Chapter Seventy-Five, Twelve Time and Space, is an epic story of a magnificent confrontation against the Demon Realm! 【8 more】!!

Other space-time involved………

Dao Crazy thought of Su Yu’s words.

Who the hell is that?

He really wanted to go up and carry the knife to Su Yu’s neck as his wife said, and let Su Yu say everything he knew!

“Grandma’s! What an angry person! ”

In the distance, the black dragon looked at Su Yu, his fists clenched, and he couldn’t help but want to curse.

“Contrast this Mr. Sue……”

“I feel like I’m still too weak.”

The intestinal breaker sighed.

He was mysterious and secretive, and he had a lot of information in his hands, and when he mentioned some secret things to Wang Dadong, he would also say half and keep half, he originally thought that he was a good hand at pinching people’s expectations! But now compare this Mr. Su.

Well… Nothing compares at all!

The pits this guy has dug, one deeper than the other, are endless, and when you climb up from one of them, you will find that there is already a series of looks in front of you—a pit with no end in sight!

What a fuck……


There was a brief moment of silence below.

Many have bad eyes.

Especially some newcomers, they are interested from the beginning, want to hear how interesting this story is, and have not yet begun to tell the story, just the gold list arrangement, let them feel the unfathomable Su Yu in front of them……… Digging pit strength!

They also finally understood……… It’s in the pit! But……… So what?

“Mr. Sue, do you mean…”

“In the future, may our golden space-time even involve iron space-time, silver space-time?”

A bastard broke the silence and asked.

“Iron space-time and silver space-time, what is the story?”

A mixed-up person is also somewhat curious about stories about other time and space.


Su Yu smiled slightly, and he shook the folding fan in his hand: “The story I am talking about…”

“That is, the story of twelve time and space.”

“It is an epic story of dealing with the waves of the demon world, and in this epic story of dealing with the demon world that has been carried out by the servants and successors, there are countless people, countless protagonists of time and space, all of whom have stepped forward in that darkness and lit a fire in the darkest moments of those twelve time and space, and each time and space has a different protagonist, and they all create different stories at different times.”

“The story of the Golden Time and Space is only the original story, and when the Great War of Good and Evil in the Golden Time and Space is over, it is the twelve time and space that blow the horn of attack on the Demon Realm, and in that long and endless decline, blow the horn of counterattack.”

“And what I’m talking about now is just a chapter in one of those epic stories.”

Su Yu’s words are very calm, but very powerful, and his look is slightly positive, which makes people feel a sense of seriousness.

His words suddenly made the mixed word people present a little quieter.

No one thought of it………

The story Su Yu said turned out to be the epic story of the twelve time and space against the demon world, of course, the most important thing was that no one thought that what was involved in this was the twelve time and space and the demon world, the level they could not see, and in the dark golden time and space, it was a figure resisting outside the demon world.


“Mr. Su, what about you?”

“What are you playing in this story?”

That’s when it happened.


A figure asked.

It was the man with the broken intestines, and he looked at Su Yu and wanted to hear about Su Yu’s role in himself.


Mentioning himself, Su Yu smiled.

“I’m just a storyteller.”


“For all of you are the storytellers who have a fire on the dark road ahead.”

He was very objective in his evaluation of himself.

A fire in the darkness.

Lead the world to look into that darkness, to look at that dark path.

Listen to Su Yu’s evaluation.

The intestinal breakers, knife madness and knife ghosts in the distance were all thinking about something, thinking about what Su Yu said.

“Oh my God, I’m really curious, what will happen to the next story, I didn’t think about it, the beginning of the story, just the university world, in the end, even involved the martial arts world, and involved the martial arts world, and finally it was even involved with the twelve time and space and the demon world, it really felt wonderful.”

“I am curious about the stories of other time and space, and I don’t know what other time and space are like.”

“What is the origin of Mr. Su, and he knows so many things, if it were not for Mr. Su, we may not have known these things until now.”

The following mixed characters all sighed, and at the same time, they were more curious about the origin of Su Yu!

If it wasn’t for Su Yu, maybe they wouldn’t have known these stories, these information.


Su Yu can also predict the direction of the story and the future ending, which is simply too godly!

What’s even more amazing is that Mr. Su is simply omniscient, like a walking Bai Xiaosheng, making people want to know what secrets he has.

“But who is the third person on the gold list?”

“We don’t know how we compare the top ten in the golden space-time compared to other space-times.”

“It should be very powerful, right? The strongest ones have forty thousand points? ”

“The first and second places in the gold list are amazing, and the third should not be worse, right?”

There are mixed characters who are speculating and want to know the existence of the third place in the gold list.

“The third person in the gold list should be the adjudicator of the force ruling, right?”

“He’s the ruler of the martial arts world now, and he’s the strongest person in the martial arts world at present, right?”

There is speculation among the mixed word generations.

Third on the gold list.

It must be the arbiter of the Armed Judgment!

“Great, so that we can know who the arbiter of this armed verdict is, and in Mr. Su’s story, he is also very mysterious.”

The mixed word generation is very much looking forward to the third place in the gold list of Su Yu!

“Third on the gold list.”

“Who else but me?”

The Black Dragon sneered a few times.

First, although he was still hard to believe, the knife madness was true, at least for the time being, a little stronger than him!

But he’s a black dragon!

Not a vegetarian! Ranked third in the whole golden space-time, not too much, right?

“It’s time to let the cacophony guys know how good I am.”

Black Dragon is looking forward to it, when Su Yu on the stage tells his story and future, the surprise and shock of the mixed characters in the audience, the awe of the strong, the shock of the strong, let him enjoy it very much!

He’s already looking forward to it………

Those people were shocked, surprised, and adored! Even if you are frightened by his evil!

But he’s a black dragon! The invincible black dragon of the world!

Everyone will be frightened when they hear his name, which is normal! Thoughts.

He looked at Su Yu on the stage with his eyes and was very much looking forward to it.

The in the audience are also very much looking forward to it.

Under the expectation of all.

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and pointed slightly: “Now.” ”

“Rank third among the ten strongest people in Golden Time and Space!”

“That is…”

“Third on the gold list.”

The moment as his words fell! Boom~

The third vertical banner slowly rolled open, and the golden light filled the air.

Countless lights instantly looked at the big characters of the dragon flying phoenix dancing at the same time.

Su Yu’s voice also sounded: “Third in the gold list.” ”

“The Judgment of Force……”

The smile on Black Dragon’s face had appeared, waiting for Su Yu to say his name under the eyes of everyone.

But the next moment.

“The Judgment of Force……”

“The enemy family.”

“Lone wolf.”

The dragon flying phoenix dance big characters are full of golden light.

A faint golden light came into view, and the most dazzling three words were the lone wolf.

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