“It’s Rex?”

“Could it be that it was Rex who hurt Arthur at the end of the second story?”

“That’s incredible, isn’t it?”


Countless are stunned!

“Doesn’t Rex know martial arts?” How could it have hurt King Arthur? ”

“Or listen to Mr. Sue’s story and see, he should have another setting for Rex’s identity!”

The word bastards below are full of anticipation!

A sick man who can’t fight, he actually hurt the legendary King Arthur of KO.3 in the face! It’s fun to think about! They all wanted to see what the follow-up plot would look like.

Su Yu continued to tell the story——

“It turns out—”

“Rex, who studied abroad, recently returned to China and re-entered the final class, to accompany Wang Dadong to finish high school.”

“The next day.”

“Rex returned to the Ultimate Class and was warmly welcomed by the Ultimate First Class, and Wang Dadong was even more happy to introduce Rex to Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu, but only when Rex appeared…”


Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Arthur Wang felt a sense of familiarity and something was wrong, and the Rex in front of him gave him the feeling of being like a man in an alley.”

“After Rex held out his hand to Arthur Wang’s question mark, King Arthur refused to extend his hand.”


Immediately, a mixed-up person asked, “Mr. Su, why does this King Arthur feel familiar and wrong?” ”

“Isn’t Rex masked?”

“Is this King Arthur so keen?”

A lot of people are very curious.


King Arthur furrowed his brows slightly.

He thought about it carefully….



He just thought that Rex was wrong, but he didn’t think about why, it was like his own intuition, and he just trusted his intuition.


“King Arthur’s sword in stone.”

“This, the story will be mentioned later.”

Su Yu smiled slightly and answered.

“Sword in the Stone?”

King Arthur was in the distance, slightly surprised.

Sword in Stone again?

This sword in stone…

What is the mystery?

He always felt that this sword in the stone would be the key to the future story.

“The sword in the stone again?”

“I remember Mr. Su mentioning, is this sword in stone the key to the story that follows?”

A jerk is guessing again.

“Please! Don’t think about it so much, maybe just mention it casually! ”

The other think that it is just that person who wants more.

“Mr. Su, what’s going on in the back?”

“According to King Arthur’s character, wouldn’t he have to expose Rex directly?”

“That’s interesting! Rex is Wang Dadong’s good friend from childhood to adulthood, and Wang Arthur is Wang Dadong’s new brother, if the two people clash, the scene must be particularly beautiful! ”

“I feel that Wang Dadong may stand on Rex’s side, after all, he doesn’t know that the person who shot last night was Rex, and Wang Arthur’s sudden snub of Rex will definitely cause Wang Dadong’s dissatisfaction.”

The mixed word generation is very much looking forward to it, especially a mixed word generation, and even more looking forward to what Wang Dadong will do if two people clash! Especially Wang Dadong didn’t know that Rex was the one who shot last night!

It’s just that.

As soon as the bastard finished speaking, he felt a cold gaze at him, which was very unkind.

In the distance, Wang Dadong was frowning, very unhappy.

I don’t know why.

He always felt inexplicably irritable.

He glanced at Rex next to him.


He just shook his head.

What a joke….

Is there anyone in this world who knows Rex better than he does?



“It disappointed everyone.”


Su Yu shook the fan of the ink painting, which had a bit of a literati atmosphere.

“Although Arthur Wang sensed that something was wrong, Wang Dadong was next to him, and he did not want to cool Wang Dadong’s face, but still shook hands with Rex.”


“At the moment of the handshake, that strange feeling appeared again, which also made Arthur Wang feel more and more that there was something wrong with Rex in front of him.”

“So he decided to start investigating Rex.”

“It’s just that when he mentioned it to Ding Xiaoyu and Wang Dadong, both of them felt that he just thought too much and didn’t believe Arthur Wang’s words.”

With the telling of Su Yu, the story gradually began.


“Campbell San and his two men followed the class to the street.”

“But I didn’t expect that I met Rex, and this Rex changed his usual appearance as a good student and a well-behaved student, tied his hair up, and the whole person looked very evil, and he was actually in front of the Black Cat Hotel, and seemed to be working for the Black Cat Hotel.”


“Big guy, big guy, you’re on the story!”

Da Spicy said happily.

“That’s not, I’m a natural protagonist!”

“Maybe there’s a story behind this story, and I’m the protagonist!”

Campbell said proudly.

It was only his words that quickly attracted the blank eyes of the final class.

As the plot progresses.

When the word heard this, they couldn’t help but hold their breath:

“Is this Rex going to be discovered?”

“But this Rex is actually related to the Black Cat Hotel?” I heard that this black cat hotel is very evil, even the people on the road dare not provoke! ”

“Mr. Su, you should be careful, you mention the black cat hotel, be careful of being retaliated against!” I heard that the Black Dog Gang was wiped out overnight and taken over by new forces, which is very chaotic now. ”

Someone reminded Su Yu to be careful, this black cat hotel is very evil.

“Don’t forget, Mr. Su has a guard, and the last time Wang Dadong and the three of them joined forces, there was no way to break through the guard to see Mr. Su!”

“Maybe Mr. Su himself is a master?”

Some people remind other people that Mr. Su is not simple.

“Logically, when Jin Baosan sees this, he should expose Rex tomorrow, right?”

Some speculated.


Su Yu continued:


“It’s the owner of the Black Cat Hotel.”


“What Campbell Three saw…”

“It’s just that Rex deliberately let Campbell San see it.”


Su Yu smiled slightly.

“It’s a ruse.”

There was an uproar below.



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