Chapter Eighty-One The whole audience is shocked! Who is this Mr. Sue? 【2 more】!!

The countless mixed characters below looked at this scene with stunned expressions——

That sword just now! They saw it!

As strong as the fifth in the gold list, the black dragon with a combat strength index of 22,000 points was actually repelled by that sword! Even the corners of the mouth are bleeding!

Other words

The man in black standing in front of Mr. Su, Mr. Su’s bodyguard, was a being more powerful than the black dragon!

This man……… Who is it? Stage.

The black dragon’s eyes looked at the man in black in front of Su Yu in shock!

He thought he was well prepared, but he didn’t think about it… This Su Yu means that there is more than one guard!

The four martial corpses were prepared by him for Su Yu’s guards, or for Wang Dadong and others under the stage, as to whether there were other masters appearing, it didn’t matter, he just needed to catch Mr. Nasu in an instant! According to his deduction, this Mr. Su can easily repel Rex, and the combat strength index is definitely above 13,000 points! But as long as he goes all out, he can grab it in an instant! But

Things completely surprised him!

First of all, Su Yu was able to confront him without falling behind! Now!

There was even a guard who appeared, and that terrifying and mighty sword intent was what the Black Dragon had been pursuing in his life! When the sword was cut down, he felt the unfathomable combat strength and sword intent of the man in black! He is definitely not an opponent!


The man in black faced Su Yu and stood there quietly, and since he called out his husband, he had not made any movements, like a cold sword, waiting for orders.

“Disturbing order—”


Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and smiled slightly.


The man in black raised his eyes slightly, and in an instant, he disappeared in the same place.


When the Black Dragon saw this scene, he only felt a chill envelop his whole body! A mighty sword intent locked on him in an instant!


Without any hesitation, the black dragon turned his head and ran, very embarrassed! The martial corpses also retreated in an instant!


The whole platform was empty in an instant!

First the black dragon fled, but the man in black instantly chased after it, and the crowd soon heard the sound of battle not far away, and the mighty sword intent came out of the sky, as if to smash everything, but the sound of the battle was getting farther and farther away, and after those martial corpses disappeared, the figure of a man dressed in white as snow also disappeared in place.

On a high platform.

Only Su Yu was left holding a folding fan.



Two figures appeared on the high platform, and it was the two Mr. Su’s guards.

“Back off.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

The two nodded, and the figure flickered, and then disappeared in an instant.


Su Yu looked at the people in the audience, smiled slightly, sat back down at the table, and took a sip of tea.

Below the mixed-up generation: “…”

There was silence.

Just that moment! Say fast is not fast, say slow is not slow! From the black dragon shot, to the five-clawed golden dragon shadow behind Mr. Su, the shadow of the golden dragon emerged, covering the sky and the sun, shocking the whole audience for only a few seconds! When the martial corpse appeared, the black dragon was about to strike, but the mighty sword intent came out of the sky, shocking the black dragon and injuring the black dragon, and it was only ten seconds!

The time this happened! Not even a few minutes!

However, the information contained in it made the brains of the mixed word generation present not turn around at once!

Whether it’s a mixed-up generation, a KO list master, a student.

Or Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, Knife Crazy Knife Ghost, Broken Intestine Man and others!

Almost everyone was shocked! I don’t know how long it took.

The crowd gradually eased up.


“Let’s listen to the book honestly.”

One of the jerks said tremblingly to the other.

They were new here, and had just jumped out of Su Yu’s pit many times, and consulted with the people next to them to kidnap Su Yu.

As the crowd eases over God!

The mixed word generation below instantly boiled!

“I just…… What do you see?! ”

“A five-clawed golden dragon appeared behind Mr. Su?”

“Mr. Su actually repelled the Black Dragon and fought with the Black Dragon?!”

“What is Mr. Su’s trick?” How can it be so terrible? ”

Offstage, countless mixed characters were boiling, discussing what had just happened, and their eyes looked at Su Yu on the stage with shocked eyes, a look of disbelief!

“The Black Dragon is the fifth in the gold list!” Mr. Su is actually comparable to him, how strong is Mr. Su? ”

“It was so shocking, the last time Mr. Su repelled Rex, I thought that Mr. Su should be 15,000 combat power index, but I didn’t expect that he was not even afraid of the black dragon!”

“Or…… Even stronger than the final boss of the story, Black Dragon? ”

The mixed characters discussed how strong Su Yu really was!

First shot! Easily repel Rex! Didn’t even stand up!

Second shot! Behind him, a five-clawed golden dragon emerged, as if the true god of the world, a palm of fist, shocking the whole audience! Fight off the Black Dragon!

Two shots! Every time it reveals a trace of strength!

But no has ever seen Su Yu……… Boom! Of course!

It’s not just Su Yu that’s shocking below!

The appearance of the man in black was even more shocking!

“What is the origin of the guard next to Mr. Su that allows the Black Dragon to escape without hesitation?”

“I feel like he should be on the gold list, why doesn’t the gold list rank him?”

“What the hell is he?” Just now I saw the shadow of the giant sword, I thought I saw a martial arts novel! What a lonely and defeated, the wind is clear, and such a master of sword intent has appeared! ”

The were shocked by what had just happened on the stage, one after another! Even if it is a single proposal, it will shock the mixed word generation below!

Black Dragon Gold List, No. 5! But obviously!

It wasn’t necessarily Mr. Su on the stage, and the opponent of his two guards! Have no bottom!


The knife ghost pulled the corner of the knife crazy clothes 0.” Just Mr. Su’s move……”

She looked shocked.

Dao Mad’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Is it…… The Descending Dragon Eighteen Palms that have long been lost in the martial arts world? ”

The knife demon was shocked: “But hasn’t that been lost for hundreds of years?” Since Zhang Wuji disappeared, the inheritance of the Gang of Servants has also been broken, and this legendary move should not have been broken long ago? ”

Both of them were shocked, those mixed characters shocked Mr. Su on the stage, it was the five-clawed golden dragon that appeared behind Mr. Su, but she was different from the sword madness, the two had been mixed in the martial arts world for many years, and had seen countless records of martial arts, and in that real record, there were legends of those characters who had legendary experiences, martial arts moves, and the two of them also happened to record the detailed records of the eighteen palms of the dragon!

Consistent with the way Su Yu just struck! Why………

This Mr. Sue………

How could he understand the martial arts mastery that had long been lost in the martial arts world? Moreover!

Being able to know what has happened in Wulin, the characters who have appeared, and even countless secrets, can predict the future.

This Mr. Sue.

Who the hell is that?

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