Chapter Seventy-Nine The Wrong Timeline, The Broken Intestine Man Is Dead? 【12 more】!!

The Black Dragon was triumphantly listening to Su Yu’s past, now.

When Su Yu mentioned the moment of the future.

The black dragon pricked up his ears, feeling a little nervous.


His future……… It was miserable.

Hearing Su Yu’s words on the stage, the black dragon looked slightly stunned, and then, a fierce breath suddenly appeared from his eyes, looking at Su Yu above coldly.

“What bullshit!”

“Lao Tzu’s future is miserable?”

The anger in his eyes was surging and he was very unhappy! But.

After Su Yu’s words fell.

He felt a tinge of uneasiness emerge.

“Find Death!”

Who is his Black Dragon? Can anyone rate it? Thinking about it, his eyes became more and more unkind.


In the bottom of his heart, it was as if there was a voice suppressing the anger and unhappiness in his heart, and he just looked at Su Yu coldly, wanting to see what he could say! Stage.

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and shook it: “The future of the Black Dragon——”

“It’s closely related to the story of Golden Time and Space.”

“When on a wrong timeline, all the warriors, all the Strangers will disappear, and on this timeline, the Broken Intestines will die because of this incident, the unsuspecting Black Dragon is looking for the whereabouts of the Broken Intestines, and the entire Golden Time and Space is plunged into despair, and the Black Dragon can only watch the people who were once familiar, even the enemies, disappear one by one. Living Evidence, Plus City Will” Blood summoned Xiang Shaoshi / Cold Door Certificate, and there was a final farewell to the person with the broken intestine, and there was no one he was familiar with in the whole golden time and space. ”

“The whole world is lonely, and he seems to have become an outcast by the world.”

Su Yu’s words.

Directly let the in the audience stunned.

“Wrong timeline?”

“What is the wrong timeline?”

The off-stage mixed-word generation heard of this term for the first time.

“Wrong timeline?”

“All the Xenopaths disappear?”

Offstage, Wang Dadong’s four people looked at each other and were very surprised.

“If I don’t guess wrong, we should be Mr. Su’s strange walker, which seems to have been mentioned in the previous setting.”

Ding Xiaoyu said.

“That said, on this wrong timeline, we might all…”


Not disappearing.

It’s death.

The knife madness and the knife ghost are even more shocked, the knife madness and the knife ghost have also read the book “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class”, understand the previous setting, and know that the stranger is to describe them as this kind of person, but now, they will all disappear? Even they don’t exist anymore?

What’s going on here?


“Will you die?”

The person who broke his intestine was slightly stunned.


He smiled, as if he had heard something different from the story of the future of the black dragon.

Looking for the whereabouts of the person with the broken intestine……… Make a final farewell………

This black dragon brother still cares about him in his heart.

Death of a severed intestine………

He’s dead?

The Black Dragon’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the fierceness in his eyes was a little sluggish.

“Dogs…… Shit! ”

But soon!

He reacted and looked at Su Yu on the stage fiercely.

“My crap brother, only I can kill!”


“Who can let him die?!”

His eyes widened, and he saw a terrible chill! Who dares to let the person who breaks the intestine die?

This is myself……… The final step into a demon! Wrong………

If the final step of becoming a demon is to kill the Broken Bowel Man, why, in the future, will he die because of the events of the Stranger Walker?

Is it to the end……

Didn’t he get his hands on it too?

Black Dragon eyes looked at Su Yu on the stage coldly, his eyes were very unkind, the story told by Su Yu before, disrupted his plan, and even let the knife madness shoot at him, although he did not know what the reason was, but he chased after his roots, it was because of this stinky storyteller!

This guy…… That’s a bit accurate. Although the Black Dragon did not want to admit it. But on the other hand… This is a fact.

Other words

If you have any plans and actions, you may appear in the fourth story told by this guy.

Thinking of this………

The Black Dragon’s eyes grew colder.

“Mr. Sue, what’s the wrong timeline?”

A jerk asked directly.

“All the Strangers are gone……”

“What the hell is going on here? How do I hear that I feel goosebumps all over my body? ”

Some people feel very uneasy.

This is even more terrifying than the battle between good and evil!

Countless people looked at Su Yu, wanting to know some answers, even if it was a hint of it, after all, the information that Su Yu had just revealed was too strange and terrifying, and all the Strangers had disappeared! This sentence is already a huge one

Horror, reminiscent of something terrible must have happened inside.


Su Yu said, “Inside…”

“It involves the story after the war between good and evil, and now……”

“I can’t say it for the time being, after all, there are too many things involved in it, and it needs to be cyclical and gradual.”

“But I can give you a little bit of information.”

“The origin of everything.”

“All by an ordinary person without any combat power index.”

He didn’t reveal much.

But a few simple words!

But in an instant, the people in the audience, the knife crazy knife ghost, Wang Dadong and others were stunned.

All the Xenowalkers are gone………

Is it all just because of an ordinary person? What’s going on here?

It’s a pity —

Mr. Su pulled up their sense of expectation, but did not intend to answer, which made everyone feel resentful in their hearts, and they were eager to run up and tie Su Yu down!

“And in the corrected timeline.”

“The fate of the Black Dragon and the future of the Sword Madness are intertwined, and the future of the two affects each other in the underworld, but this great demon king who once shocked the entire martial arts world is threatened everywhere, until the end…”

“With the appearance of the mad dragon, he even saw his brother die…”

“The mad dragon that once made the martial law and made the black dragon terrified, awakened again from the darkness.”

“The Black Dragon watched the severed intestines die in front of him, almost collapsing…”

Su Yu only mentioned a little, and many of the specific contents were not elaborated.

But according to his story, countless seem to see the future direction of this once final BOSS, which seems to be really miserable!

Of course the most important thing!

Many people have found that…… This black dragon.

Seems to care a lot about the broken intestines? Hum~


The Black Dragon Eyes heard the story told by Su Yu, and their eyes opened slightly, and the Black Dragon at this moment could be said to be a little uneasy!

Su Yu is talking about the future……… But he saw more information! Weakness!


This is his biggest secret and weakness! Now………

But it was easily revealed by the guy on the stage! How many secrets does he know?

Or rather… How much else do you know? Think of this. His eyes narrowed slightly.


Su Yu was about to continue.

But the next second!

“My future is miserable?”

A cold and eerie laugh came from the distance! Then buzz!

A strange figure dressed in black robes passed through the countless bastards and arrived in front of the high platform in an instant!

The figure turned into a green remnant in mid-air! Don’t stop before you reach the high platform!

Instead, go directly towards Su Yu! In the moment of heading towards Su Yu! The figure’s hand grabbed!

Countless people in the audience saw this scene and instantly sensed that something was wrong!

“Black Dragon?!”

The knife is crazy and frowning!

“He’s going to take Mr. Su!”

He watched as the black dragon had arrived in front of Su Yu’s body, and a mighty and cold terror aura erupted in it! The black dragon’s hand had already grabbed Nasuyu!

It’s too late for him to stop!

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