Chapter Ninety-Six Mr. Su, Will You Know Who the Ultimate Tekker Is? 【2 more】!!

When they first listened, the four Dongcheng Wei people did not react but with Wang Dadong’s detailed description!


An extremely terrifying thought came to the minds of the four of them! Final…

Iron Man!

According to what Wang Dadong described, what Mr. Nasu mentioned was the ultimate Iron Man of Iron Time and Space! At the same time, it is also a savior from the universe, which can drive ‘that’ to play the electrodeless electric sound, resounding through twelve time and space, and correcting the chaos! Other words!

In Mr. Nasu’s story, Wang Dadong is also in that dark moment in the future they think it is.

Iron Time and Space will give birth to the ultimate Iron Man!

However, the entire Iron Time and Space has been around for countless years, and there has never been an Ultimate Iron Man!

This……… How can it be?


“Can you tell us more about it…”

“The story that Mr. Su told?”

Xiu said.

He wanted to hear all the stories that Mr. Nasu had said, and perhaps he could find some answers from them.

Wang Dadong listened, although he did not understand, but still honestly told the story told after Su Yu appeared, including the content of the gold list………


“Light rain, Rex, did you find out?”

Wang Arthur sent a voice into the secret: “After Dongcheng Wei heard the passage mentioned by the megalomaniac, something was wrong. ”

All three of them found out that something was wrong with Dongcheng Wei! especially

When Wang Dadong finished saying that!

Dongchengwei’s expression seemed to be very shocked.

“It’s not just Dongchengwei.”

Ding Xiaoyu looked ahead, and his mind was reminiscing: “When I was talking about the book cabinet——”

“After Mr. Su finished saying that…”

“It’s also very shocking.”

Ding Xiaoyu observed very carefully.

“I also observed it, but I didn’t think of anything at that time, but now I think about it with Dongchengwei’s reaction…”

Rex said in a voice.

The three of them glanced at each other, as if they had already thought of something.

“Dongchengwei’s identity is not simple……”

King Arthur spoke.

“The identity of the Golden Pen Guest is not simple……”

Ding Xiaoyu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Other words

That description that Mr. Su said! The sleeping identity, the vanishing thing, it seems to be understood on a higher level! And this also means that the identity is not simple!

What is it?

Wang Dadong also finished telling Su Yu the story and the golden list with Xiu.

After listening.

Xiu and the others’ expressions became more and more solemn, especially when they heard that when Mr. Nasu mentioned the Immortal God, the heavens and earth suddenly changed color, and there was content about the Golden List behind it, of course……… There are also some key pieces of information that Xiu and others have captured.

“Dadong, we know, thank you.”

Xiu said seriously.


“We need to digest it.”

“After we digest it, we will help you and your friends improve the combat strength index.”

He had something to say to Wang Dadong, but now Xiu’s brain was a little confused, “Good.” ”

Wang Dadong didn’t think much of it, just after he finished telling the story, it was equivalent to re-sorting it out, and now he was just able to go back to digest and digest, find the core of these stories, and use the information given by this story and the future he knew to deal with the final battle of this great war of good and evil!

Wait until Wang Dadong leaves.

The four of them looked at each other.

“Golden space-time……”

“There is such a person.”

Repair the deep voice opening.

“This Mr. Sue…”

“Who the hell is that?”

His brow furrowed.

“Being able to predict the future…”

“I can’t believe it.”

Even now, Meditation couldn’t quite believe it.

But the question is

The facts of Wang Dadong are in front of us.


Hugh shook his head.

“This Mr. Sue’s best…”

“It’s not that he can predict the future, it’s the story of the future he tells, the information contained in the predicted future.”

“Just according to Dadong’s description – his voice paused.”

“That is to say, every time Mr. Nasu mentions the Immortals, he causes fluctuations in time and space and a brief confusion in the order of time and space.”


“He must have known something about the secrets of the Golden Space.”

According to what Wang Dadong described!

It is not difficult to analyze

It was when Mr. Nasu mentioned the Immortal God that the whole time and space fluctuated!

That is to say, the two words spoken by Mr. Su disturbed the order of golden time and space! But these two words under the heavens have said many people, why does this Mr. Su mention it will lead to the chaos of the order of the golden time and space?

That’s naturally because…

He really knows there is information about it all! Other words

Immortals! Probably really exists!

And the only one who knows him!

It may be Mr. Su, and the golden pen guest who appears in the fourth story! And Mr. Su’s level is even higher than that golden writer!


“Fix what you mean by 0.”

Jie opened his mouth and said, what came to mind.

“That’s right.”

Hugh nodded.

“You should have heard a key message just mentioned by Dadong, Mr. Su once said that what he said was only the first chapter of this magnificent epic chapter of twelve time and space, and in that different chapter, in other time and space, there are countless figures, countless heroes, and countless characters, all fighting against the darkness of the demon world.”

“The golden space-time he is talking about is only part of it.”


Xiu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“His story may even involve iron space-time.”

“And he just described that…”

The meaning is self-evident! If it comes to iron space-time!

Then his description is describing the ultimate Iron Man!

“Hugh, do you really believe that?”

Stirrups are still hard to believe.

“I don’t believe it.”

Hugh shook his head.

“Even if what Dadong says, there will still be deviations, and there is no need for us to believe it until it is confirmed.”


“The situation here needs to be reported to the allies.”

“The situation in the golden time and space may change greatly with the appearance of this Mr. Su.”


“If I’m not mistaken.”

“That Mr. Su ended the story in the first chapter, the golden space-time good and evil war ended, and the next chapter is most likely our iron space-time.”

Although what Wang Dadong said was very true, Ke Xiu and others were Dongcheng Wei, and they shouldered many responsibilities, and it was impossible to easily believe the so-called predicted future, before everything was confirmed! All of it is vain!

As for how to confirm it.

Xiu et al……….

The answer has not been found yet.

But now

They must give the message here to the Allies! Especially!

This Mr. Sue………

Most likely, the next chapter tells about Iron Space-Time! Will it be told?

Is it true? Hugh didn’t know.

But he preferred to believe that it was true, and if that Mr. Su could have known of the birth of the Ultimate Ironman, then… Does he know who the ultimate Iron Man will be?

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