Everybody’s subconscious is –

No way!

Whether it is a mixed word generation, or a KO list master, or Wang Dadong and others, no one will believe it!

Million Points!

Not ten thousand points!

According to the information that everyone knows, the current highest combat power index is KO.1 – 12000 combat power index, million points, what is the concept? I’m afraid it’s going to ruin the world, right?

But the question is—

The stories Su Yu said on the stage are all true, the first story, the second story, and even the third story! They are all authentic, and many believe it very much!

If it weren’t for Su Yu’s outrageous solution, they would not even hesitate to believe it!

But the question is—

It’s outrageous!

“This does not seem difficult to understand, but it is really too frightening, there is a million points combat power index…”

“The martial arts circle that Mr. Su once mentioned, it seems that the strongest is only thirty or forty thousand points, right?”

The following are relieved to discuss this solution.

It’s hard to accept.

But it doesn’t seem to be difficult either.

It’s just that this value is too amazing.

“And the stories Mr. Su said earlier are all true, that is to say, the ultimate class of directors really has a million potential index.”

A bastard reminded.

The first story, after the end of the second story, many people went to investigate and found that it was true! And it happened exactly the same! And the second story has been confirmed to be true! Of course, even if the second story is confirmed, there are still many who think it is just a story!


The appearance of Rex!

Broke everything!

Su Yu’s story appears in Rex, after admitting it!

Finally labeled authentic!

At the same time, it also indicates that Mr. Su’s story will really happen in the future!

Shocking though.

But the still have a lot of problems.

Some people asked the story of the martial arts community, some people asked the former martial arts alliance masters, Su Yu slightly answered some, not too detailed, but also satisfied the curiosity of the mixed word generation.

And that’s when –

“Mr. Su, since you know so much, can you tell us that our world, no, it should be said, who is the strongest person in our golden time and space?” Is it the arbiter of the force of the ruling? ”

A jerk asked suddenly.

Mention the Million Point Potential Index just now!

All of a sudden, the mixed word generation thought of the strongest person!

The strongest of these two words!

Definitely the origin of everyone’s inner curiosity! It’s everyone’s greatest curiosity! They are bastards, and what they pursue is the strongest! The most powerful one! This is also why KO.1 never appeared, but as long as it is mentioned, people can’t help but yearn for it, wanting to know that there are clues about KO.1, gossip, etc.!


What Mr. Su knows and has seen so much, then, doesn’t Mr. Su know that the strongest person in the golden time and space?

“Yes, Mr. Su, you have a lot of knowledge, can you arrange a list like the KO list, let’s see who the strongest person in this golden time and space is?”

“Just like the previous martial arts community, I remember that in the previous martial arts circles, there was a list of eh.”

The mixed characters below all looked at Su Yu with great curiosity and pleaded at the same time.


Su Yu took a sip of tea and asked:

“Are you very curious?”

The bastards below all nodded!


Everyone is curious!

Or rather—

Everyone is looking forward to becoming the strongest!

What they want to see is the being who stands at the top and looks down on everything, and at the same time, is listed as the target they are seeking!



Su Yu smiled slightly and shook the ink fan in his hand:

“Since that’s the case—”

“Then from the next issue, I’ll make a list for you.”

“As for the first list…”

Su Yu’s words paused.

“Just arrange the ten strongest people in the Golden Time and Space except the Immortals.”

“Also known as—”

“Gold List.”

Su Yu just said the moment the words fell!



A loud thunder exploded! The heavens and the earth are suddenly gloomy! Countless thunderbolts surged above that and exploded wildly over Nasu Island! It was as if heavenly condemnation had exploded between heaven and earth! A terrifying wind swept in from between heaven and earth!


Heavenly Fury!


Bale College.

Qian Laiye, who was in the principal’s office, suddenly sensed something.


Heaven and earth exploded.

His eyes widened in horror as he looked over the sky.


“The rules of space-time are touched.”

“Some things that should not be revealed, that should not be discovered, that should not be mentioned, appear in time and space, and are known…”

He was surprised.

“How can that be?”

“How is this possible?”

“Could it be him?”

He thought of the storytellers who had recently appeared.



“These two words, however, are taboo.”

“How dare he mention it to the world?”

Qian Laiye was very shocked.


He closed his eyes, as if sensing something.

Half ring.

His body trembled slightly.

“The Golden List is in the Here…”

“The world is in chaos!”

“So far…”

“Everything that happens in the future will turn into a fog and you will never be able to see clearly.”

“This Su Yu.”

“Who is sacred?”

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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