
“How could Rex become exactly like KO.1?”

The people below were stunned.

“Not alive…”

“Neither died.”

“What kind of existence is it?”

The word are puzzled and want to know the answer.

“What the hell happened to Rex? How did it become exactly like KO.1? ”

A jerk asked.

“Have you forgotten?” Mr. Su mentioned before that this is a conspiracy against the KO list, is it because of this conspiracy that Rex has become exactly the same as KO.1? ”

A bastard suddenly remembered what Su Yu had said earlier!

Countless bastards looked at Su Yu and waited for Su Yu’s answer.

“Rex left the ward and did not accede to Wang Dadong’s request to return to the Ultimate First Class.”


“He didn’t know that what he was about to face was the deepest hidden dark existence in the university world.”

Su Yu continued to tell the story——

Rex left the Ultimate Class and entrusted the hand of Ares to Wang Dadong for safekeeping, wanting to be calm and calm.

“Rex left from the Ultimate Class, intending to be calm and cool…”

“Late at night.”

“In that darkness…”

Rex didn’t know why, and he vaguely felt uneasy.

“Behind you…”

“As if someone was watching him, an extreme sense of danger made him explode and quickly leave…”

With Su Yu’s story.

Rex left in that darkness.

Until far away….

Rex Fang stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s an alley, and it’s dark and remote at night.”


“When Rex stopped.”

“A figure dressed in black robes…”

“Slowly appeared behind him.”

“A chill enveloped Rex in an instant.”

The below are listening with relish.

But Su Yu’s voice suddenly stopped.

: “??? ”

They looked at Su Yu on the stage.

Su Yu took a sip of tea and smiled slightly, very elegant, very innocent.

“So far…”

“Rex’s story is over, and the third story is over.”

: “??? ”

As far as…

It’s over!?

The in the audience were indignant, and their eyes were gradually unkind.

This feeling….

It’s like walking down the street, suddenly being slapped by someone, looking back, only to find that the person is gone!


Too angry!


Looking at the man standing next to Su Yu on the stage, they could only swallow this breath

“Mr. Sue, please, tell us the fourth story and tell us how Rex became exactly like KO.1!”

“Yes! We’re all going crazy, and that’s too torturous! Is that the end of today’s story? ”

The following say they’re going crazy!


Su Yu smiled slightly:

“The third story is really coming to an end.”

“And the fourth story…”

“It’s related to the last black-robed figure to appear, at the same time.”

His voice faded slightly.

“It is also related to the younger brother of the ultimate class guide, the legendary KO.1.”

One word.

Let the be silent for an instant!


Tian Xin was listening, and at the same time worried about Rex’s injury!

But hear Su Yu’s words.

Her beautiful eyes widened in an instant, and she looked at Su Yu in the distance in disbelief.

“Ah Guang?”

She also remembered that the story mentioned by Wang Dadong also mentioned that her brother did not seem to be dead, and the story told by Mr. Su on the stage… It seems to be all true, is it true that his brother is not dead?!


Her body trembled slightly.


“It’s related to KO.1?”

“The fourth story, is KO.1 going to appear?”

The spirit of the mixed characters below was shocked, and those who were going to die or live were immediately aroused by Su Yu’s words!

“If you follow Mr. Sue’s words, it must be that black-robed figure who has captured Rex!”

“That is to say, the black-robed figure must also be related to the life and death of KO.1, and turned Rex into a person exactly like KO.1!”

Some speculated and were recognized by many people.

“Mr. Su, can you reveal a little more information?”

“If we don’t get an answer, we’re going to go crazy…”

The following cried and cried out, wanting Su Yu to reveal more information.

“Yes, Mr. Sue, you keep the fourth story, but also reveal a little more information, such as who the shadow behind Rex is…”

“And the identity of the black-robed figure, who he really is, whether it is related to the state of KO.1…”

“And I feel that Tian Xin is not simple, her brother is KO.1, she is the protagonist of the second story, maybe the origin is not simple…”

There are a lot of problems for the in the audience.


Su Yu smiled:

“Since you have a lot of questions.”

“Then I will give you a question session, at the end of each story, you can ask the questions you want to know, and I will choose some of them to answer, sort out the context of the story, the character settings, and the relationship between the characters, etc., limited to ten minutes.” 」


“May I ask…”

He shook the fan and signaled that the word bastard below could ask questions.


The bottom boiled in an instant!


welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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