Chapter Sixty-Seven Who Leaked My Plan? Could it be myself? 【10 more】!!

Looking at Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu in front of him.

This moment.

Rex’s eyes are complex.


“How did you get here?”

He had some complicated openings.

“I said…”

Wang Dadong turned his head slightly to look at Rex.

“We are brothers.”

One word.

As if it could explain everything.


Rex looked worriedly at the figure standing in the alley in the distance.

“He’s the arbiter of the Armed Judgment Institute, and we can’t beat him.”

“I don’t want to involve you.”

“Let’s go.”

He wanted the three to leave, he didn’t want to involve the three.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Wang Dadong shook his fist and said in a cold voice, “I haven’t fought…”

“How do you know if you can fight?”


The battle power index in his body exploded in an instant! Meanwhile!

Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu’s combat power index is also exploding! But

At the moment when the three of them just broke out! Boom~

The breath of the figure in front of him suddenly squeezed! A terrifying pressure instantly pressed towards the three people, just like a mountain peak pressed down, the combat strength index that the three people had just erupted was instantly suppressed to the lowest point at this moment, and finally disappeared without a trace!


Wang Dadong’s eyes widened slightly, obviously very shocked.

How can it be………

The figures in front of them did not even shoot, but only suppressed with breath, and their combat strength index could not even erupt?

How is this gap so large? This moment!

Wang Dadong and the three finally understood what the gut breaker said……… Terror.

Not a level at all!

“That’s all there is to it?”

The figure opened its mouth, its eyes were cold, and he looked at Rex in front of him with a little anger!

In that moment

He felt like he was being teased!

“It’s up to you…”

“Find Death!”

His eyes grew more and more unkind, especially when he thought that he had just seemed to be thundered by this

Skass was stunned! The arbiter of Lao Tzu’s Armed Judgment! In the future, the existence of the invincible world will be frightened by a hairy boy?!

Say this, it’s almost laughing bad teeth!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the breath of his body directly exploded to the extreme!

“Come with me…”

“It just so happens that Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu on the KO list will be arrested together.”

He looked at the three people standing in front of Rex, his eyes getting more and more gloomy! Airplanes.

As soon as he stepped forward, he was about to grab Wang Dachen and the others.

When Wang Dadong and the others in the distance saw this scene, they could only clench their fists, but the combat strength index in their bodies was suppressed by death, and there was no chance of resistance at all! I could only watch as the figure walked forward unscrupulously!

Finished……… Finish!

A wave of despair rose in the hearts of all four! But in the next second! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

Just when the figure was about to grab Wang Dadong and the others.

Next second!

A series of red dots of light suddenly appeared on the black robe of the figure, in front, back, head… The whole body, all locked by red points of light!

Figure: “? ”

Another question mark appeared in his head.

Looking at the red dots of light on this body, his eyes gradually changed from cold to slightly shocked, as if he had encountered something unbelievable.



He opened his mouth in a very low voice, in disbelief.

How can it be?

These red dots of light made him think of a killer king who once threatened the entire martial arts world and the mighty martial arts world!

But! How can it be?

This organization had retired to the jianghu countless years ago, and for so many years he had also been tracking down the whereabouts of this organization, but there was no trace of it, and he had thought that this organization should have completely retreated.


Will it pop up?

“What happened?”

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex looked at this scene and were all a little puzzled, especially the figure was obviously going to take them all away, and as a result, such a dense red light dot appeared on this figure.

And this figure seemed to be jealous of these red points of light and did not dare to shoot.


“What do you mean?”

The figure had gloomy eyes and asked in a low voice, asking toward the darkness.


In the darkness, a voice came: “Retreat.” ”

The words are cold, calm, and come through the darkness!

“Sure enough, it was you…”

The Black Dragon looked cold, already sure who those guys in the dark really were!

“You want to protect him?”

He asked coldly.

But in the darkness, no one answered his question again, only the dense red dots gathered all over his body in the darkness, as if with the slightest movement of his body, countless bullets would penetrate the darkness and beat him into a honeycomb.


He looked at the four people in front of him.

“Weapons, bullets, they’re all special.”

“You can try.”

In the darkness, someone was warning him.



The figure nodded, and he looked at the four people with reluctance, and his body gradually dissipated in the darkness.

The alley in front of you.

The moment became empty.

After waiting for the figure to disappear completely, Wang Dadong and the others still looked around, as if waiting for someone to appear, but after waiting for a long time, they found that there was silence around them, as if the scene just now did not exist at all!

“Just now…”

“What happened?”

The heads of the four people were all a little confused.

Not to say………

Is there no one who can deal with the arbiter of this force ruling? That just happened

What’s going on? In the dark.

A figure dressed in black came from the darkness.

He stopped here.

“The Killer Order……”

“Knife madness…”

“Knife ghost.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a chill surged.

But under the chill.

It is a deep doubt.

Killer Organization! Knife mad knife ghost!

Didn’t he retire a long time ago? Why did it suddenly appear?

Why did you suddenly take out KO.2? And………

And most importantly!

How did Rex know his identity, not even yet

When he opened his mouth, Rex said his purpose, as if he already knew everything, knew that he would come, and even knew his plan!


Capture Rex to refine into a martial corpse, but he detects the trajectory of KO.2’s re-activity, and after KO.2 returns, he first abandons KO.5

Tarzan, attacking both the students of Bale High School and other KO leaders, caught his attention, so he decided to take the KO.2 Rex back and refine it into a martial corpse! Become a member of the Vulture Corpse!

All of it! Only he knows!

Even this idea is just a new idea, no one will know it! And the killer organization is even less likely to know!

Who leaked his plans? Could it be himself? But on the other hand…

This Rex said exactly what his purpose, his plan, and even his identity were!

Finally……… What’s going on?

He felt strange, and an inexplicable chill enveloped him, making him shiver uncontrollably.

As if in the dark.

There was a pair of eyes, staring at him silently.


He must find out what is going on!

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