“Band, we’ll definitely protect Rex.”

Wang Dadong spared Rao’s head, and he still did not understand Tian Xin’s meaning.

That’s when it happened.

Ding Xiaoyu said, “Dadong, the class guide should know something, you listen to the class guide first.” ”

Wang Dadong was slightly stunned, but he quickly reacted as well.

Tian Xin took a deep breath.

She glanced at Rex, who was still unconscious in bed, and said:

“Ban Dao, I also went to listen to the storytelling.”

“When I was outside the classroom before, I also heard you talk about storytelling, and Dadong you also said… My brother Ah Guang is not dead. ”

Tian Xin talked about what he experienced yesterday.


“Ban led you to see Mr. Su?”

King Arthur was somewhat surprised.

“Band, have you seen Mr. Su?” Wang Dadong was even more surprised.

All three of them looked at Tian Xin in surprise, obviously thinking that Tian Xin had seen Mr. Su, who was storytelling.


Looking at the expectant eyes of the three people, Tian Xin was stunned, and then shook his head:

“Mr. Su didn’t see me.”


“His guard gave me an address.”


She told the story of the Tianji Pavilion.


Know everything.

“After I left the Tianji Pavilion, I went home and opened the file bag.”

Speaking of which.

Tian Xin’s eyes gradually became more complicated, and his eye sockets were slightly red

“I looked at the contents of the file bag, and my brother Hikari wasn’t dead, but…”

“But he became the corpse of the Armed Judgment Institute…”

As she spoke, she took out a piece of paper with an answer from her bag and handed it to Wang Dadong and the three of them.

Wang Arthur was slightly stunned: “Tianji Pavilion? ”

Wang Dadong and the three of them took over and saw that there was information about Tian Hongguang above.

The more you look.

The looks of the three people became more and more shocked and ugly.

Wang Dadong’s expression was very heavy: “That is to say… At that time, Ban Dao’s younger brother actually did not die, but was hit by the miasma of immortality and became the martial corpse of the force judgment office. ”

It records Tian Hongguang’s original intelligence and status!

Martial corpses!

Armed Judgment House!

The miasma of immortality!

Killing machines!

Above is a detailed description of the martial corpse! Seal the last breath and refine it into a killing machine without any emotion.

“Just like Mr. Su said…”

“Not alive.”

“Neither died.”

King Arthur only felt a chill coming over him!

The three finally understood Mr. Su’s evaluation of the class guide’s brother!

“That is to say, if Rex is taken by the arbiter of the Armed Judgment Office, he will also become…”

Ding Xiaoyu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Martial corpse.”

Wang Dadong was a little incredulous: “But how is this possible?” ”

“Is this true?”

He looked down at the information above, and for a moment he didn’t know whether to believe it.

Arthur Wang’s eyes narrowed slightly: “If this information is true… The things involved are also too terrifying. ”

“Whether it turns into a martial corpse…”

“Why did the brother of the original class guide appear near the class guide?”

He reminded Wang Dadong and Ding Xiaoyu of a word!


If it’s true!

How scary should it be?

If it is turned into a corpse, then why should the force adjudication do this? Does this adjudicator have to take action against the masters on the KO list? First KO.1, then Rex KO.2, then, will it be their turn?

And most importantly!

If Tian Xin’s younger brother had already turned into a martial corpse, then why did he appear near Ban Dao?

It is an escape from the verdict of force, or rather… Have a different purpose?

“Oh my God, that’s not true.” Wang Dadong shook his head in disbelief.


Ding Xiaoyu shook his head.

“The credibility is high.”

“If Ban Dao’s brother is really KO.1, then he wouldn’t have had a car accident in the first place, and even if he had a car accident, nothing would have happened… Unless, exactly, someone is ghosting. ”

Break the 10,000-point combat power index!

Even if you jump off a tall building, you will be safe and sound!

“And according to the class guide…”

“Her brother died in a car accident.”


“We should have thought of it a long time ago.”

Arthur went on to continue.


“There’s another way to prove it.”

Ding Xiaoyu said at this time.


When he was ready to speak.

Lying in his hospital bed, Rex finally showed signs of waking up.


He woke up!

But just woke up!


He actually got up directly from his hospital bed and looked at Wang Dadong and the others vigilantly.

“You guys…”

“Why are you here?”

“What about my weapon, the Hand of Ares?”

His eyes looked at Wang Dadong and the others, which were complicated, but soon turned into hostility.

“What the hell have happened to me?”



The combat power index in his body exploded, and it seemed that he would strike without a word!

“Rex, listen to me…”

Wang Dadong saw that Rex was so vigilant and quickly said:

“You calm down first.”

“We didn’t do anything to you, what happened before, we don’t blame you, you just have to stay with us in the final class, otherwise, you will have an accident.” 」

He was worried that Rex would do something stupid, so he said it all in one breath.

But listening to Rex was confused.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“How could something happen to me?”

His brow furrowed, his eyes fixed on the three of them, very disbelief.

But instead of shooting, he maintained a defensive posture.

Although said not to believe.

But his eyes looked at Wang Dadong from beginning to end, as if waiting for Wang Dadong to give him an answer.


[accidentally fell asleep, make up for everyone first~].

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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