confused?

He felt like he was going to be driven crazy by the confusion in his mind.


He must find the answer!


[There is still a gap of five more ~].

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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