“The two met thoroughly this time—”

“King Arthur…”

“Finally saw Rex for what he really was.”


Su Yu tells the story.

In front of everyone, it seemed as if a picture appeared.

In that picture, everyone saw Rex wearing a black leather coat, his hair tied in dirty braids, his handsome cheeks were full of evil charm, and he looked at Arthur Wang with great disdain.


“You’re the legendary KO.2, right?”

Arthur the King’s voice was slightly angry.

“The owner behind the Black Cat Hotel.”

“You deceived me and Dadong like this, and the whole Ultimate Class, we won’t let you go.”

King Arthur was very angry.


Rex smiled coldly.

“I think you’ve misjudged the form, do you think that my relationship with that idiot, does he believe in you or believe me?”

“On the surface, it is the idiot who rules the Ultimate Class, but don’t forget, I am the brain of the Ultimate Class, Arthur Wang, how can you play with me?”

King Arthur: “You! ”

“There’s a fight with me!”

Rex smiled, “Idiot, I’m not going to do anything with you, it’s more interesting than fighting… But that’s too much. ”



The bastards who heard this story all clenched their fists involuntarily.


“It’s too much! This Rex is such a deception! ”

Many people couldn’t listen any longer, especially the images that came to mind, and they were all irritated by Rex’s meanness and words.

Even the students of the Ultimate Class were put in.

“How can this Rex do this?”

said one of the Ultimate First Class students.

But he quickly reacted and covered his mouth.

“It doesn’t matter to me, it’s the guy who told us all about it.”

He opened his mouth innocently.

But Rex didn’t care.


The above story didn’t happen at all!

The above story has already happened when he and King Arthur first met.

The guy who told the book didn’t know anything at all….

And far away.

King Arthur furrowed his brows slightly.

Mr. Su’s predicted story…

Doesn’t seem right.

Next second.



Su Yu’s fan folded slightly, hit it in his hand, and made a silky ‘popping’ sound.

“Of course…”

“According to the original story development, the plot should be like this, but there is a new branch of the story, and my appearance has led to Wang Arthur, Wang Dadong, and Ding Xiaoyu blocking Rex in the alley…”

“Although the versions are different, in general, Rex has exposed his identity, and Arthur Wang also knows the true face of Rex…”

Su Yu didn’t say much.


Rex looked slightly changed….


He knows?

But as the storyteller above said, the actual direction is still the same!

At the thought of this, his heart that had just been proud was very uneasy.

“Strange, why did this Rex reveal his identity to King Arthur?” If you want to hide, you shouldn’t ask King Arthur to meet? ”

Some of the bastards questioned.

Rex listened, still a little uneasy, but listening to their discussion, he couldn’t help but feel proud.

A bunch of idiots….

How could he possibly know what he was thinking?

But he had just come up with the idea.

On stage—


“He’s going to provoke King Arthur.”

Su Yu opened the ancient fan and gently shook it.

“From the temptation at the beginning to the revelation of identity later, it is only a means to anger King Arthur.”

“Rex’s real purpose…”

“It’s to anger King Arthur.”

Su Yu easily explained Rex’s purpose.

Rex: “…”

His smile that had been self-satisfied instantly froze at this moment.

This moment.

Inside, he felt fear.

This guy….

Do you really know everything?

No way!

No way!

This is just a fabrication, it is speculation!


Wang Arthur thought about the events of that day, and with Su Yu’s words, he suddenly realized.

It turns out….

Rex was deliberately angering himself.


Fooled yourself.

“This is also too mysterious, isn’t it?” There are also two versions of the story, this guy obviously doesn’t know anything, and tells Rex so hateful! ”

One of the Ultimate Class students held a grudge against Rex.

“He had no idea what Arthur had done! This king Arthur is so hateful, and he washed him white, was he sent by King Arthur? ”

“That is, this King Arthur has done so many excessive things and wants to wash his face, and those who don’t know think he is standing here in our ultimate class!”

The students of the final class are indignant and feel that the above story is whitewashing Arthur Wang!

Don’t forget!

When Arthur the King is in the Ultimate Class!

What an excesse!

This is simply not forgivable!


“Anger King Arthur?”

“Why did he do that?”

Below, the bastards wondered why Rex was angry with King Arthur.


Su Yu smiled slightly:


“Anger can make people lose their minds.”

“And this.”

“It’s just his first step plan to drive out King Arthur.”

“And the second step plan…”

Su Yu’s eyes looked ahead.

“It is Arthur who has wronged the king.”

“Use the Ultimate Class to drive away Arthur King.”

One word.

Let the final class of students below, who were still very dissatisfied, be directly silent in an instant.

Even Wang Dadong was slightly embarrassed.

And Rex.

Even more eyes dead on the stage.

Ding Xiaoyu’s face was calm.

It’s finally here.


King Arthur clenched his fists hard.


“Here it comes.”

He knows.

Mr. Sue….

Sure enough, it won’t disappoint him!

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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