Chapter Seventy-One The Dragon That Doesn’t Exist… Six dragons united to kill him? 【4 more】!!

“Combat Power Index…”

“40,000 points?”


When Wang Dadong and the others saw this scene, their expressions were very shocked.

Forty thousand points of combat power index!

How strong should this be?

Be aware! In the university world, a hundred points of combat strength index is a level, five hundred points is a huge gap, and a thousand points is a huge watershed! And the 40,000-point combat power index is like standing on top of a cloud and looking down at everyone below” is not right. ”

Ding Xiaoyu said.

“Not the Combat Power Index…”


“Ability Index.”

He noticed something was wrong on the vertical banner! Not a combat power index! It’s the Ability Index! What’s going on?

“My God, 40,000 combat power index, how strong should this be?”

“The arbiter who used to adjudicate by force is so strong?”

“Why did such a powerful arbiter disappear?” According to Mr. Su, there seems to be only one arbiter in the current force adjudication institute, right? ”

“No, it’s not the Combat Power Index, it seems to be the Ability Index?”

“Mr. Su, what does the Ability Index mean?”

Some of the mixed characters were very shocked, and at the same time found that something was wrong.

The above mentioned is the Ability Index!

Not the Combat Power Index! Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “Ability index…”

“It is a criterion for assessing combat strength in iron space-time, and the benchmark is the combat strength index of golden space-time.”

“The reason why the mad dragon is measured by the ability index.”


“His martial arts are supernatural abilities.”

Crazy Dragon Martial Arts! It’s mindfulness! It’s a power!

Therefore, it cannot be evaluated by the combat power index.

“Crazy Dragon.”

“One of the adjudicators of the Armed Judgment, there are seven dragons in the Armed Judgment Institute, and he is one of them, the Mad Dragon.”

“At the same time, he is also called…”

“The Disappearing Dragon, the Vanishing Arbiter.”

“A dragon that does not exist, a arbiter who does not exist.”

Su Yu continued to tell the story about the mad dragon.

Disappearing dragons?

The people below were all slightly stunned.


The Broken Intestine Man, the Black Dragon, and the Knife Crazy Knife Ghost all gradually returned to their senses and listened to Su Yu’s narration above.

“Each of the beings who enter the gold list will be partially described in the next three time periods of the past, present, and future.”

“Mad Dragon…… In the past, it was the most powerful and evil dragon in the Judgment of Force, and his presence caused the other six dragons to feel threatened, so the six dragons worked together to deal with the mad dragon and wanted to kill the mad dragon, and they also succeeded in temporarily killing the mad dragon. ”

“But for this, the Six Dragons paid a terrible price.”

“Among them, the one who paid the most was the arbiter of the current force ruling.”

Su Yu slowly told about the past of the mad dragon.


The mixed characters all listened quietly to Su Yu’s story.

When he heard the six dragons jointly deal with the mad dragon, he couldn’t help but marvel: “Sure enough, it is worthy of being the strongest being, and it is actually necessary to let the six adjudicators of the Force Verdict deal with it together, this mad dragon is also too terrifying, right?” ”

“And it has made the arbiters of the current force adjudication institute pay a terrible price, but what is the price?” What really happened? ”

“Oh my God, I feel like he’s all about puzzles, and it’s all about the Tribunal of Force, which is very mysterious.”

The mixed generation could not help but sigh, thinking that this crazy dragon was very mysterious.

“Not right…”

“Kill temporarily?”

At this moment, some found out that something was wrong! Kill temporarily?

What does that mean?

“Mad Dragon……”

“Crazy Dragon…”

“The disappearing dragon, the non-existent dragon…”

“How can that be?”

“How could it be that we killed him together?”

The Broken Intestines man’s brow furrowed, since the two words of the mad dragon appeared, the tip of his eyebrow had been a sad frown, and his head had been thinking, looking for any clues about the mad dragon! However, he couldn’t find any clues about the mad dragon! What shocked him the most!

Everything about what Mr. Su said on stage! He didn’t even have a single memory!

Not at all!

If it were not for the previous story and the previous information, which made him agree with the information Su Yu said, he would definitely not hesitate to feel that what Su Yu said on the stage was a lie! However, after personal contact, even after the verification, he knew that Mr. Su was definitely not simple, and even knew a lot of secrets, secrets that even he did not know!


“How is this possible?”

It’s hard for people with broken intestines to believe!

When the Seven Dragons were good brothers, good brothers who lived and died together, how could they possibly kill their own brothers? Even……… Have you all shot yourself?

How could he possibly strike?

He couldn’t have shot!

Even—he didn’t have any memory!

Other words! Either his memory was wrong.


What Mr. Su said on the stage is false! Time.

The person with the broken intestine only felt a wave of fear coming over him.

The truth………

Where exactly is it?


What Mr. Su mentioned, and who paid a terrible price, was the adjudicator of the force ruling, that is… His elder brother Black Dragon, but what tragic price did he pay?

What does it mean to kill temporarily? Just like those say! It’s all puzzles!

It’s all a mystery!

“Crazy Dragon…”

“Joint shot.”

“Kill temporarily…”

“I paid a terrible price?”

“He’s the strongest?”

The black dragon stood in the darkness, listening to Su Yu’s story, and his brow furrowed.

That guy……

He had read those books, and the information in them was all right, even including his information, his appearance, and the book and the story could predict his appearance, which represented the extraordinary of the guy on the stage, and even knew a lot of information!

But now this guy has arranged what gold list, he is not the first place on the list! How could a former arbiter have been made by force? He even mentioned some things that he didn’t even know, didn’t have any memory at all!

Lao Tzu is the strongest of the seven dragons! The most evil!

Need to join forces against someone else?

And Lao Tzu also paid a terrible price? Are you kidding?!

Black Dragon Eyes Cold…

But the more he denied, the more inexplicable fear in his heart, as if there was something he did not dare to face, or even unwilling to face.

It was his memory that went wrong……… Still is……… That guy is making things up?

The black dragon thought back to the dark picture, the vague words, coupled with the fear now, his look, more and more solemn.


After the guy said the mad dragon, he felt that a wave of fear, a chill was constantly enveloping him.

What the……… Can it make him fear the black dragon?

“In the end…”

“What the hell is going on?!”

The black dragon’s eyes were cold, and his eyes were fixed on Su Yu on the stage, as if he was going to do something!

“Kill for the time being…”

He also caught a word.

Kill temporarily.

What does that mean?

“40,000 Ability Index……”

The knife was slightly shaken.


“I don’t have any memory?”

His brow furrowed, he was thinking about something.

“Wife, do you remember that when our killer organization was in conflict with the use of force to rule everything?”

Knife Mania asked suddenly.

“Yes, at that time I remember that you seemed to say that the Red Dragon had a trick with you, and you left a hand and spared his life, and then…”

The knife ghost was also a little confused for a while.

“Then I…”

“Why didn’t the Tribunal of Force be destroyed?”

The knife asked madly, and at the same time, he was also asking himself.

His men………

It was stained with blood in those years.

He was back then.

Destroying the Armed Judgment House is absolutely done.


When he was at his strongest, why didn’t he abolish the Judgment House of Force? Seven Dragons?

The Black Dragon, known as the strongest, was not his opponent! And his original combat strength index will not be lower than the so-called first place in the gold list now!

Things of the year……… There seems to be something hidden.

And the most important thing is that he has personally experienced it, and he has no memory! Finally………

What’s going on?

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